Tanran Reiki Retreat Registration

Great that you will be joining us for the Tanran Reiki Retreat! We are sooo looking forward to it and to connecting or reconnecting with everybody!

The Retreat starts Wednesday 23rd of November with dinner at 4 pm (check in from 4pm) followed by the opening ceremony and finishes Sunday 27th of November at 4 pm. We will send you more detailed information on what to bring, check-in time, directions etc., at least a month before.

Please complete this registration and return it to us, along with your payment in full or a deposit of $100. Please understand that the $100 deposit is non-refundable, but we’ll give you a full refund of the remainder if we are notified two weeks prior to Retreat start.

The investment for the Tanran Reiki Retreat is:

  • $680.00 Early bird (must be paid in full by 28th September).
  • $720.00 With full payment due by 1st November.
  • Camping (restrictions apply, please check with us first) $620.00 e/b $660.00 full.
  • Concession $600.00.

Included 4 nights accommodation, 4 breakfasts, all snacks, teas/coffees, 4 catered lunches and dinners and the whole fabulous program, of course.

If you choose to arrive on Thursday instead of Wednesday, the price remains the same.

There are also a few questions we would like you to answer, please, so we can do our best to cater to everyone’s needs.

You may pay by cheque, money order or bank transfer.

Please call Sonja or Keiron on 02 4938 5756 with any questions

Register by completing the attached form and return:

By mail / Via Email
Tanran Reiki
124 Keppies Road
Paterson NSW 2421 /
Payment by
Cheque or Money Order / Bank Transfer
Payable to
Keiron Keene / ANZ Bank BSB 012-720
Account 90540-4376
Name: Keiron Keene
Please leave your name as reference
Your Details
State & Post Code
Dietary requirements
e.g. Gluten free, dairy free etc.
Car Pooling (would you like to share with another from your area?)
- please tick / I can offer seat(s)
I would like a seat
Payment transfer/ receipt enclosed or attached to amount of / $
Arrival Day – please tick / Wednesday
Any other requirements you have?

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