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Venture Center /

MoMSME Support Grant for Technology Entrepreneurship

Under scheme for "Support for Entrepreneurial and Management Development of SMEs through Incubators" (http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/schemes/NMCPscheme.htm )

Application of Entrepreneur/ Incubatee (Appendix 1)

1. / Applicant Information
A / Applicant (entrepreneur) name
B / Age
C / Educational Qualifications
D / Postal Address
E / Telephone/mobile
F / Fax:
G / Email:
H / Website (if any)
I / Current professional /employment status
2 / Company Information
A / Have you registered a company , give details
B / Name of applicant company/firm
C / Location from which company is operating
D / Relationship with the Business Incubator/ Host Institute
E / Company sector / Manufacturing/ Services
F / Investment in plant and machinery (For manufacturing sector)/ Investment in equipment (For services sector) / Rs ______lakhs
G / Company type: Definitions are given in http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/ssiindia/defination_msme.htm / Micro/Small/ Medium
3 / Project Information
A / Details of proposed idea/ innovation
A1 / Title of the technology/innovation
A2 / Category of technology/ innovation (specify process/ product/ new application / other)
A3 / If the idea involves use of existing intellectual property, give details of the owner of the same and arrangements of sourcing the innovation and terms of its commercialization
A4 / Specify the potential areas of application in industry/market
A5 / Specify newness/ uniqueness of the innovation (better performance/ new features/ improvements)
A6 / What is already available in market? What is the market potential? . What value it would add in market
B / Current Development Status of innovation
B1 / What is the current development status of the innovation / product or service offerings? (Whether still an idea or ready to launch).
B2 / Technology readiness level
(as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology_Readiness_Level)
B3 / Specify the time period in months required for innovation to be completely developed for field testing / ready for intended end-user?
C / Financial requirements
C1 / Do you have a business plan for taking innovation from lab to market? / Annexure 1
(attach business plan in your own format)
C2 / What level of funding is required for making innovation market ready? / Rs ______
Requested under the MoMSME scheme
C3 / Please give activity wise break-up (Activities include design/prototype development/ lab/bench scale production/professional services/hiring staff/ trials/test marketing/miscellaneous) / Annexure 2
4 / Other Related Information
A / Are there any team members/partner and mentors/guides in your innovative project. If so give name and complete contact address with phone and e-mail)
B / Information on Patents filed/granted (if any)
C / Any awards or recognition related to the innovation
D / Please include any further information that you wish to communicate to us to help us in judging your application
5 / Other
I,………………………………, here by certify that the information furnished in the application form from Item I-III is true, complete and best to my knowledge.
Date and Place: / Signature of the applicant
6 / Recommendations of the forwarding organization:
Has the application been screened and evaluated at local level. Give details.
Date and Place: / Signature of the Head of organization with seal

Annexure 2: Details of financial requirements

Project title
Goal of the project
(indicate clear end-point) / (Typically, transfer of a know-how from a technology partner, developing it further as per market needs, developing product prototypes, seeking approvals/ certification, test marketing and perhaps taking to the market.)
Estimate of overall project cost / Provide total number here and attach detailed Project Budget Sheet
Planned sources of financing
Total funds requested under MoMSME Scheme
Funds to be arranged by the entrepreneur
Percentage of project cost

Project budget sheet

Category / Basis for estimation / Expected total investment (Rs)
A+B / Amount to be arranged by entrepreneur (Rs)
A / Amount requested from MSME (Rs)
Technology transfer fee to NCL for know-how
Technical services project with NCL for equipment time/ analytical services etc
Scientific consulting services from NCL scientists
Any other costs
Business planning/ IP or technology planning services from Venture Center
Use of Venture Center infraservices listed at VentureCenter.co.in
Use of Venture Center resources (library, lab etc) listed in VentureCenter.co.in
Any other costs
Professional services including legal and IPR related costs
Equipment purchase/ hiring etc costs
Testing, analytical, certification etc charges
Hiring of consultants and other experts
Cost of office – rent and operational costs
Cost of lab/ manufacturing facility -rent and operational costs including utilities etc
Cost of materials
HR costs
Any other costs
Percentage of total project cost


1) Purpose of this program:

·  MoMSME is trying to help technology start-ups through technology business incubators (like Venture Center) by providing some financial assistance. Typically, they are expected to provide a maximum of Rs 4-8 lakhs per entrepreneur (typically, Rs 6.25 lakhs). The money shall be made available as a grant.

·  The Venture Center has signed up for this program with the primary goals of helping subsidize MSMEs in a) accessing technology and related services from technology providers (like NCL) and b) seeking business and IP/ know-how planning services and support.

2) Summary of MoMSME instructions:

·  The MSME instructions indicate the following structure. While the categories and numbers are not expected to be rigid, we expect that the overall budget will be Rs 6.25 lakhs.

·  The timelines for release of funds from MoMSME is not clear as yet. We are hoping the MoMSME will release the first batch of funds in the coming months. (March-April-May 2009)

·  The money will be routed through Venture Center.

·  Requirements from the entrepreneur:

o  The entrepreneur/ company has to invest at least 15-25% of the project cost. (15% for micro and 25% for small and medium enterprises)

o  MoMSME will require typical government reporting requirements. Receipts and documentary evidence of expenditure will be asked. Reporting will have to be done to Venture Center.

o  The company is required to sign an agreement with Venture Center for the same.

o  The company may be requested to present their case in front of a review/ monitoring committee.

o  Venture Center and MoMSME will list/publicize the company amongst grant awardee of “MoMSME Support Grant for Technology Entrepreneurship”.

o  Venture Center will list the company as its ”incubatee” and extend privileges defined for incubates which shall be announced from time to time at the VC website.