Psychology 101: Introduction to Psychology

Chapter 11: Practice Questions

1. / Regarding abnormal behavior, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) / Psychologists use multiple criteria in determining whether behavior is abnormal.
B) / The one determining feature of abnormal behavior is unusualness.
C) / Most people feel anxious or depressed from time to time.
D) / The same behavior may be judged normal under one circumstance and abnormal under another circumstance.
E) / Psychologists take into account the cultural context when making judgments about abnormal behavior.
2. / Gina believes that she is the secret love child of Princess Diana and Elton John. Since she really is not their child, Gina's belief is considered a(n)
A) / diathesis.
B) / delusion.
C) / hallucination.
D) / obsession.
E) / compulsion.
3. / In experiments with Little Albert, Watson demonstrated
A) / the need to consider cognitive, as well as learning, influences in abnormal behavior.
B) / the inability of young children to acquire phobias.
C) / the role of classical conditioning in the development of phobias.
D) / the ease with which instinctual fears are demonstrated in young children.
E) / the role of operant conditioning in fostering aggression.
4. / Humanistic theorists contend that abnormal behavior
A) / is the result of unconscious processes.
B) / is the result of conditioning.
C) / develops from encountering obstacles on the road to personal growth.
D) / involves distorted cognitions as well as learning influences.
E) / results from the stress of coping with poverty and social disadvantage.
5. / The sociocultural model explains abnormal behavior in terms of
A) / disturbed learning processes.
B) / failures of society.
C) / distorted thinking.
D) / the failure of certain cultures to promote self-actualization.
E) / social influences on underlying biological factors.
6. / A diathesis is a
A) / severely traumatic incident.
B) / gene linked to a psychological disorder.
C) / predisposition or vulnerability to a disorder.
D) / learned pattern of abnormal behavior.
E) / disturbance of mood, perception, or behavior.
7. / The diathesis-stress model is an example of which model of abnormal behavior?
A) / Humanistic
B) / Cognitive
C) / Psychodynamic
D) / Sociocultural
E) / Biopsychosocial
8. / Regarding the diathesis-stress model, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) / Diatheses are generally genetic in nature, although they may also involve psychological factors.
B) / Significant sources of stress may increase the risk of developing particular disorders.
C) / The stronger the diathesis, the less stress is needed to produce a disorder.
D) / Disorders may develop under benign life circumstances.
E) / Whether a person having a diathesis develops a particular disorder is primarily dependent on their cluster of personality traits.
9. / Distinctive patterns of abnormal behavior are described within the medical model as
A) / psychological disorders.
B) / biological disorders.
C) / mental disorders or mental illnesses.
D) / diatheses.
E) / attributional styles.
10. / Ella finds herself extremely frightened whenever she sees a snake. This is a form of
A) / panic disorder.
B) / specific phobia.
C) / agoraphobia.
D) / obsessive-compulsive disorder.
E) / social phobia.
11. / Fear of heights is to ______as fear of enclosed spaces is to ______.
A) / claustrophobia; acrophobia
B) / acrophobia; claustrophobia
C) / agoraphobia; claustrophobia
D) / agoraphobia; acrophobia
E) / acrophobia; agoraphobia
12. / Persistent anxiety without a specific focus is called
A) / generalized anxiety disorder.
B) / obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) / agoraphobia.
D) / social phobia.
E) / panic disorder.
13. / Whenever Fritz leaves his house, he has a nagging thought that he is forgetting something. He goes back to check that he has turned off the water and stove and locked the door. Some days, it takes Fritz over an hour to actually leave the house. This sounds like a case of
A) / somatoform disorder.
B) / obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) / agoraphobia.
D) / panic disorder.
E) / acrophobia.
14. / Which of the following people is demonstrating an obsessive-compulsive disorder?
A) / Buckie, who locks and unlocks her door three times each time she enters and leaves her home
B) / Scott, who has a low-level state of anxiety that seems to travel with him wherever he goes
C) / Rick, who has an irrational fear of riding on escalators
D) / Mary Jo, who refuses to leave her house because going out in public makes her panic
E) / Guillermo, who experiences sudden, unexpected episodes of sheer terror
15. / Which of the following biological factors is MOST likely to be considered in the cognitive explanation of anxiety disorders?
A) / Genetic inheritance
B) / Biochemical changes in the brain
C) / Disturbances in the functioning of neurotransmitters
D) / Heightened activity in certain regions of the brain
E) / Minor changes in bodily sensations
16. / Discuss 4 types of anxiety disorders.
17. / Dissociative identity disorder is a more technical term for
A) / multiple personality disorder.
B) / neurosis.
C) / schizophrenia.
D) / generalized anxiety disorder.
E) / antisocial personality disorder.
18. / Dissociative amnesia is
A) / a loss of memory due to head trauma.
B) / another term for dissociative identity disorder.
C) / another term for multiple personality disorder.
D) / a loss of memory with no identifiable physical cause.
E) / a loss of memory due to a neurological condition.
19. / Different personalities in dissociative identity disorder may demonstrate all of the following EXCEPT
A) / different eyeglass prescriptions.
B) / different allergic reactions and responses to medication.
C) / different traits and manners of speech.
D) / different eye colors.
E) / different memories.
20. / Regarding dissociative disorders, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) / Dissociative disorders can involve amnesia.
B) / Dissociative disorders include cases of people with “multiple personalities.”
C) / Dissociative disorders are among the most mystifying of psychological disorders.
D) / Compared to other psychological disorders, dissociative disorders are relatively common.
E) / Some mental health professionals question the existence of dissociative identity disorder.
21. / Although they have different symptoms and characteristics, dissociative disorders and somatoform disorders are often grouped together because they both involve ______defenses against _____.
A) / physical; anxiety
B) / physical; depression
C) / psychological; mania
D) / psychological; depression
E) / psychological; anxiety
22. / Critics of the concept of dissociative identity disorder suggest
A) / it is really a form a schizophrenia.
B) / it represents a form of attention-seeking role playing.
C) / there are underlying physical causes that are unidentified.
D) / it is not really an abnormal condition.
E) / it fails to provide secondary gain.
23. / Physical complaints that cannot be explained medically are characteristic of
A) / dissociative identity disorder.
B) / obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) / somatoform disorders.
D) / dissociative amnesia.
E) / bipolar disorder.
24. / Describe two dissociative disorders and two somatoform disorders.
25. / “La belle indifference” describes which feature of a psychological disorder?
A) / The tendency for people with conversion disorder to be unconcerned about their symptoms
B) / The tendency for people with dissociative identity disorder to have been highly imaginative as children
C) / The tendency for people with depression to have a maladaptive attributional style
D) / The tendency for people with bipolar disorder to swing dramatically from one end of the mood spectrum to the other
E) / The tendency for people with depression to show indifference toward their future
26. / Regarding major depressive disorder,
A) / men are more likely than women to be diagnosed.
B) / men and women are equally likely to be diagnosed.
C) / women are more likely than men to be diagnosed.
D) / young women are more likely than young men to be diagnosed and the pattern reverses in middle age.
E) / young men are more likely than young women to be diagnosed and the pattern reverses in middle age.
27. / Bipolar disorder was formerly called
A) / manic-depression.
B) / hysteria.
C) / hypochondriasis.
D) / multiple personality disorder.
E) / schizophrenia.
28. / Which theory would attribute a person's depression to faulty interpretation of events?
A) / Cognitive
B) / Humanistic
C) / Psychodynamic
D) / Behavior
E) / Sociocultural
29. / Which theorist is associated with the study of learned helplessness?
A) / Aaron Beck
B) / Albert Ellis
C) / Albert Bandura
D) / Carl Rogers
E) / Martin Seligman
30. / Exaggerating the importance of negative events or personal flaws is an example of which type of cognitive distortion?
A) / All-or-nothing thinking
B) / Misfortune telling
C) / Catastrophizing
D) / Dismissing the positives
E) / Misplaced blame
31. / The removal of normal restraints that serve to keep impulsive behaviors in check is called
A) / an exit event.
B) / a cognitive distortion.
C) / a negative symptom.
D) / waxy flexibility.
E) / the disinhibition effect.
32. / The disorder that most resembles common notions of insanity, madness, or lunacy is
A) / major depressive disorder.
B) / dissociative identity disorder.
C) / generalized anxiety disorder.
D) / schizophrenia.
E) / bipolar disorder.
33. / Schizophrenia, follows a ______and typically develops ______.
A) / chronic but not lifelong course; in early adolescence
B) / lifelong course; in early adolescence
C) / chronic but not lifelong course; in late adolescence or early adulthood
D) / lifelong course; in late adolescence or early adulthood
E) / variable course; during the person's thirties
34. / Hallucinations are
A) / perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli.
B) / false beliefs.
C) / long strings of disconnected words.
D) / patterns of agitated, purposeless motion.
E) / a breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech.
35. / Schizophrenia is a type of
A) / anxiety disorder.
B) / mood disorder.
C) / personality disorder.
D) / psychotic disorder.
E) / dissociative disorder.
36. / Tatiana is a schizophrenic patient with delusional thinking. What does Tatiana experience?
A) / Perceptions that occur without appropriate external stimuli
B) / False but firm beliefs
C) / Violent, aggressive outbursts
D) / Patterns of disorganized speech
E) / Removal of inhibitions resulting in violent outbursts
37. / Which of the following is a negative symptom of schizophrenia?
A) / Hallucinations
B) / Delusions
C) / Thought disorders
D) / Social isolation
E) / Bizarre behaviors
38. / The most common form of hallucinations in schizophrenia is
A) / visual.
B) / olfactory.
C) / auditory.
D) / tactile.
E) / kinesthetic.
39. / Delusions of ______are the most common theme among schizophrenics.
A) / waxy flexibility
B) / jealousy
C) / la belle indifference
D) / grandeur
E) / persecution
40. / A breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech, revealed in the form of a loosening of associations, is characteristic of which psychological disorder?
A) / Antisocial personality disorder
B) / Major depressive disorder
C) / Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D) / Dissociative identity disorder
E) / Schizophrenia
41. / Which of the following is a major type of schizophrenia?
A) / Delusional
B) / Depressive
C) / Profound
D) / Paranoid
E) / Organized
42. / Chaka suffers frequent delusional thoughts. He also experiences frequent auditory hallucinations. This is typical of which type of schizophrenia?
A) / Psychotic
B) / Paranoid
C) / Catatonic
D) / Disorganized
E) / Hysterical
43. / Personality disorders are a cluster of psychological disorders
A) / involving extremely rigid patterns of behavior.
B) / in which mood disturbances are the primary symptom.
C) / which all include psychotic symptoms.
D) / involving extreme anxiety.
E) / in which cognitive distortions result in impaired functioning.
44. / Mike has a grandiose sense of himself. This leads Mike to have an excessive need for admiration. Which personality disorder does Mike most likely have?
A) / Schizoid
B) / Paranoid
C) / Narcissistic
D) / Borderline
E) / Dependent
45. / Regarding personality disorders, which of the following statements is FALSE?
A) / Personality disorders are characterized by self-defeating patterns of behavior.
B) / Some people with personality disorders believe that others should change to accommodate their needs, rather than the reverse.
C) / The DSM identifies ten types of personality disorders.
D) / Of the personality disorders, the most widely studied is borderline personality disorder.
E) / People with personality disorders have deeply ingrained maladaptive personality traits.
46. / Extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others is characteristic of which personality disorder?
A) / Schizoid
B) / Borderline
C) / Paranoid
D) / Narcissistic
E) / Obsessive-compulsive
47. / Which pattern best describes schizotypal personality disorder?
A) / A tendency toward mood swings and stormy relationships with others
B) / Extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others
C) / Little interest in social relationships and limited emotional expression
D) / An inflated sense of self with excessive need for admiration
E) / Persistent difficulties establishing close relationships; peculiar, but not psychotic, behaviors and beliefs
48. / Diana has borderline personality disorder. Which of the following best describes the major symptom of her disorder?
A) / Tendency toward mood swings and stormy relationships with others
B) / Extreme suspiciousness or mistrust of others
C) / Pattern of avoiding social relationships out of fear of rejection
D) / Excessive need for orderliness and attention to detail
E) / Odd or eccentric, but not psychotic, behaviors
49. / Approximately what percentage of men could be classified as having antisocial personality disorder?
A) / Less than 1%
B) / 1 to 3%
C) / 3 to 6%
D) / 5 to 8%
E) / 7 to 10%
50. / Which of the following is NOT predicted to be exhibited by a person with histrionic personality disorder?
A) / Excessive need for reassurance
B) / Dramatic and emotional behavior
C) / Excessive demand to be the center of attention
D) / Excessive need for praise and approval
E) / Tendencies to withdraw from other people
51. / Individuals with antisocial personality disorder demonstrate all of the following EXCEPT
A) / disregard for rules of society.
B) / psychotic behavior.
C) / lack of remorse for misdeeds.
D) / impulsivity.
E) / irresponsible behavior.
52. / Summarize five personality disorders highlighted in your text.

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