1. Assignment: / The National Lotteries Commission requires the appointment of a service provider to render CISCO Network Maintenance Services
2. Name of the responsible office: / ICT Division
3.Telephone: / 012 432 1300
4.Email: /
5. Attention: / Bongani Ubisi
6. Description of Service: / CISCO Network Maintenance Services
7.Bid No: / RFP/IT-NLC
8. Proposal Submission: / The Supply Chain Management Office,National Lotteries Commission, Block D, 333 Grosvenor Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
9. Closing Date: / 21September 2017
10. Closing Time: / 11:00 A.M

The National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has commissioned an MPLS network that interconnects Head Office in Gauteng, Hatfield and Provincial Offices (located in Polokwane, Welkom, Durban, East London, Kimberley, Cape Town and Mahikeng). The services that form part of the current MPLS network include video conferencing, VoiP PBX, applications and internet access across the network infrastructure.

NLC intends to appoint a service provider to renderspecialised Cisco Network Maintenance services.


The work to be undertaken in order to deliver a functional service to the NLC incorporates the following project activities:

2.1.Identify and quantify CISCO infrastructure across the entire NLC network. This excludes CISOC infrastructure owned by 3rd parties.

2.2.Review the CISCO infrastructure powered network environmentat head office and each of the provincial offices:

2.2.1.Optimize existing equipment configurations of CISCO infrastructure in terms of managed switches, wireless access points, VLANS and MAC address filtering.

2.2.2.Optimize network capacityon data links from each province to head office for data,voice,video, email and internet traffic in terms of QoS and related protocols

2.2.3.Optimize configuration of existing Wireless Access Controllers and associated WIFI access points at head office and provincial offices with provisioning of separate secure guest WIFI access capability.

2.2.4. Firmware and software patch upgrades across all CISCO managed switches, Wireless Access Controllers and wireless access points in mitigating potential security vulnerabilities.

2.3.Prepare network blueprint diagrams and related environment documentation for each office

2.4.Advise and propose network managementtools, which includes infrastructure monitoring and reporting.


The envisaged services and associated SLA duration are to be rendered within 3 months from the date of formal appointment.


The NLC undertakes to pay valid tax invoices in full within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice after

rendering of the required service.

  2. A Proposal shall remain valid for thirty (30) days after the closing date of the submission for proposals. A Proposal which is valid for a shorter period may be rejected by the NLC for non-responsiveness.

5.2.In exceptional circumstances, the NLC may solicit the bidder’s consent to an extension of the period of the validity of the bid. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing. A bidder that has been granted the request will neither be required nor permitted to modify the Proposal.


There is no compulsory briefing session for this bid.


The NLC will evaluate all proposals in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act. No. 5 of 2000 (PPPFA). A 3 phase evaluation criteria will be considered in evaluating the bid, being:

Phase 1: Pre-Qualification Criteria (Mandatory Requirements)

Bidders must submit all the below mentioned requirements. Bids with deviations from the requirements /conditions, will be eliminated from further consideration.

  • Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
  • Original signed standard bid documents

Phase 2: Functional/technical Evaluation

Only bidders that have met the pre-qualification criteria will be evaluated for functional evaluation. In this phase the evaluation will be based on the bidders’ responses in respect of the bid proposal (evaluated on the minimum functional specifications). Prospective bidders who score a minimum of 70 points or more will be considered for the next phase 3 (Price and BBBEE status level contributor).

Company Experience
Evidence in the form of reference letters must be included: similar projects
  1. One project within the last 3 years
  2. Two projects within the last 3 years
  3. Three projects within the last 3 years
  4. Four projects within the last 3 years
  5. Five or more projects within the last 3 years
/ 30
Members Experience
Score will be based on technical qualifications of key personnel including Project Manager and Cisco Engineers:
  1. Technical experience of the project team but none of the listed levels below.
  2. Cisco Certified Engineers CCNP Level as part of the project team 1-2 Years’ experience
  3. Cisco Engineers CCIE level as part of the project team 2-3 Years’ experience
  4. Cisco Engineers CCIE level as part of the project team. More than 3 Years’ experience
  5. Cisco Engineers CCIE level as part of the project team. More than 5 Years’ experience
/ 20
Project Plan / Methodology
MS Project Schedule/Program
  1. Work Plan or project schedule not provided;
  2. Work plan or project schedule shows estimated start and finish dates. only ;
  3. Work plan or project schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path
  4. Work plan or project schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical pathand estimated duration and logic to reach works completion; and
  5. Work plan or project schedule shows estimated start and finish dates, major milestones and critical path and estimated duration and logic to reach works completion. Work plan or project schedule also contains information on execution integration and redundancy for unforeseen delays or occurrences
/ 25
Service Level Agreement
Outline the framework on which the NLC will receive support and assistance. / 25
Total / 100%

Phase 3: The 80/20 Principle based on Price and BBBEE status level contributor.

Points will be awarded to a bidder for attaining the B-BBEE status level of contributor in accordance with the table below:

B-BBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of Points (80/20 system)
1 / 20
2 / 18
3 / 14
4 / 12
5 / 8
6 / 6
7 / 4
8 / 2
Non-Compliant contributor / 0

Other Conditions:

  • Only bidders who obtain at least 70 % under Functional/Technical Evaluation will be considered for further evaluation on phase 2.
  • Bidders are further requested to provide separate financial and technical proposals.
  • Bidders are requested to provide a clear agreement regarding joint venture/consortia. The percentage involvement of each company in the joint venture agreement should be indicated on the agreement. A trust, consortium or joint venture must submit a consolidated B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate for every separate bid.
  • Bidders are required to submit original and valid B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificates or certified copies thereof together with their bids, to substantiate their B-BBEE rating claims.
  • A person will not be awarded points for B-BBEE status level if it is indicated in the bid documents that such a bidder intends sub-contracting more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not qualify for at least the points that such a bidder qualifies for, unless the intended sub-contractor is an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract.
  • A person awarded a contract may not sub-contract more than 25% of the value of the contract to any other enterprise that does not have an equal or higher B-BBEE status level than the person concerned, unless the contract is sub-contracted to an EME that has the capability and ability to execute the sub-contract.
  • Fraudulent practices shall result in immediate disqualification
  • NLC is under no obligation to accept any bid and reserves its right not to proceed with the appointment of any service provider that responded to the invitation to submit proposals, for whatever reasons it may consider appropriate.
  1. Late Bids

Bids received late shall not be considered. A bid will be considered late if it arrived one second after 11:00am or any time thereafter. The tender (bid) box shall be locked at exactly 11:00am and bids arriving late will not be considered under any circumstances. Bidders are therefore strongly advised to ensure that bids are dispatched allowing enough time for any unforeseen events that may delay the delivery of the bid.

  1. Clarification / Enquiries

Telephonic request for clarification will not be considered. Any clarification required by a bidder regarding the meaning or interpretation of the Terms of Reference or any other aspects concerning the bid is to be requested in writing (letter, facsimile or e-mail) from the following contact persons. The bid reference number should be mentioned in all correspondence.

  1. Bid Enquiries

Name and Surname: Bongani Ubisi


Tel: 012432 1308.

  1. Technical Enquiries

Name and Surname: Wabile Motswasele


Tel: 012 432 1516.

Enquiries received will be responded to within two (2) working days of receiving the enquiry.


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