Pre-Algebra II Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Gill Email: NGHS Office Phone: 423-234-1752

Course Description:

Welcome to Pre-Algebra II! I am excited to work with you throughout the semester, and I hope we have an enjoyable and productive time. This class will be a review of Algebra I topics, an introduction to Algebra II topics, as well ACT prep. This class will be a great opportunity to clarify any previous misunderstandings and to increase fluency.

This class will not be easy. You will really have to think and understand the language of math. However, as long as you are taking notes, asking questions, working examples, and completing your homework, you should do well. If you feel like you are struggling at any point, please come see me before/after school OR during I&I/Skinny. You will definitely want to clarify any misunderstandings early because this course builds on itself. I am a tutor at heart, and really enjoy troubleshooting students’ mistakes to see what “piece of the puzzle” is missing.

Parents: North Greene High School has a bus that will take students home if they stay after school on Tuesdays or Thursdays. The bus will pick the kids up from school at 4:25 to take them home. If your child needs any extra help, this is a great opportunity for them to get help with me. Please feel free to contact me if this is something you are interested in at any time.

Course Materials:

For this course, you will need paper, pencils (not pens), some sort of notebook (composition book, spiral notebook, or 3-ring binder), and colored pencils


For each nine weeks:Semester Grade:

40% Tests80% nine weeks grade

30% Homework10% midterm

30% Quizzes10% EOC

-Assignments are due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise noted.

-You must show your work for each problem completed on homework, quizzes, and tests (within reason). I don’t do this to make your life miserable - I do this in order to give you partial credit!!! Do not fret about writing down every single little step (I know you can simplify 2+2 down to 4 in your head) – I just need to be able to follow your train of thought, especially with any new content.No work = no credit.

-There will be no test retakes. However, I will offer corrections on 3 tests for ½ credit on each problem missed. Corrections will be done during I&I, Intramurals, or after school. If you need to make corrections, you need to schedule a time with me. No tests will be allowed to go home with a student.

-As for notes, I will talk more about them in class. Basically, just keep your notes complete (write down all example problems)/organized and all will be well. Copying down example problems allows you and me to quickly address any misunderstandings that you may have. If you do not take notes, you will not be allowed to work in groups.

-If you are absent from school, you will have as many days at school as you were absent to turn in your work (for instance, if you miss two consecutive days of school, you will have two days to make up the work missed for both days).

-Any cheating will result in a grade of 0 for that assignment. Further disciplinary action may be taken.

Late Assignments:

If your assignment is one day late, your highest grade is an 85%. If your assignment is two days late, your highest grade is 70%. If your assignment is 3 or more days late, your highest grade is a 50%. Once an interim period ends, I will no longer accept late work from that time frame. I will give 2 “mulligans” per quarter.

Cellphone Policy:

As per Greene County Schools’ policy, cellphones are not allowed in the classroom. If it is obvious to me that a student has accidentally forgotten to turn their ringer off, or their phone has fallen out of their pocket, I will not take it. However, if you have them out without my permission, I will keep them for the remainder of the class period. Repeat offenders will have their phones confiscated for the remainder of the day. Please give me your phone if I ask for it, otherwise I call Mr. G. down from the office to come get it, and he will more than likely give you after-school detention (possibly worse depending on your reaction). This is not fun for anyone.

If there is some sort of situation going on where you need to have your cellphone out, please let me know before class. Communication is key.

Attendance/Tardy Policy:

If you are absent, please collect any missed work from the filing cabinet labeled “While You Were Out”.

If you come to class late, or leave early, you will be counted tardy. If you are not in your seat and ready to go (pencil sharpened, calculator out, already used the bathroom, etc.) when the bell rings, you will be counted as tardy. I need you to sign in (or out) on my Sign-Out Sheet every time you arrive late (or leave early). This is for my records. Every 3rd tardy is considered as one unexcused absence. All tardies over three will be reported to the office (and after-school detention will be given).

If you miss class 3 times, I am required to call your parents (Greene County Schools policy).

If you miss this class more than 5 times (excused/unexcused/3rd tardy) during the semester, you will have to make the time up after school with Mrs. Dochety or you will not receive a passing grade.


Canvas is a new tool we will have access to this year. It is similar to Google Classroom, but cooler (so I’ve been told). At this time, we teachers have not been given access to it. However, I do plan to implement it as soon as I can. I plan on posting notes, helpful videos/examples, and homework to Canvas. Once it is up and running, I will show the students how to use the program, and I will most likely send a note home to parents.


I expect every student to try their best at all times, ask questions (raise your hand) if they do not understand something, and to take notes and write down every example problem. I also expect students to have respect in the classroom. This includes being quiet while I am talking and during independent work, talking at a reasonable level during group work, not mocking other students that ask questions, completing tasks in the least disruptive way (getting a tissue and sitting back down as opposed to walking around the entire room and talking to others).


Food and WATER will be permitted in the classroom as long as everyone cleans up their trash and food does not become a distraction. If this becomes a problem, the privilege will be taken away for the entire class.

You must ask before leaving the classroom for any reason. Also, you must sign the sign-out sheet and take the hall pass.

I will give my all every day to make this class fun and helpful. I expect you to do the same. Let’s have a good year!

Students, bring this page of the syllabus back to me. The rest is yours to keep for your own records.

By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the syllabus.

Student Name (Please Print): ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Preferred Method of Contact (Please select one from each section):

* If an email address or a phone number is for a person other than the parent/guardian listed above, please write their name out to the side.


 Email...... Email address: ______

 Call...... Phone number: (______)______– ______

 Text...... Phone number: (______)______– ______


 Email...... Email address: ______

 Call...... Phone number: (______)______– ______

 Text...... Phone number: (______)______– ______

Is there anything extra that you would like me to know about your child?
