Tips to Writing a Response to a Literature Essay Question on a Test:

·  Restate the question that is asked in the prompt making it clear what you are writing about. (You must assume the reader does not have a copy of the question in front of them so provide them with all necessary information so that they can understand the question and your response)

·  Use exact words and phrases from the prompt in your response and your thesis statement.

·  Make sure you use titles, names, and proper references to the subjects you are writing about. Do not use words like “he” or “they” without first explaining in your answer who “he” and “they” are.

·  Avoid using the words “I believe,” “I think,” or “In this essay I will show…”

·  Do not answer a “do you agree or disagree” question with a yes or no. Instead, restate what you are to take a stance on expressing your agreement or disagreement in that restatement.

I.e. Holmes is correct in stating that “doctor’s make the best criminals.”

Sample literature essay questions and responses:

1.  The narrator of “The Scarlet Ibis” states that “ . . . pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.” Explain how the story and modern life demonstrate the truth of the statement.

Sample Response:

Introduction - In the short story “The Scarlet Ibis,” the narrator states that “ . . . pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.” Not only is this statement true in the story, but it is also true in real life.

Paragraph # 1 – In the story pride is a wonderful thing when Doodle’s brother helps Doodle walk when others thought he would never amount to anything. Doodle’s pride in himself also helps him accomplish the goals his bother and himself had set for him. However, pride is terrible in this story when Doodle’s brother pushed Doodle too far just to make himself look good. This is when pride no longer is a “vine of life,” but one of death.

Paragraph # 2 – Not only is “pride a wonderful and terrible thing” in the story, but it is also true in real life. Pride is wonderful when it is felt for an accomplishment like winning a first place recognition for an essay or a sports victory. A person would feel proud of their accomplishment and in a way give them life. However, pride is a terrible thing when a person feels so much pride in themselves that they overpower other people to make themselves look good. This type of pride does not produce happiness and life but death and hardship.

Conclusion - Therefore, it is clear to see that the narrator’s comment is true in the story and in real life, “ . . . pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death.”

2.  A character’s qualities and traits as described in the story often influence their behavior. How did the author describe the nature of the princess? How did this influence her possible decision? In an essay explain the princess’s personality and character and how this lead to her likely decision. State her qualities and how each one lead to her predicted decision.

Sample Response:

Introduction - A character’s qualities and traits often influence their behavior and choices in a story. Although no clear resolution was offered in the story “The Lady or the Tiger?” the princess qualities, traits, personality all lead to her likely decision – the tiger.The princess was described as being semi-barbaric, fervent, and jealous. All of these traits would have influenced her decision between the lady or the tiger for her lover.

Paragraph # 1 - The story said that the princess was just like her father, semi- barbaric. This semi-barbaric nature could have led her to a more barbaric decision than people of a less barbaric nature. Therefore, when presented with the choice of life or death for her lover she might be more willing to choose death. This trait definitely would have influenced her decision.

Paragraph # 2 - However, not only was she semi-barbaric, but she was also fervent or passionate. The princess loved the man with so much passion that she was willing to risk everything to find out what was behind the door in order to assist her lover. Since she loved with him with this overpowering love it would have also influenced her decision. She would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, and she wanted her lover to love her always.

Paragraph # 3 – However, being semi-barbaric and fervent were not her only traits that influenced her decision. The princess was jealous. Not only was her lover to marry someone else it was a girl she despised because she felt this new lady liked her man, and was liked in return by the princess’ man. The princes could not even imagine those two together. How could she ever be happy if he was with another woman? The thought was enough to drive her crazy.

Conclusion - This intense dislike and jealous added to her semi-barbaric nature and her fervent passion would have definitely influenced her decision, and helped the reader draw a logical conclusion as to which came out of the door – the lady or the tiger. Based on her qualities, it is clear to see the only reasonable response to her dilemma of which door to indicate to her lover to chose would be – the tiger.

Practice Writing Literature Essay Responses

Now it is your chance! Write the introduction paragraph to the following essay questions making sure you are following the tips to writing a good literature essay.

1.  A critic has argued that the lack of a definite ending of “The Lady or the Tiger?” is a

flaw. Write an essay in which you agree or disagree with this assertion. First state your opinion. Then support your opinion with references to the short story.

2.  Suspense is a quality of a story that makes you want to keep reading until you find out what happens. Writers create suspense by communicating a sense of uncertainty and danger. Identify three suspenseful episodes in “The Most Dangerous Game” and analyze the way in which the writer makes you want to keep reading. Be as specific as possible in your analysis.