Genoa-Hugo School District C-113

220 West 7th Street

Regular Meeting Board of Education

Immediately following the Special Board Meeting at 6:00 P.M.

November 16th , 2015

1.  CALL TO ORDER – The Regular Meeting of the Genoa-Hugo School District C-113 was called to order at 6:30 P.M. Monday, November 16th , 2015.


3. ROLL CALL – Members Present:

Boger -present

Graham -present

Kraxberger -present All Present

Lockhart -present

Ravenkamp -present

4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Approve the agenda as presented.

Due to the weather Tim Mayberry was not able to attend the meeting. The board will break in the agenda at 7:00 to do a conference call so that he can review the draft audit with the board.

MOTION: by Ravenkamp. Approve the agenda as presented. Second Lockhart. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

5.  APPROVAL OF MINTUES- approval of the October 19th, 2015 regular Board Meeting minutes.

MOTION: by Ravenkamp. Approve the October 19th, 2015 regular Board Meeting minutes. Second By

Kraxberger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye


Kara Emmerling, Shari Humphrey, Will Bublitz, Tim Mayberry via phone 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Reeves reviewed the report that was sent by Quintin Rockwell. The grouting compaction has started on the wall.

On Friday and Saturday they pumped 12 yards into the 6 holes located down below. This week they will drill 8 holes

On the various tiers of the wall and 18 on the top parking lot area. They hope to finish Friday or Saturday due to

Possible delays with the weather. The engineers felt that the compaction work will fix the problems. The

recommendation is to wait until spring to do the surface work to make sure that the grouting will work. The work that

Hayward Baker is doing will be paid out of the Best funds still available. The district will receive approximately 39%

of the remaining funds will be around the $200,000 range. The work done this spring will be paid from those funds.


8.01 Tim Mayberry will give a report on the most recent audit

A conference call was placed to Tim @ 7:00 p.m. He reviewed the audit, focusing on the new reporting requirements

for the PERA liabilities that the district has to now account for.

Over all the district is in good shape with the beginning fund balance providing 9 months of operating revenue. Tim

felt this was sufficient to carry the district until 2016 tax revenues start to come in starting February and March.


#9:01 –October Expenditures and Transfer of Funds


·  Approve October expenditures of $230,011.03 and transfer of funds.


Motion to Approve October expenditures of $230,011.03 Transfer of funds.

MOTION: by Lockhart. To Approve the October expenditures of $230,011.03 and Transfer of funds. Second by Kraxberger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#9:02 –Approve Superintendent Frank Reeves to certify the mill levies


·  See Attached

·  Mill Levies will be approximately 17.85 (down 5) for the total program funding, .75 (down .15) for categoricals and 3.96 (down 1.47) for building bond. That total is 22.56 (approximately).

·  We will get final numbers from the state by the end of the month.


Motion to approve Superintendent Frank Reeves to certify mill levies for Genoa-Hugo School District C-113.

MOTION: by Kraxberger. To approve Superintendent Frank Reeves to certify mill lievies for Genoa-Hugo School District C-113. Second by Boger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#9:03 –Approve Contract for Penny Wilkins- part-Time Custodian


·  Penny will work approximately 20 hours per week.


Motion to approve Contract for Penny Wilkins as Part-time Custodian.

MOTION: by Boger. To approve Contract for Penny Wilkins as Part-time Custodian. Second by Kraxberger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#9:04 –Approve Snow Day on November 11th, 2015


·  Now that we are back on a regular calendar, we currently have plenty of time in our calendar for a few snow days before we would have to worry about making up time.


Motion to approve the Snow Day on November 11th, 2015.

MOTION: by Kraxberger. To approve the Snow Day on November 11, 2015. Second by Lockhart . Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye

#9:05 –Approve the 3rd Reading of Policies IKA, IKA-R and GBGG


·  Unless we have changes that require me to follow up on with CASB or legal, we need to get these passed as we need to publish information to parents on testing dates and opt out.


Motion to approve the 3rd reading of Policies IKA, IKA-R and GBGG.

MOTION: by Ravenkamp. To approve the 3rd reading of Policies IKA, IKA-R and GBGG. Second by Boger. Vote.

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye


#10.01Principal’s Report-

·  Mrs. Humphrey will report on the schools.

Mrs. Humphrey reported that Student Council participated in Red Ribbon Week and the teachers felt it went very

well. The FFA had a Fall Carnival and it was very successful. Tonight the FFA is hosting their speaking contest

with several students participating. Middle & High School Knowledge Bowl teams have been very busy

competing. The Speech teem recently attended the Limon Mini Meet. Mrs. Covington has been very busy with

lots of college visit away as well as having representative coming to the school. This week she administered the

ASVAB to the sophomores. MCC registration will be this week. Last week she offered a financial aid night for all

juniors and seniors students and parents. The Veterans Program was performed today as a result of last week’s

snow day. It was attended by many veterans. A thank was extended to Mary Jo Ravenkamp who spends a great

deal of time putting all of the program together.

·  Mrs. Humphrey will report on the release of PARCC Scores

Mrs. Humphrey reported that the state overall results are the only information that has been released. They do

have some new reporting categories for the results. She shared that the older grades show a trend of low

participation in the testing as a result of students opting out of the test. Student individual results are under an

embargo until December 11th at which time they be released.

Mr. Reeves shared some concerns on how accurate the data will really be.

#9.02 Superintendents Report


A.  Superintendent Evaluation Timeline

Mr. Reeves reminded the board that he will give them his evaluation form in December; they will review it in January and negotiate his contract in February.

B.  Technology Update

Mr. Reeves has purchased some new student tablets that are different than what they had been getting. He was impressed with them and felt they were much more student durable.

C.  Governor’s Budget Proposal

The latest budget shows the negative factor increasing by $50 million. This will not directly impact the district. The Tabor laws are causing the spending restrictions for the government. The superintendents are working on trying to get information out that Tabor needs to be reformed.

D.  Colorado Superintendents letter to Governor and JBC

Mr. Reeves was one of several superintendents that signed a letter requesting that any additional monies be used to help spend down the negative factor.

E.  Law Books

CDE has provided a law book for each of the board members.

F.  Grassroots Video Project

Mr. Reeves reported that the project has died due to lack of participation and funding. The district will not be contributing to the project.

G.  Upcoming Legislative Visit

Mr. Reeves reported that yesterday afternoon late he received word that the visit scheduled for

Thursday has been cancelled. They still have one scheduled for December for the teachers to

meet briefly.

H.  Mrs. Higgins testimony to committee about Claire Davis Act

Mr. Reeves reported that Imogene did a great job of presenting to the committee.

#10.03 Board Reports


·  Julia attended a conference on Technology in early November

Julia reported that she attended a 2 day conference in Denver regarding increasing Computer Science classes being taught in school. She will meet again in January with this group to see how progress is coming, she would like to have some students attend with her if possible.

·  Other

11.0 Discussion Items

#11.01 Next Regular Board Meeting


December 14th , 2015 at 6:00 p.m. is the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.

#11.02 Board Items


·  Boger- Will have information from the CASB convention & BOCES meeting

·  Graham- None

·  Kraxberger- Accountability any projects for them? Mascots on the wall in the gym

·  Lockhart-None

·  Ravenkamp- None


MOTION: By Kraxberger. Motion to adjourn. Second by Boger. Vote. The time being 7:55 p.m

Boger -aye

Graham -aye

Kraxberger -aye Motion Carried

Lockhart -aye

Ravenkamp -aye