UCSF Sustainability Awards Program

Award Goals

Provide the UCSF Advisory Committee on Sustainability (UACS) a recognition program for staff, students, faculty, and teams that promote sustainability at UCSF.

Selection Criteria

Nominees will be scored based upon the following criteria:

  1. Engaged the campus/medical center in an ongoing dialogue about reaching UCSF’s environmental sustainability goals;
  2. Gone above and beyond the duties of their position to integrate environmental sustainability into existing campus programs in education, research, operations, and public service;
  3. Instilled a culture of sustainable practices amongst their peers; and/or
  4. Shown a positive impact on UCSF’s sustainability goals.

The nominee must be employed or enrolled at UCSF or affiliated with UCSF. Nominators must specifythe person or team that best fulfilled the goals listed above at UCSF. Self-nominations are permissible.

Selection Process

  1. A standard application is attached. All nominations must be submitted electronically to Gail Lee, Sustainability Director (), by April 30, 2017.
  2. Nominees will be forwarded for consideration to the UACS Awards Selection Committee. Members will vote for 2 staff members, 1 student, 1 faculty, and 1 team nominee. The nominees will be scored based upon the criteria above and the candidate with the highest score in each category shall be the recipients for the year.
  3. The awards will be presented in at the Sustainability Awards Ceremony on June 20, 2017. More details will be announced.


The awardees will receive an environmentally friendly physical award, campus-wide recognition ceremonypresented by Chancellor Hawgood, and be awarded a scholarship to the sustainability conference the Annual California Higher Education Sustainability Conference to be held June 26 - June 29, 2017at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
UCSF Advisory Committee on Sustainability

Sustainability Awards Application 2017


Last Name / First Name / M.I.
  1. Campus Address:

Name of department
  1. E-mail address:
  2. Campus telephone:
  3. Other telephone:
  4. Nominator’s Role: Staff Faculty Student
  5. Please describe your affiliation with the Nominee in one or two sentences

NOMINEE (the person or team)

  1. Full name of person or team:

Last Name/Team Name / First Name / M.I.
  1. Campus address:

Official name of dept
  1. E-mail address:
  2. Campus telephone:
  3. Nominee’s Award Category: Staff Faculty Student Team
  4. Under which criteria does the Nominee most align?

Please describe in detail how the Nominee fulfills the goal in the criteria below and quantify where possible. Attach additional documents if necessary, but please be concise. Note: the applicant will be evaluated solely on the description provided.

  1. Engaged the campus/medical center in an ongoing dialogue about reaching UCSF’s environmental sustainability goals;
  1. Gone above and beyond the duties of their position to integrate environmental sustainability into existing campus programs in education, research, operations, and public service;
  1. Instilled a culture of sustainable practices amongst their peers; and/or
  1. Shown a positive impact on UCSF’s sustainability goals.

/ Last revised: 4/4/2017