Harding Mustang Express

Harding Elementary

622 Chestnut Street, Lebanon, PA, 17042

T: 717-675-2138


Twitter: @HardingCedars

Mr. Mike Reager, Principal, Mr. Nick Bullock, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Jodi Heagy, Mrs. Wendi Thomas, Administrative Assistants

Dear Parents,
We have thus far been having a great school year with your students! As we move through the year, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are thrilled to have all of you partnering with us in your child’s education to ensure they have a great school experience!

Wells Fargo Grant

Last month, Harding was honored to receive a grant from Wells Fargo bank. We were identified as a community school that Wells Fargo was interested in helping and were fortunate to receive a $70,000 grant in order to make upgrades and improvement to the school.

Some of the improvements made to the school were regular painting, upgrades to the faculty room, a beautiful mural in the playground tunnel, and most importantly, some perks for students. In the cafeteria, sound boards and television monitors have been or will be installed, along with curtains and plants to make the environment more calming. In addition, several diner-style booths were purchased so students are able to earn the reward of sitting there for there lunch as well. We will also be purchasing some new technology, including a 3D printer and virtual reality goggles for students to enhance their education.

MoreImportant News

Book Ideas

As your children are preparing for the holiday season and asking for gifts, please consider some of the books listed below to encourage them to read. They are listed by grade level(K-2) so your child may be able to read them and most importantly, you read together! If you are a parent of a child in another grade level, please contact us and we will provide additional titles!


Courduroy by Don Freeman

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brow

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.

1st Grade

A Bad Case of Stripes byDavid Shannon

The Grouchy Lady Bug by Eric Carle

The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats

Are You My Mother? by P. D. Eastman

Mr. Popper’s Penguins- by Richard Atwater

2nd Grade

Second Grade

Frog and Toad Series by Arnold Lobel

Nate the Great Series by Marjorie Weinman Shermat

The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skine

Could You? Would You?- by Trudy White

Mom and Dad Are Palindromes byMark Shulman

The Random House Book of Poetry for Children by Jack Prelutsky

Harding Mustang Express

EscuelaElemental Harding

622 Chestnut Street, Lebanon, PA, 17042

T: 717-675-2138


Twitter: @HardingCedars

Sr. Mike Reager, Principal, Sr. Nick Bullock, Asistente al Principal

Sra. Jodi Heagy,Sra. Wendi Thomas, AsistentesAdministrativos

Estimados Padres,
¡Hasta ahora hemos tenido un gran año escolar con sus alumnos! A medida que avanzamos el año, no dude en contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud. ¡Estamos encantados de que todos ustedes se hayan asociado con nosotros en la educación de su hijo para garantizar que tengan una excelente experiencia escolar!

Beca departe de Wells Fargo

El mes pasado, Harding tuvo el honor de recibir una Beca del banco Wells Fargo. Fuimos identificados como una escuela comunitaria que Wells Fargo estaba interesada en ayudar y tuvimos la suerte de recibir una Beca de $ 70,000 con el fin de mejorar la escuela.

Algunas de las mejoras realizadas en la escuela fueron la pintura regular, mejoras en la sala de profesores, un hermoso mural en el túnel del patio de recreo y, lo que es más importante, algunos beneficios para los estudiantes. En la cafetería, se han instalado o se instalarán paneles de sonido y monitores de televisión, junto con cortinas y plantas para que el ambiente sea más calmante. Además, se compraron varios puestos estilo “Diner” para que los estudiantes puedan ganar la recompensa de sentarse allí para almorzar también. También compraremos alguna tecnología nueva, incluyendo una impresora 3D ygafas de realidad virtual para que los estudiantes mejoren su educación.


Ideas para libros

Mientras sus hijos se están preparando para la temporada navideña y solicitando regalos, considere algunos de los libros que figuran a continuación para alentarlos a leer. Se enumeran por nivel de grado (K-2) para que su hijo pueda leerlos y, lo más importante, ¡leer juntos! Si usted es padre de un niño en otro nivel de grado, contáctenos y le proporcionaremos títulos adicionales.


“Courduroy” por Don Freeman

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” por Eric Carle

“Goodnight Moon”por Margaret Wise Brow

“Chicka Chicka Boom Boom”por Bill Martin Jr.

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?”por Bill Martin Jr.


“A Bad Case of Stripes”porDavid Shannon

“The Grouchy Lady Bug” por Eric Carle

“The Snowy Day” porEzra Jack Keats

“Are You My Mother?” por P. D. Eastman

“Mr. Popper’s Penguins” por Richard Atwater


“Frog and Toad Series”por Arnold Lobel

“Nate the Great Series”por Marjorie Weinman Shermat

“The Chocolate Touch”por Patrick Skine

“Could You? Would You?”por Trudy White

“Mom and Dad Are Palindromes”por Mark Shulman

“The Random House Book of Poetry for Children”por Jack Prelutsky

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