THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 5, 2000 in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present: Bobby Moore, Chair

Michael Livingston

Dr. Jim Sims

Ross Streater

Bill Thacker

Staff members present: Chris Wease, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

James Bennett, Human Resource

Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer

Chairman Moore called the meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Reverend Charles E. Sturdivant, Meltonville Missionary Baptist Church, delivered the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Motion by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Sims, to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing; Motion by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to open the public hearing. Commissioner Sims mentioned that Gentry Mills has a plant in Stanly and Anson counties and asked if anyone knew anything about Etela, Inc. County Attorney Bower thinks it is the company owning the land where Gentry Mills is located. Commissioner Sims also asked if someone could clarify what the issuance of county industrial bonds and pollution control financing refers to. County Attorney Bower stated that when the legislature set up this mechanism a number of years ago, it included a variety of industrial uses which counties could approve and bonds could be issued. The county has no direct responsibility for the repayment of the bonds and it is more of a mechanism to get a good interest rate and the pollution control is just part of the broad types of things the bonds can be issued for. It is not necessarily that the bonds are issued for pollution control but its for industrial development and building. Commissioner Sims asked that the fact that the word pollution is included does not mean there will be an industry in Anson County that we should be concerned about having pollution problems. County Attorney Bower answered no. County Manager Wease mentioned that the Anson County facility would be a warehouse distribution center. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Moore announced we were now in the public hearing and asked if anyone wanted to comment on the matter. Richard Pinkston asked the location of the facility with Commissioner Livingston answering it was on highway 52 south in the old Dawson plant. Commissioner Sims inquired as to the number of employees they might have with County Manager Wease answering he thinks they will start with about forty. If they open phase two, they will increase to around seventy employees. Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Livingston, to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Livingston, to approve the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


WHEREAS, The Stanly county Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority has determined to issue not exceeding $4,500,000 aggregate principal amount of its qualified small issue industrial revenue bonds to pay all or a portion of the costs of the Project to be located in Stanly County and Anson County, North Carolina, to be owned and operated by the Company, the interest on said bonds to be excludable from gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation by virtue of the provisions of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any successor thereto; and

WHEREAS, The Stanly County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control financing Authority intends to file an application for approval of the Project with the Secretary of the Department of Commerce (the “DOC”), as required by the Act; and

WHEREAS, NCGS 159C-10, provides that a project may be located in more than one county if the governing body of the County in which an incidental or functionally appurtenant portion of the project is located has approved and consented to the issue of revenue bonds and approved the proposed project; and

WHEREAS, the Project will be located within Stanly County and an additional portion of incidental or functionally appurtenant facilities will be located in Anson County; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, has considered the Company’s request for the proposed qualified small issue industrial revenue bond issue and the Project and has considered the comments of persons who requested to be heard; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners desired to approve and consent to The Stanly County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority’s issuance of the qualified small issue industrial revenue bonds and approve the Project.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Anson:

(1)  The issuance of qualified small issue industrial revenue bonds by The Stanly County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $4,500,000 to finance the Project is hereby approved and consented to.

(2)  The Project is hereby approved.

(3)  The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide a certified copy of this resolution to the DOC.

(4)  This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage.

Commissioner Livingston moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and the resolution was passed by the following vote:

Ayes: Chairman Moore, Commissioner Livingston, Commissioner Sims, Commissioner Streater and Commissioner Thacker

Nays: None

Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Thacker, to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Livingston inquired about position changes at the Sheriff’s department. County Manager Wease offered that they have a deputy one and a deputy two that are currently acting in the role of sergeant and we need to change the title in our database. Somewhere in the history of that department, they started with four sergeants, one for each shift, and somehow we put a deputy one and a deputy two in that position and never brought them up to the sergeant’s title. As a result of turnover and lack of communication between the two departments, we need to reinstate them to the sergeant position. County Manager Wease noted that in the last couple of fiscal years we only had two sergeants on the list of positions for that department. This will be to take a deputy one position and a deputy two position and make them sergeant positions, which will put them in a different grade for salary. This will have a minimal impact on their budget. Commissioner Sims referred to personnel policy changes, asking if the code of conduct was entirely new or a revision. County Manager Wease explained this was entirely new. Essentially we have adopted similar documents for code of conduct and drug free workplace policies under our CDBG grants but we have never incorporated them into the personnel ordinance. In talking with the auditors this year, they’ve asked to see these documents and this is an opportunity to integrate them as policy. Commissioner Sims referred to the economic development report and congratulated the Chamber of Commerce on their excellent work in economic development. He also feels the Board of Commissioners has worked diligently to support economic development and bring in new industry. Commissioner Sims made reference to a letter sent to various Chamber members and the article under round table discussion. It gave an indication that perhaps the Commissioners were not doing all they could for economic development. He feels there is a communication gap between the Chamber and the Commissioners as they are both working extremely hard at the same thing. Commissioner Sims would like to have a letter addressing the comments under round table discussion sent to Chamber members, clarifying the situation. Commissioner Sims feels Mr. Leary should be a facilitator between the two groups. Commissioner Thacker asked if the position changes in the Sheriff’s department would come within their current budget. County Manager Wease answered they have a budget of $625,000 for personnel and each of these two positions would be about a $2500 change. He feels that overall, with lapse salaries, this should be a relatively insignificant impact to their budget. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of August 1, 15 and 22, 2000.

Tax Releases: Approved the following releases:

Vehicle Tax Releases
Barber, Anthony / 1999 / 32.40 / Proration
Bennett, Priscilla / 1999 / 134.05 / Proration
Bowman, Quentin E / 1999 / 65.29 / Situs
Carolina-Anson Health Care / 1999 / 106.17 / Exempt
Carpenter, Joe Frank / 1999 / 33.55 / Proration
Coleman, Freddie / 1999 / 143.33 / Proration
Cummings, Charles / 1999 / 67.30 / Proration
Davis, Danny Norton / 1999 / 5.28 / Value
Davis, Richie Dale / 1999 / 30.43 / Situs
Ellerbe, Brian Keith / 1999 / 30.53 / Value
Flinchum, Martha & Bert / 1999 / 69.41 / Proration
Hannah, Lorraine Lewis / 1999 / 39.70 / Double Billed
Harrington, Johnny Frank Jr / 1999 / 20.84 / Situs
Hatcher, Allyne / 1999 / 30.06 / Value
Headley, Cameron / 1999 / 18.68 / Proration
Kelly, Tonya Vess / 1999 / 40.60 / Proration
Livingston, Jamie H / 1999 / 11.00 / Value
Lockhart, John Barry / 1999 / 23.60 / Value
Marsh, Tamela T / 1999 / 168.57 / Situs
Marshall, Carla Michelle / 1999 / 42.60 / Proration
Martin, Larry Steve / 1999 / 2.40 / Situs
McCray, Howard / 1999 / 48.94 / Proration
Melton, Barbara / 1999 / 24.54 / Situs
Melton, Jermaine / 1999 / 60.50 / Proration
Mosian, Paul Alfread / 1999 / 4.70 / Proration
Nance, Charles / 1999 / 7.84 / Value
Owens, Robbie Gene / 1999 / 12.13 / Situs
Owens, Robbie Gene / 1999 / 38.31 / Situs
Phillips, Steven W / 1999 / 79.10 / Proration
Seigler, William Wyatt / 1999 / 51.84 / Situs
Simon, Monica / 1999 / 115.78 / Situs
Taylor, Winfred Eugene / 1999 / 41.50 / Value
Thomas, Joseph Franklin Jr / 1999 / 16.88 / Value
Tyson, J Micah / 1999 / 22.41 / Proration
Warren, Dennis Deon / 1999 / 52.38 / Proration
****** TOTAL ****** / $1,692.64
Vehicle Tax Adjustments
Bowman, Quentin E / 1999 / 6.60 / Situs
Carter, Alice Brower / 1999 / 2.56 / Situs
Carter, Alice Brower / 1998 / 2.88 / Situs
First Union National Bank / 1999 / 12.59 / Situs
Harrington, Johnny Frank Jr / 1999 / 2.12 / Situs
Martin, Larry Steve / 1999 / 0.25 / Situs
Owens, Robbie Gene / 1999 / 1.41 / Situs
Owens, Robbie Gene / 1999 / 4.48 / Situs
Seigler, William Wyatt / 1999 / 4.80 / Situs
****** TOTAL ****** / $37.69
Vehicle Tax Refunds
Baker, Deloris / 1999 / 40.60 / Proration
Brown, Phyllis / 1999 / 2.82 / Proration
Carter, Alice Brower / 1996 / 32.45 / Situs
Carter, Alice Brower / 1997 / 30.84 / Situs
Carter, Alice Brower / 1998 / 27.89 / Situs
Carter, Alice Brower / 1999 / 22.60 / Situs
Chappell, Wanda / 1999 / 50.20 / Proration
First Union National Bank of NC / 1999 / 135.97 / Situs
Goodwin, James Marshall / 1999 / 5.46 / Proration
Harris, Richard B / 1999 / 10.89 / Proration
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 124.20 / Proration
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 124.20 / Proration
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 124.20 / Proration
Howard Lisk Inc / 1999 / 124.20 / Proration
Jones, Calvin M / 1999 / 51.59 / Proration
Little, Elaine / 1999 / 12.24 / Proration
Russell, Millard / 1999 / 27.36 / Proration
Spencer, Karen Lisa / 1999 / 9.48 / Proration
Warren, Adine / 1999 / 7.35 / Proration
Williams, Karen / 1999 / 43.08 / Proration
Williams, Richard / 1999 / 22.00 / Proration
****** TOTAL ****** / $1,029.62
Property Tax Releases
Alltel Mobile Comm / 2000 / 991.64 / Value
Bennett, U James / 2000 / 1075.08 / Mapping Error
Bennett, U James / 2000 / 34.96 / Mapping Error
Brooks, Carol & Tucker / 2000 / 116.22 / Exempt
Caudle, Jack / 1999 / 20.60 / Incorrectly Billed
Christian, Shirley / 2000 / 173.28 / Exempt
DE Lage Financial / 2000 / 44.36 / Incorrectly Billed
DE Lage Financial / 2000 / 118.29 / Incorrectly Billed
Furr, Henry / 2000 / 265.00 / Exempt
Garrison, William / 2000 / 7.99 / Situs
Harris, Charles Clifton Jr / 1999 / 25.54 / Situs
Hasenfus, Gregory W / 2000 / 18.97 / Situs
Horne, Amy Jarman / 2000 / 14.36 / Situs
Horne, Tommy / 2000 / 745.72 / Mapping Error
Huntley, Lee W / 2000 / 138.75 / Exempt
Ingram, Viola / 2000 / 225.00 / Exempt
IOS Capital Inc / 2000 / 40.31 / Incorrectly Billed
IOS Capital Inc / 2000 / 181.61 / Value
James, Nathan / 2000 / 419.95 / Value
Leamon, James / 2000 / 303.40 / Exempt
Lindsey, Sandy / 2000 / 148.64 / Exempt
Lookabill, Lee Roy / 2000 / 53.84 / Situs
Lookabill, Travis / 1999 / 46.49 / Incorrectly Billed
Marsh, Valerie / 2000 / 561.72 / Value
Martin, Randall Glenn / 2000 / 86.11 / Double Listed
Martin, Randall Glenn / 2000 / 82.80 / Double Listed
McCracken, Betty / 2000 / 572.88 / Exempt
Phillips, Thomas / 2000 / 68.20 / Double Listed
Pitney Bowes Corp / 2000 / 394.49 / Value
Poplin, David Garrett / 2000 / 41.00 / Billing Error
Revco / 2000 / 1385.77 / Value
Rhodes, James / 2000 / 312.80 / Billing Error
Shrewsbury, George / 2000 / 11.81 / Double Listed
Sturdivant, Pauline / 2000 / 159.15 / Double Listed
Sullivant, Robert / 2000 / 167.04 / Listing Error
Taylor, Edward Darrell / 2000 / 42.32 / Listing Error
Unknown / 1991 / 42.07 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1992 / 40.15 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1993 / 39.73 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1994 / 44.29 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1995 / 41.59 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1996 / 39.03 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1997 / 36.63 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1998 / 37.54 / Mapping Error
Unknown / 1999 / 32.99 / Mapping Error
What's New Video / 2000 / 37.79 / Listing Error
Wilson, Harold / 2000 / 63.48 / Mapping Error
Wilson, Harold / 2000 / 11.96 / Value
Winfree, Louis / 2000 / 204.32 / Listing Error
****** TOTAL ****** / $9,767.66

Position Changes: Changed one Deputy 1 and one Deputy 11 position at the Sheriff’s department to the position of Sergeant.