Session Template – Seventh National Interactive Teaching and Learning Conference

Contact Information

Presenter’s Name:

Presenter’s Title:

School Name:

Presenter’s Email:


Mobile Phone:

Presenter’s Background

Please provide a brief (no more than 100 words) description of your background relevant to Interactive Teaching and Learning:

Focus of the Session

Select one or more from the list below that best categorises the focus of your session:

Most sessions will fit into 4 broad categories of focus. Your session abstract should mention in some way any of the following which apply:

  • Technology focus – A focus of your session is the technology and how the technology works. In this case clearly mention the technology and the skills you will be covering.
  • Curriculum focus – A focus of your session is on how you are incorporating the technology into a curriculum area
  • Pedagogy focus – A focus of your session is how you use technology to fundamentally change your teaching practice to make you a better teacher in all areas
  • Implementation/leadership focus – A focus of your session is the process you have used to introduce interactive teaching and learning programs to your class/school

If all of the above apply then make sure you write them all into your abstract.

Level of Schooling

Select one or more from the list below that best categorises the Level of Schooling targeted in your session:

  • Early childhood education
  • Primary
  • Lower primary
  • Middle primary
  • Upper primary
  • Middle school
  • Secondary
  • Lower secondary (junior secondary)
  • Upper secondary (senior secondary)
  • General (ie for any level of schooling)

Level of the Focus of the Session

Select one or more from the list below that best categorises the Level of the Focus of the Session:

  • Beginner (Level 1)
  • Intermediate (Level 2)
  • Competent (Level 3)
  • Advanced (Level 4)
  • All Levels of Expertise

For a description of these levels please refer to the document: Guidelines for Writing the Session Abstract and Presentation Guidelines

Session Title: (please write the title of your session below)

Session Abstract: (write an abstract that reflects the focus of the session, the level of the focus of the session and the level of schooling targeted)

To help you get started some broad ideas for sessions include:

  • Implementing educationally sound IWB programs in schools
  • Professional development, training and support for interactive teaching
  • The power and diversity of Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs) and the associated IWB software
  • Third party software perfectly suited for use on an IWB
  • Peripheral technology adding value to teaching and learning through an IWB
  • The educational benefits of Student Response Systems with or without an IWB
  • Cutting edge Web 2.0 technology (cloud computing) for interactive learning
  • Communicating and collaborating to learn, using digital technologies
  • Emerging interactive technologies and their potential benefits for learning
  • Other

Is this a Presentation or a Hands-On Workshop?

Is this a single (55 mins) or a double (110 mins) session?

Technology Required – Everyone to Complete

Do you require an interactive whiteboard for your session?

If Yes, please indicate your two preferred brands in order of preference:

List all the Hardware/Peripherals you will use:

What Hardware/Peripherals will you bring?

What Hardware/Peripherals would you like the venue to supply?

List all the software/freeware/drivers (including the versions) you will use:

I agree that these will be loaded onto my own laptop: (tick the box)

I require an internet connection for my own laptop: (tick the box)

Technology Required - Complete for Hands-On Workshop Only

I wish to work in a computer lab: (tick the box)


I require the delegates to bring their own laptops: (tick the box)

The computers in the lab will need to be loaded with the following software (include versions):


The delegates’ laptops will need to be loaded with the following software (include versions):

The computers in the lab will need to connect to the Internet: (tick the box)


The delegates’ laptops will need access to a wireless internet network: (tick the box)


I agree to use the technology specified by IWBNet to evaluate this session (complete your name here):

I give IWBNet Permission to publish the content provided to delegates in this session (complete your name here):