/ GI-05E
Group information
Air Quality Permit Program
Doc Type: Permit Application

Instructions on page 2

1a)AQ Facility ID number: / 1b) Agency Interest ID number:
2)Facility name:

To complete this form, you will need the AQ SI details report labeled Component Group (Members). Any modifications or changes to the method of operation at the facility that are not currently reflected in the permit, must also be described on form CH-01.

3)Fill in a row in the table below for each new or modified group in your permit, or check the box below. A “group” is most often used when a limit is applied to several items (such as a fuel usage limit that applies to two or more boilers combined), or when several items are individually subject to identical requirements.

Check this box if all changes can be described by marking up a copy of your permit and you are including a marked-up copy with your application. Include this form with your application.

a) / b) / c)
Group ID / Title or description of group / Group member IDs
Instructions for defining new groups

All fields as directed by the form are mandatory except the Agency Interest Identification(ID)number (if unknown). If you submit your application with blank mandatory fields or without mandatory attachments, it will be deemed incomplete and returned.

1a)AQ Facility ID number -- Fill in your Air Quality (AQ) FacilityID number. This is the first eight digits of the permit number for all permits issued under the operating permit program. If you don’t know this number, leave this line blank.

1b)Agency Interest ID number -- Fill in your Agency Interest ID number. This is an ID number assigned to your facility through the Tempo database. If you don’t know this number, leave this line blank.

2)Facility name -- Enter the facility name.

3)Fill in the table according to the instructions below or check the box if you are providing a marked-up copy of your permit with your application.

a)Group ID number -- Assign a Group ID number to each additional group you wish to define. Number the groups sequentially beginning with 001 or the next number after the last one currently listed in your permit (e.g., if the last group on the list is 004, begin with 005). Do not reuse group numbers. This ID number is unique to this group and must be used consistently throughout the application. Indicate if your group IDs are from Delta or Tempo by including “GP” or “COMG” before the number, respectively. Use the Tempo designations (COMGxxx) if those are known.

b)Title or description of group -- Provide a title for or description of the group you wish to define. This would be the title or name that will be displayed in your Part 70 permit to define the group.

c)Group member IDs – List the items you want included in this group. Use the appropriate Tempo ID numbers from previous forms (STRUxxx, EQUIxxx, TREAxxx, FUGIxxx) if known. Otherwise, you may use Delta ID numbers.

For each new group that you define, you must make sure that applicable requirements for the group are reflected in the Compliance plan (form CD-01).

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