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Minutes of 28 June 2006

Attendance List

Hanif Belim / Salford Community Network
Jane Bracewell / GM Learning and Skills Council
Josie Browne / Salford Community Network
Adrian Dunning / Salford Community Network
Professor Eileen Fairhurst / Salford Primary Care Trust
Lindsey Harman / Job Centre Plus
Councillor David Lancaster / Salford City Council
Stuart Lewis / Salford CVS
Jon Matthews / Eccles Community Committee
Councillor John Merry / Salford City Council
Chief Superintendent Kevin Mulligan / Greater Manchester Police
Jacquie O'Neill / Government Office North West
Stephen Porter / Manchester Methodist Housing Group
Angie Robinson (Chair) / Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Barbara Spicer / Salford City Council
John Steward / Manchester Enterprises
Ruth Fairhurst / Salford City Council
Paul Greenway / Salford City Council
Dr Julie Higgins / Salford Primary Care Trust
Sheila Murtagh / Partners IN Salford
Joan Whitby (minutes) / Salford City Council
Jill Baker / Salford City Council
Kevin Brady / Government Office North West
1.1 / John Dutton Project Manager for Salford Sports Village thanked all concerned for their support in funding the Sports Village and said that the Village had become a very important facility for the local community. Prior to the start of the meeting, a plaque had been unveiled to commemorate the LSP's funding support (NRF) which contributed to the development of the Sports Village.
1.2 / Angie Robinson welcomed Hanif Belim from Salford Community Network as a new Board member and Jon Matthews from the Eccles Community Committee on his return to the Board. She congratulated Dr. Eileen Fairhurst on her well deserved honour of becoming a Professor.
1.3 / Angie Robinson referred to the current issues in relation to the CVS and the Community Network. The issues are being dealt with through the correct channels and the LSP will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible.
2.1 / The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record with the following matters arising.
Min 6.5 (SSCF)- confirmed that SSCF Partnership Board had been given delegated authority to work on behalf of the LSP and make appropriate decisions including to approve and monitor SSCF spending.
Min 2.1 (Performance Management) - A meeting has taken place with Julie Higgins and colleagues and a paper is being prepared and will be taken back to the LSP.
3.10 / The LSP Review presentation given by Angie Robinson and Sheila Murtagh generated a lively discussion. Main points raised set out below (headings refer to the PowerPoint slides- presentation circulated separately).
What's been agreed so far - 1 + 2
·  The LSP must be clear where we can add value and this particularly relates to how is our City perceived.
·  Councillor Merry said that we are an exemplar of partnership working and identified the next challenge is to align activity around shared objectives and this should be reflected in the LSP's Role.
·  Lindsey Harman emphasised that the LSP should clarify its role in relation to the Greater Manchester context and structures.
·  There was consensus that the Role has now been agreed and all partners can work towards it. Protocols setting out what is expected from partnership working are now needed.
Proposed responsibilities - LSP Board
·  We want to make sure that the job we are doing is very clear and this is about providing a framework and an annual business plan.
·  We need to make sure we are facing up to our responsibilities and look at ways we can add value via the cross cutting agenda. The Board's responsibilities should be amended from "promoting" to "delivering improvements in partnership working"
·  The Partnership Board need to take ownership and understand LAA's so that they can be responsible for the challenges ahead.
Proposed responsibilities - Exec
·  Confirmed that the LSP Board will set the vision which the Exec will progress.
·  Language of "Board" and "Exec" should be reviewed to help understanding.
·  Exec responsible for holding partners to account, not as threatening process but to provide support/encouragement.
Proposed responsibilities - thematic partnerships
·  Confirmed there will be a 'light touch' relationship where existing partnerships working well.
Proposed responsibilities - crosscutting and advisory partnerships
·  Some confusion about these; suggested focus on time-limited Task and Finish groups with language differentiating between major partnerships with delivery responsibilities and those diverse working groups which are part of the way we do business.
·  Examples should be given to illustrate what is proposed.
Some questions to be considered
·  LSP Board will set the vision, be the body doing business with GONW and scrutinize the progress achieved by the Exec
·  Membership of the LSP Board important: need to ensure the balance is right between being large enough to be inclusive but small enough to be strategic.
·  Need to check who should be on the Board who is not at the moment.
·  We need to be able to demonstrate what we have achieved eg by a description of the process.
·  Stuart Lewis commented that as things are changing so quickly, we need to ensure that the changes are documented and archived.
Further questions raised by partners
·  Neighbourhood Management identified as a major route for delivery of LSP objectives and needs to be included in the structures.
·  Councillor Lancaster requested that the current review of CDRP roles and structures be taken into account before any agreements are reached.
·  Need to review effectiveness of new structures confirmed.
·  Training and awareness programme seen as essential to make new structures successful
What needs to be agreed
·  Agreed that roles and responsibilities agreed in principle but subject to comments raised and specific amendment re CDRP.
·  Amended proposals to be circulated to LSP Partners for them to seek formal agreement from their agencies. The LSP will then be in a position to agree the new structures at the next meeting in mid-September.
·  As agreed at the 26 April LSP meeting, a "shadow" Exec will meet to carry out the responsibilities of the LAA Steering Group between now and September.
Recommendations and Agreements
The LSP agreed to:
1.  Amend the proposed Roles, Responsibilities and Working Practices as set out in Appendix 1 of the Report to take account of the discussion and circulate for partner approval. (Such amendments to include use of new terms to describe the various structural elements).
2.  Postpone the operation of the new structure of the LSP and Exec until after its approval by the LSP at its September meeting.
3.  Confirm that the proposed structure be used for dialogue with the current SDPs and other partnerships that contribute to the LSP objectives in order that they contribute to the proposed structure
4.  Confirm that the amended proposals include inviting additional organisations to join the LSP as identified at Appendix 2 of the report.
5.  Review the effectiveness of the new structures 12 months after the start of their operations or sooner if the Board considered it appropriate.
6.  Request the constituent LSP partners to use their authority as executives within their own organizations to champion the amended proposals in order to seek endorsement and formal sign off from their parent organizations in line with their particular organizational requirements by mid September to enable final agreement at the next LSP meeting on 28 September.
7.  The development of a training programme relating to partnership working to support the implementation of the review proposals.
8.  Develop further proposals relating to `Salford Family of Partnerships’
9.  A "Shadow" Exec will meet to carry out the responsibilities of the LAA Steering Group between now and September.
4.4 / Partners noted that as part of the Annual review process a self assessment has been submitted to GONW (circulated to all partners) and made in principle commitment to achieving the priorities in the 2006 Improvement Plan. GONW is considering our submission and they will be preparing a formal report the deadline of which is 7 July 2006. The Annual Review meeting with GONW is to be held on 14 July 2006 (it was noted that further information may be needed to contribute to this).
Our submission shows that the overall performance across the City has generally improved. However Jacquie O'Neill identified a common concern in relation to a lack of information relating to small areas, both in terms of analysis of local issues and identifying what actions had been taken to target underperformance.
C/Sup Mulligan advised that the recording of crime standards is now more thorough and consequently there has been a big increase in the number of crimes recorded.
Paul Greenway raised the issue of whether GONW were undertaking an alignment of Children and Young People in the same way as the LSP. Jacquie O'Neil confirmed that in future years the aligned LAA process would supersede current separate processes.
5.3 / Partners were advised that the LSP should be in the position to meet the deadline of the end of June for the Draft LAA Outcomes Framework and the September deadline for the draft Agreement.
In discussion on the draft Outcomes Framework, Jacquie O'Neil advised that the LAA is an opportunity for the City to identify the 5 or 6 big issues it wishes to focus on in terms of achieving the Community Plan vision. Cllr Merry confirmed that we will show what we want to achieve then look at how we can go about doing it.
Councillor Lancaster expressed some concern as to how we involve the community in the partnership agreement and the outcomes we hoped to achieve; he expected the community to be able to contribute towards these outcomes.
6.2 / The report updated partners on progress with the SSCF Agreement. The Delivery Programme has already approved quick wins for Little Hulton and Winton.
Barbara Spicer requested that future reports refer to the outcomes and performance being achieved via SSCF (this may be incorporated within the amended LSP Performance Monitoring reports).
7.1 / Following discussion, partners agreed to approve the proposed components of the Salford LSP Business plan. They requested that timescales, resources and risks need to be identified to enable the Business Plan to be used by the LSP Exec.
8.3 / This meeting is going to be the last one that Angie Robinson acts as Chair but she will continue on the Board.
Prof Eileen Fairhurst proposed Councillor Merry to take over as Chair and this was agreed by the Board. Nominations were requested for a Vice Chair and Angie nominated Professor Eileen Fairhurst, this was seconded by Jane Bracewell
The Partnership thanked Angie for all her hard work and commitment in chairing the LSP with a keen sense of humour.
9.4 / Josie Browne referred to the Disability Equality Duty which requires that by 4th December 2006 each public sector agency should have a strategic document developed through the involvement of disabled people and which sets out the strategic director for disabled people in their organisation. She advised that her discussions to date had highlighted lack of awareness of this duty. She requested that there be some co-ordination by public agencies of their demands for involvement by disabled people to avoid a plethora of different organisations all making demands at short notice.
The LSP agreed to the principle of a co-ordinated approach. The PCT accepted in principle the responsibility for taking a co-ordinating role
Barbara Spicer made partners aware of the good news that Neighbourhood Manager, Julie Blagden had been nominated for LGA 'Employee of the Year'. A link enabling people to vote for Julie is to be sent out.
Stuart Lewis made the Board aware that Stephanie Mitchell has been appointed as Chief Officer of the CVS and will take up her post on 17July 2006.
Angie Robinson thanked past LSP members, who have now stood down, for their contributions: John Willis, Paul Thomas, Rev Neil Hudson and John Shelley. She pointed out that this meeting would be the last one attended by Ruth Fairhurst as she is due to take up a new position with Bury MBC. A letter is to be sent to those people thanking them for their help and commitment.
10.1 / The next meeting will be held on Thursday 28th September 2006, 9.00am-11.00am at the Digital World Centre.
Please note that the meeting in September replaces the scheduled meeting on the 25th October 2006.

LSP/LSP Meetings/2006/28 June 2006/Minutes Page 5 of 5