Revolution-Republic chapters 6-7

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Focus questions: CHapter 6

This chapter focuses on four major questions:

1. What were the most critical factors enabling the Americans to win the War of Independence with Britain?

2. What changes did the Revolution promote in relationships among Americans of different classes, races, and genders?

3. In what ways did the first state constitutions and the Articles of Confederation reflect older, pre-Revolutionary ideas about political power and authority? In what ways did they depart from older ideas?

Focus questions: CHapter 7

This chapter focuses on four major questions:

1. What were the principal features of Hamilton’s economic program, and what were its opponents’ primary objections?

2. Why was the United States at odds with Spain, Britain, and France at various times at the end of the eighteenth century?

3. What principal issues divided Federalists and Republicans in the presidential election of 1800?

4. What were the primary factors contributing to the declining status and welfare of nonwhites in the new Republic?

Vocabulary Chapter 6

1. George Washington

2. Henry Knox

3. Whigs and Tories, loyalists

4.. Hessians

5.. William and Richard Howe

6. Marquis de Lafayette

7.. Battle of Saratoga, Barry St. Leger, John Burgoyne, Horatio Gates

8.. Benjamin Franklin

9.. Valley Forge

10.. Frederick von Steuben

11. General Henry Clinton

12. the "natural aristocracy"

13. the Iroquois Confederacy

14. Joseph Brant

15 Lord Charles Cornwallis, Battle of Yorktown

16. General Nathaniel Greene

17. Peace of Paris

18 "republican motherhood"

19. Articles of Confederation

20. Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance

21. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison

22. Shays's Rebellion

23. Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Connecticut Compromise

Chapter 7

1. "New California"

2. springhouse, butter churn

3. Judiciary Act of 1789

4. James Madison

5. Bill of Rights

6 Alexander Hamilton

7. Report on Public Credit

8. Bank of the United States

9. Whiskey Rebellion

10. Creek Indians and Ecunnaunuxulgee

11. Citizen Genet

12. impressment

13. Jay's Treaty

14. Pinckney's Treaty, Treaty of San Lorenzo

15. Federalists and Republicans

16. Washington's Farewell Address

17. XYZ Affair

18.. Quasi-War with France

19. Alien and Sedition Acts

20 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

21. Fugitive Slave Law of 1793