Tentoonstelling Groningen 4 maart 2018. Keurmeester dhr. B. Shelton

1191 Molenrakkers Field Friend
Handsome well built dog. Good shoulders, moves well. Handsome head, excellent colour. Excellent dentition.
2 Uitmuntend

1192 QuasandroIreleith
Racy handsome young dog with good overall proportions. Good height to length. Good dentition. Very good colour. Moved well.
1 Uitmuntend res.CAC

1193 Fortune Cookie of the Autumm Sun
A tall, upstanding dog. A little upright in shoulder. Very good colour. Excellent head and planes. Excellent feet. Moved well, but a little too much lift in front.
2 Uitmuntend

1194 Rivervalley’s Red Bottom of My Heart
Lovely balance. Very good shoulder and rear. Excellent colour. Excellent bite and dentition. Good tail carriage. He moved very balanced.
1 Uitmuntend

1195 NobelsonIreleith
Nicely balanced dog. Very good angles front and rear. Good shoulders. Good planes. Good condition, moved well.
2 Uitmuntend

1196 Chase Cinammon’s
Excellent type. Upstanding racy dog. Excellent shoulders, excellent head type. Excellent croupe and tail. Slightly bit long. Excellent mover.
1 Uitmuntend CAC CACIB BOB

1197 Queen Pandora Ireleith
Very well made bitch. Excellent symmetry. Excellent shoulder, rear, croupe and tail carriage. Very good feet. Excellent head planes. Excellent bite and dentition. Very good mover.
2 Uitmuntend

1198 Tussocks Manor Cardemon Flavour
Excellent proportions. Very good angles fore and behind. Excellent length of neck and height. Excellent feet. Excellent bite and dentition. Very good and balanced movement.
1 Uitmuntend

1199 Hello It’s Me v.d. Wester-Huy
Very good overall. Good shape. Acceptable coat. Very good colour. Excellent head planes. Good overall head quality. Moved well for her age and development.
3 Uitmuntend

1200 Dubliner Petra
A bitch of excellent type, head and shape. Beautiful colour. Very good shoulders and rear. Excellent croupe and tail carriage. Moved well.
1 Uitmuntend res. CAC res. CACIB

1201 Rivervalley’s Red Fabulous Faith
Very good overall and balance. Excellent shoulders, very good rear. Excellent colour, excellent feet. Lovely headed, very good planes. Good bite and dentition.
2 Uitmuntend

1202 Carousels Faithfully Yours Forever

1203 Dubliner Canberra
Excellent symmetry. Acceptably made. Excellent balance fore and back. Excellent bone and feet. Lovely croupe and tailset. Superb head. Excellent colour. Excellent dentition and bite. Excellent mover in all directions.
1 Uitmuntend CAC CACIB

1204 Noble Jaylinn of the Trav’lin Star
Very good proportions overall. Good size. Attractive head and ears, excellent planes. Good croupe, excellent feet. Moving a bit lame in front on the day.
2 ZeerGoed

1205 Tussocks Manor Avonmora
Excellent overall proportion. Good height to length. Very good mover in all directions. Excellent head type. Excellent planes. Excellent bite and dentition.
1 Uitmuntend

Ierse Setter rood-wit
Keurmeesterdhr. A. Polgar
136 Aghamore of the Rônerfields
11 months. Very young. Good format, fine constitution. Good lines in head, but very small head. Good neck and topline. Very small and narrow ribcage. Incorrect front. Very small musculature.
1 ZeerGoed