Renown: Well known, famous, and talked about

Sentence: Beyonce and Jay Z are world renown artists.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Spanish: Renombre

capacious(adj)spacious, roomy, lots of space

The Physical Education department needed acapaciousbin in which to store all of the sporting equipment.

Synonyms: voluminous, ample, commodious

Spanish: Espacioso

Attribute: The cause of

Sentence: The end of slavery in the US is attributed to The Emancipation Proclamation.

Part of Speech: Verb

Spanish: Atribuir

Servile: Serving to a great extent; too much like a slave

Sentence: The employee was very servile because he was afraid of losing his job.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Spanish: Servil


a long, violent speech

The baseball player went off on atiradeagainst the umpire.

Synonyms: outburst, rant, diatribe

Spanish: Diatriba

Humane: Treating others and animals with kindness

Sentence: These two students are treating each other and the dog humanely.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Spanish: Humano

Recourse: A source of help

Sentence: After the car accident, his only recourse was a lawyer.

Part of Speech: Noun

Spanish: Recurso

to give up or surrender
We didn't have enough players so we had toforfeitthe game.
Synonyms: to give over, relinquish

Spanish: Perder

last, final or greatest
It was Serena'sultimategoal in life to get straight A's on all of her essays.Synonyms: final, paramount, greatest

Spanish: Maximo

Some of the first graders' stories did not haveplausibleplots, but they were still very cute to read.
Antonyms: unlikely, implausible, doubtful

Spanish: Plausilble

1. favoring progress and reform over tradition
2. generous
One of the mostliberalpeople in King County, Karl wanted everyone to have healthcare.
Other forms:Liberalis also a noun meaning "a person who advocates open-mindedness and liberal views," as in: The politician labeled himself aliberal

Spanish: Liberal

favoring traditional views; against change
They're all suchconservativedressers; the girls only wear full-length dresses and the boys wear long sleeves and long pants.
Other forms: Aconservativeperson (or especially someone who votes that way) is considered a conservative.

Spanish: Conservador

to argue for, recommend or urge
Our congress membersadvocateon our behalf.
Other forms: My neighbor is a strongadvocate(noun) of saving the rain forests

Spanish: El abogado

payment for labor or services; salary
As a busboy, I did not earn a very highwage.

Spanish: Salario


to carry on a battle or conflict
The students wanted towagea war against hunger in their community and have a yearlong food drive.

Spanish: Libraruna Guerra

1. to begin
2. to officially bring into office
1. The end of the war will hopefullyinauguratea time of peace between the two countries.
2. The whole country was watching when President Barack Obama wasinauguratedas President on January 20, 2009.
Synonyms: commence, initiate
Other forms: Theinaugural(adj.) ball took place after theinauguration(noun)

Spanish: Inaugurar