1. Meeting Information:
/ 8th Steering Committee Meeting (WP1)Organisation Responsible: / FB10 – Abruzzo Region (Italy)
Date: / 30th March 2016
Venue: / Aurum, Largo Gordone Riviera – Pescara, Italy
Meeting participants: / The participants’ list is displayed in Annex 1 of the current deliverable
Meeting agenda / Steering Committee and Coordination meeting agenda is displayed in Annex 2 of the current deliverable
The steering Committee meeting starts at 18.00
Representatives per partner / Missing partners:LB Massimiliano Angelotti, Viviane Basso
FB1 – INFOR Cinzia Bertino, Walter Goruppi
FB2 – RAV Simona Melchiorri
FB3 – ERFC Angela Abrescia
FB4 – DNR Ivo Klaić, Ivna Šuliak, Maris Arbanasin
FB5 – ISTR Antonija Babić
FB7 – AN Michela Canonico
FB8 – SIT Miguel Carrero
FB9 – MOL Angelo Primiani, Luciano Vertolo
FB10 – ABR Simona Romiti, Luciano Cera, Davide Chiola
FB11 – UNILUB Bostjan Zlak, Maja Stojaković
FB12 – UNIBEL Ivana Čavka,
FB13 – BAR Rade Stanišić, Dejan Djurdjević
FB14 – TEU Nektar Duma, Iva Hila, Arta Nikolli, Omi Arion
FB16 – UNISAR Ahmed Ahmic, Azra Ferizović, Amel Kosovac
FB17 – SPLIT Goran Kotur
FB19 – IGOU Konstantinos Grinias, Spyridon Tzafos / FB6 – APL
FB15 – MIT
FB18 – PGK
17 participating partners out of 20
LP leads the attention to 6 discussion issues
1. Budget shift procedure
2. Final conference
3. Reporting deadlines
4. Budget changes
5. Events calendar
6. Outputs approval and AOB
1. Budget shift procedure
Mr. Angelotti explains that the budget shift has been submitted after the communication of the approval of the project extension as soon the LP received the excel file needed for the change. LP commits itself to push to have the approval ASAP.
2. Final conference
SC agrees on circulate the draft agenda discussed during the coordination meeting in order to invite stakeholders to the event.
Each partner will send invitation to stakeholders and assure its participation. The venue will be Hotel Palace.
In order to finalize final project brochure, SC agrees on send draft contributes to FB4 by April 8th
3. Reporting deadlines
Next mandatory deadline is April 30th, 2016.
SC agrees on an internal deadline to send activities report to Informest and Lead Partner by 20th April in order to allow the LP to produce a detailed Project Progress Report.
According to programme rules the activities carried on by June and relative expenses have to be paid end of July. Last AR should be sent by 15th August 2016.
SC agrees on send a specific request to JTS to extend the deadlines for submitting the final activity reports considering the problems faced with:
· VAT spilt payment (Italian partners)
· delays with certification (FB3 - ERFC) FLC can certificate just after 30th of June
· office closures and getting signatures of legal representatives during summer months
Proposal1: Payment end of August, AR 30 September
Proposal2: Payment end of September, AR 15 October
4. Additional budget changes
The SC agrees to submit another budget change once the budget shift will be approved. Partners not involved in the request of budget shift (still under approval by JTS) have to send the requests to LB by April 4th.
Another budget change will be asked final May/beginning of June.
5. Events calendar
Partners confirm that this will be the calendar of the next events to be organize before the ending of the project.
FB4 Dubrovnik Open day and regional conference
FB6 Levante Open day
FB14 Teuleda Regional conference
FB15 AlMinistry Regional conference
FB17 Split Open day
11th , Dubrovnik Final conference (public event)
FB8 Sistemi Open day and regional conference
FB18 Primorje Open day
FB9 Molise Open day
FB5 Istria Open day
6. OUTPUTS approval & AOB
The SC approves officially all the outputs of WP5 uploaded in intranet section of the website.
Next outputs will be approved during the next SCM in Dubrovnik and if necessary, by the SC via written procedure.
Application for Reimbursement will be submitted after the approval of last report of Teuleda (FB14 has problem with requiring of integration for expenditures. Euro 24.000 certified and euro 25.000 waiting for integration)
Partners are invited to be aware about reports waiting for integration checking frequently the “notifications” section in MIS.
The SC meeting ends at 18.30.
The project is co-funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance