March 18 2014 at 6:30 p.m.


COUNCIL: Darrel Thomas, President

Keith Berry, Vice President

Roger Deck

Dave Fuhrman

Larry Parker

Phillip Gick

Gene Beck

ATTORNEY: Trudy Selvia

AUDITOR: Evelyn Williams, Deputy Auditor


AUDIENCE: 8 members

The County Council met in regular session on March 18, 2014 at

6:30 p.m. at the Putnam County Courthouse. Darrell Thomas opened the meeting and the pledge to the flag was given.


Sheriff Steve Fenwick asked the Council to replace two part-time employees.

Phil Gick made a motion to approve the request and Dave Fuhrman seconded. The motion carried.


Kathleen Van Arsdale requested to replace one part-time employee. Keith Berry made a motion to approve the request and Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried.


Ty Sutherlin informed the council that there ar4e horses being starved. He has reported this to the Sheriff, Prosceutor, and Commissioners and nothing has been done. One horse has been lost, two are about to die.

Gene Beck asked if the people live there? Ty said no they live in Croawfordsville. Ty also advised that there is a feeding order for Indiana and the owners are not following it.

Larry Parker asked Trudy Selvia, Council Attorney, what if anything they could do? Trudy said not sure. They referred to Jim Ensley, Commissioner Attorney. A brief discussion was held with Selvia, Fenwick, Sutherlin, and Ensley.

Mr. Sutherlin also asked who wrote the animal ordinance? He would like to see some word changing in some of the phrasing.

Another issue Mr. Sutherlin questioned was when Steve Fenwick became sheriff was there some animal control personnel? Are the no longer there?

Sheriff Fenwick responded that he had created the Animal Control and the funding had since ran out.


Joni Young requesting the ability to accept Medicaid and Medicare payments. It will not cost the County anything. The application fee of $542.00 will be paid form funds that the Health Department already has.

Trudy Selvia asked who will do all this paperwork and what happens if the (Medicaid) comes back and says they didn’t qualify and owe them money?

Joni said that she has been researching programs that track the Medicaid patients.

Dave Fuhrman made a motion to approve the request and Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried.


Gene Beck made a motion to appoint Nancy Zennie to the Library Board. Phil Gick seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Nicole Christlieb informed the Council that as of February 4, 20147 the Housing Authority was only able to issue vouchers to Greencastle and Fillmore. Otherwise they have to go through the State. The state closes their list constantly and makes it very difficult for family’s to find housing.

Nicole is asking that the County create a resolution to create its own housing authority. (Nicole brought a handout to show steps and process to create a resolution).

Roger Deck made a motion to proceed and hold the Public Hearing before the regular Council meeting in April. Dave Fuhrman seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Jim Ensley informed the Commissioners that three to four years ago a contract was drawn up with Jon Tesmer for the County Website.

Jim talked with Mr. Tesmer and he will set up thirty five portals for thirty five different offices and train them, for a cost of $3,500.00. The annual hosting fee will be $150.00.

Discussion was held, no decision can be made until the additional has been advertised.


Jim Ensley informed the Council that trying to find anything in the Ordinance book is the most frustrating thing, nearly impossible to find anything.

American Legal Publishing spoke with him in October 2013, they will take all the Ordinances make sure they are legal, itemize them into one book, and cross reference etc. for $15,000.00. They will allow us to be billed over a three year period.

Jim Ensley just wanted to let the Council know that it was brought before the Commissioners.


Trudy Selvia advised the Council that Judge Headley asked her to mention that they are now required to have an emergency plan.


J.R. Scott gave an update on the runway project, in February short $13,191.00 and as of now $9,000.00 short.

MINUTES 2-18-2014

Minutes from 2-18-2014 were approved on a motion made by Gene Beck and seconded by Roger Deck. The motion carried.


Dave Fuhrman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Keith Berry seconded the motion. The motion carried.


Darrel Thomas, President Keith Berry, Vice President


Roger Deck Dave Fuhrman


Larry Parker Phillip Gick


Gene Beck Attest: Auditor’s Office