The Great Gatsby

Movie Discussion Questions

East Egg

1.  Based on the appearance of Jay Gatsby’s house, what economic class is Gatsby from?

2.  How does Daisy react when Jordan mentions Gatsby’s name?

3.  What does Jordan reveal about Daisy and Tom’s marriage after Daisy and Tom leave the table?

4.  Who is Nick’s neighbor?

5.  Describe the parties at Gatsby’s house.

Myrtle Wilson

1.  Who/what is T.J. Eckleberg?

2.  Where/What is the Valley of Ashes?

3.  Who is Myrtle Wilson?

4.  What does Myrtle want Tom to buy her when they get into the city?

5.  What happens when Myrtle mentions Daisy’s name to Tom?


1.  Why won’t Jordan marry Nick Carraway?

2.  According to Daisy, what is the best thing a girl can be?

3.  What is Jordan Baker’s profession?

4.  To what is Nick invited?

5.  What are some of the rumors about Gatsby revealed at his party?

6.  Describe the party scene.

7.  How does Nick meet Gatsby? What does Gatsby invite him to?

Lunch with Gatsby

1.  What does Gatsby ask Nick at the beginning of the scene?

2.  What are some things Gatsby reveals about his past?

3.  With whom do Gatsby and Nick have lunch?

4.  Who shows up at the restaurant, making Gatsby disappear?


1.  What preparations are made for Daisy’s arrival to tea?

2.  How many years has it been since Gatsby and Daisy have seen each other?

3.  What is Daisy’s reaction to Gatsby’s house?

4.  Who is Klipspringer, and what does Gatsby ask him to do?

5.  What does Daisy do when Gatsby throws his shirts around the room?

Rich and Poor

1.  What does Jordan say about her careless driving?

2.  Describe the scene between Myrtle and Tom. What is their marriage like?

3.  Why were Gatsby and Daisy separated those years ago?

4.  What did Tom give Daisy for a wedding present?

5.  What was Daisy clutching in her hand when Jordan found her the day before her wedding?

6.  What is Daisy’s response to the question asked by Gatsby, “Why didn’t you wait for me?”

A Party for Daisy

1.  How does Gatsby introduce Tom? How does Tom react to this introduction?

2.  Where does Daisy go during the party?

3.  About whom does Tom begin to inquire? Why do you think he does this?

4.  What profession does Tom call Gatsby?

5.  Why is Gatsby upset at the end of the party?

6.  Why does Nick say, “You can’t repeat the past.”? What does Gatsby say in return?


1.  What are some things that Tom wants to find out about Gatsby?

2.  Why did Gatsby buy his house?

3.  What does Gatsby give to Daisy? What does the color symbolize?

4.  Who shows up at Nick’s door? What does he want?

5.  Why does Gatsby fire his servants?

6.  What is Daisy’s response when Gatsby tells her he wants to tell Tom about their affair?

Going to Town

1.  How does Gatsby react when he meets Daisy’s daughter for the first time?

2.  What do they decide to do on this hot afternoon?

3.  Why is Tom beginning to get suspicious of Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship?

4.  How is George acting when Tom, Jordan, and Nick pull into the gas station?

5.  Why is Myrtle so upset?

6.  Where are they going to meet in the city?

Confronting Tom

1.  What does Tom accuse Daisy and Gatsby of?

2.  What does Gatsby reveal to Tom?

3.  What is Tom’s reaction?

4.  How does Daisy respond to Gatsby’s request for her to tell Tom that she never loved him?

5.  What does Tom reveal about Gatsby?

6.  What day does Nick remember it is?

Trouble on the Road

1.  How does Myrtle react about going West with George?

2.  Who is the “God” to whom George is referring?

3.  What happens to Myrtle?

4.  What color was the car that killed Myrtle?

5.  Who was driving the car that killed Myrtle?

6.  What does George’s friend continuously ask George?

7.  What does Daisy do when she sees Gatsby standing outside of her house?


1.  What is happening between Tom and Daisy?

2.  What does Gatsby say about Daisy loving Tom?

3.  Why doesn’t Gatsby want to leave as Nick suggests?

4.  Who comes to Tom and Daisy’s house as they are eating breakfast?

5.  What season is almost over?

6.  What happens to Gatsby at the end of the scene?

7.  What happens to George at the end of the scene?

8.  What does Wolfsheim say about attending Gatsby’s funeral?

Put to Rest

1.  Describe Gatsby’s father.

2.  Who are the only people at Gatsby’s funeral?

3.  With whom does Nick have lunch?

4.  Where is Nick going at the end of the movie?

5.  How does Nick act towards Daisy and Tom?

6.  What did Tom tell George Wilson when he came to his house?