Vocabulary Unit 3R

1.allot (v) to assign or distribute in shares or portions

SYN: apportion

ANT: retain

The teacher allotted books and supplies to each student on the first day of school.

2.amass (v) to bring together, collect, gather, especially for oneself; to come together, assemble

SYN: accumulate

ANT: squander

A prudent investor can amass a fortune in the stock market over the long run.

3.audacious (adj) bold, adventurous, recklessly daring

SYN: brave

ANT: cowardly

The audience cheered the audacious feats of the trapeze artist.

4.comply (v) to yield to a request or command

SYN: obey

ANT: refuse

Employees who fail to comply with a company’s rules may lose their jobs.

5.devoid (adj) not having or using, lacking

SYN: wanting

ANT: full

The old well on my grandparents’ property has long been devoid of water.

6.elite (n) the choice part of a group of people or things;

(adj) superior

SYN: (n) cream of the crop

ANT: (n) underprivileged

Each year, the social elite of the community sponsors several events to benefit local charities.

7.grapple (n) an iron hook used to grab and hold;

(v) to come to grips with, wrestle or fight with

SYN: (v) confront

Store employees grappled with the thieves and held them until the police arrived.

8.incapacitate (v) to deprive of strength or ability; to make legally ineligible

SYN: disable

ANT: rehabilitate

In the 1940s and 1950s, polio incapacitated many thousands of people each year all over the world.

9.instigate (v) to urge on; to stir up, provoke, start, incite

SYN: initiate

ANT: stop

Several demonstrators in the angry crowd did their best to instigate a riot.

10.longevity (n) long life, long duration, length of life

SYN: durability

ANT: brevity

The sea turtle is known for its longevity.

11.myriad (adj) in very great numbers; (n) a very great number

SYN: (adj) countless

ANT: (adj) few

You will find information on a myriad of subjects on the Internet.

12.perspective (n) a point of view or general standpoint from which different things are viewed, physically or

mentally; the appearance to the eye of various objects at a given time, place or distance

SYN: viewpoint

The designs for the children’s playhouse were drawn to scale and in the right perspective.

13.perturb (v) to trouble, make uneasy; to disturb greatly; to throw into confusion

SYN: agitate

ANT: delight

The rude and disruptive behavior of several party guests perturbed the host and hostess.

14.prodigious (adj) immense; extraordinary in bulk, size or degree

SYN: tremendous

ANT: minuscule

Few intellects have rivaled the prodigious mind of Albert Einstein.

15.relevant (adj) connected with or related to the matter at hand

SYN: pertinent

ANT: unconnected

I found several Web sites that provided information relevant to the topic on my research paper.

16.skittish (adj) extremely nervous and easily frightened; shy or timid; extremely cautious; unstable,


SYN: jumpy

ANT: bold

Only an experienced and confident rider should mount a skittish horse.

17.tether (n) a rope or chain used to fasten something to a fixed object; the outer limit of strength or


(v)  to fasten with a rope or chain

SYN: (v) tie up

ANT: (v) untie

Before the storm, I tethered the boat securely to the dock.

18.unison (n) a sounding together; agreement or accord

SYN: harmony

ANT: discord

The members of our new student orchestra need to practice playing in unison.

19.vie (v) to compete; to strive for victory or superiority

SYN: contend

Many actors vied for the leading role in the famous director’s new film.

20.willful (adj) stubbornly self-willed; done on purpose, deliberate

SYN: obstinate

ANT: obedient

After lengthy deliberations, the jury found the defendant guilty of willful murder.