The purpose of this course is to prepare manual and technical staff for the certification exam and contains all the information technicians need to successfully complete this examination.This booklet is not meant as a formal course in refrigeration capitation.Technicians must be familiar with the basic refrigeration cycle of evaporation, compression, as well as equipment and common service procedures.
This manual was compiled with the latest information available at time of publication.In the event that the EPA regulations change after certification of the technician, the latter has responsibility for meeting future changes. The EPA also reserves the right to change the test questions and / or require a new certification on the basis of future developments in technology.The ESCO Institute will update this manual as necessary to keep up with the EPA regulations.
Section 608 of the Clean Air Act of the United States requires that all persons who maintain, conducted the service, repair or dispose of household products containing regulated refrigerants, become certified in proper handling techniques regulated coolantthe November 14, 1994.There are four (4) technical certification categories:
Must be certified as Type I technical staff to maintain, service or repair performed small household products
Must be certified as Type II technical staff to maintain, making the service, repair or dispose of products of high or very high pressure, except for products for home and small air conditioning systems for automobiles.
Must be certified as Type III technical staff to maintain, making the service, repair or dispose of household products of low pressure
Must be certified as Universal technical staff to maintain, service or repairs made so many teams of low and high pressure, as well as small household products.
The test contains four sections: AI-II and III.Each section consists of five (25) multiple choice questions.The technician must score minimum of 70 percent in each group that should be certified.For example, a technician For Universal certification must achieve a minimum grade of 70 percent, ie, 18 correct answers out of 25 in each of the test sections.If the technician disapproves one or more of the Sections in the first attempt may retake the disapproved sections without the need to render again Sections approved.Meanwhile, the technician will be certified in the type in which obtained a passing score.There is one exception: the installer MUST APPROVE Section A for any certification.Section A contains 25 general knowledge questions relating to stratospheric ozone depletion, rules and regulations of the Clean Air Act, Montreal Protocol, recovery, recycling and reclamation of refrigerant recovery devices, refrigerants and oils substitutes; techniquesrecovery, dehydration, recovery cylinders, as well as security and dispatch.Section I contains 25 industry-specific questions for small household goods.Section II contains 25 questions for industry-specific products can pressure and, finally, Section III contains 25 specific questions relating to products in the sector of low pressure.
The law requires that consideration be taken closed book.The only outside materials are allowed during the examination are a table of temperature / pressure and a calculator.
Examination is required for certain personal information.Technicians must submit the following:
• Photo Identification Documents
• Social Security Number
• Home
Technicians should carefully study Section A and the sections relating to the type of certification that they want.