2016Scholarship Information

Ruth DeYoung Kohler Scholarship: Sheboygan County students, including Home School
Students submitapplication personally. *Electronic submission preferred.

-Scholarship is for those who are artistically gifted

-Artistic work must be submitted with the application.

-Up to $80,000 to a private or Top 20-ranked out-of-state public institution, or $40,000 to any other public institution over four years. Amounts may vary

Herbert V. Kohler Scholarship:Sheboygan County students enrolled full time. Homeschool ineligible.Nominations submitted by schools.

-Up to $80,000 to a private or Top 20-ranked out-of-state public institution, or $40,000 to any other publicinstitution over four years.

-Selection Criteria: Strong Leadership potential and the demonstrated ability to affect change.

Kohler Foundation Incentive Scholarship: Sheboygan County students enrolled full time. Nominations submitted by schools.

-$10,000 to private institution or Top 20-ranked out-of-state public institution, or $5,000 to any other public institution over two years.

-Number of Incentive Scholarships awarded to be determined by Kohler Foundation.

Kohler Foundation Four-Year Scholarship: Kohler School District only.
Nominations submitted by school.

-$25,000 to private institution or Top 20-ranked out-of-state public institution, or $12,500 to any other public institution over four years.

-Criteria include scholastic performance and difficulty, college entrance exam scores, service to school and community, and faculty appraisal.

*Deadline for Applications/Nominations: March 1, 2016.

Contact your high school guidance office for more information about the nomination process.

Note: All scholarship awards and amounts are at the discretion of the Kohler Foundation Scholarship Committee. Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors planning to attend an accredited post-secondary educational institution in the United States, and payment is based on satisfactory academic performance and progress toward a degree.

Application forms are available online:

Tips for Great Applications:

  • Describe actions that demonstrate leadership and what you’ve learned.
  • If you have overcome obstacles, tell us about how the experience affected you.
  • Help us get to know you- your dreams, fears, failures and successes.
  • Think globally.
  • Ask someone else to read your essay and review your application and give you feedback.
  • Follow the directions explicitly. Do not leave any questions unanswered or blank.
  • Think about how you have shown leadershipin the midst ofhardshipand what you can do to lead and impact positive change.
  • Think about how you will make a difference in the world.
  • Distinguish yourself. Why you? What sets you apart?