Curriculum Vitae



·  Ph.D. in Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 1998

·  B.Sc. in Computational Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, 1994


July 2011 ~ Senior Lecturer, Department of Decision Science, National University of Singapore.

Dec 2005 ~ June 2011, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Polytechnic.

²  Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Decision Science, National University of Singapore.

Dec 1999 ~ June 2001, Teaching Fellow, Department of Decision Science, National University of Singapore

Dec 1997 ~ Dec 1999, Associate Research Staff, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore


·  H. C. Lau, H. Ono, and Q. Z. Liu. Integrating Local Search and Network Flow to Solve the Inventory Routing Problem. Proc. 19th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 9-14, 2002.

·  Kim-Lin Chew; Johnny Pang; Qizhang Liu; Jihong Ou; Chung-Piaw Teo, An Optimization Based Approach to the Train Operator Scheduling Problem at Singapore MRT, Annals of Operations Research 108(1): 111-122; Nov 2001

·  H. C. Lau, A. Lim, and Q. Z. Liu. Solving a Supply Chain Optimization Problem Collaboratively. Proc. 17th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 780-785, 2000.

·  H. P. Yap and Q. Z. Liu, Edge colorings of K2n with a prescribed condition, Discrete Mathematcis 212 (2000) 233-244.

·  Q. Z. Liu and H. P. Yap, Edge colouring of K2n with spanning star-forests receiving distinct colours, Graphs Combin. 15 (1999) 249-255.

·  Q.Z. Liu, Chen, Bor-Liang, Dong Lei, and Huang Kuo-Ching, Total colorings of equibipartite graphs. Discrete Math. 194 (1999) 59-65.

·  Q. Z. Liu and H. P. Yap, Proof of a conjecture of Alan Hartman. J. Graph Theory 30 (1999) 7-17.


·  Principal Consultant, SMRT, Trainload Estimation, Fare Determination and Apportionment. 2008-2010.

·  Principal Consultant, SMRT, Journey Planner, 2009-2010.

·  Associate Consultant, Integrated Decision Systems Consultancy (IDSC) Pte Ltd for KCDHL project, National Library Board, Singapore. 2008.

·  Associate Consultant, Integrated Decision Systems Consultancy (IDSC) Pte Ltd for DTSS project, Ministry of Defense, Singapore. 2007-2009.

·  Consultant, DecisionCraft Analytics (India) Ltd. Patrol Rostering Project. 2006.

·  Principal Consultant, SIA Engineering Company, Dynamic Resource Allocation Management. Singapore, 2003-2005.

·  Principal Consultant, Hainan Airlines and Shenzhen Airlines, China, Engineering Total Solution. 2002-2004

·  Consultant, AVIC I, Technical Content Management for ARJ 21 project. China, 2004.

·  Consultant, SMRT, Crew Scheduling System, Singapore, 2000.


·  Planning and Scheduling

·  Discrete Optimization

·  Heuristics Algorithms


·  DSC2006, Operations Management

·  DSC2003, Management Science

·  DSC3214, Introduction to Optimization

·  BMA5002A, MBA Statistics