Top of the Surf Condominium Association
Board Meeting
November 10, 2016
7 PM 2nd Floor

Present: Peg Murphy, Jim L’Esperance, Scott Gahan, Jerry Dee, Joe Carroll

I. Welcome

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 13, 2016
a. Board Members Peg, Jim, Scott, and Jerry unanimously approved the October 13th minutes as prepared by Acting Secretary Jerry Dee.

III. Affirmation of votes made via email: No email votes were taken since the October meeting.
IV. Financials (Jim)
a. Jim reviewed the current budget including October 2016 income and expenses.

1. Yearly expected income is $65,800 including condo fees of $60,000 and $5,800 in repair and maintenance carry-over funds as voted at Annual Meeting.

2. $1500 was transferred to the Capital Reserve.

b. Taxes: Jim and Jerry Piper are preparing TOTS taxes to move TOTS from calendar year to fiscal year starting, Oct 1, 2016.

V. Old Business

a. AC sleeves: Work scheduled to begin on Nov 21. Contractor will start on 3rd floor in rear of building and work down and across the building. Jerry, Jim, Scott, Joe, and willing residents will remove and replace resident's AC as work progresses to minimize the contractor's time.
b. Peg will draft a letter to owners asking votes on two items:
1. In concert with new State Condo laws, Board seeks approval to send issues for member voting via e-mail; allow members to participate in meeting via remote technology; and making Robert's Rules optional.

2. Approval to allocate up-to $17,000 for elevator upgrade expenses as initially discussed at the Annual Meeting.

c. Board agreed that thermostats on all three hallways, the unfinished basement, and storage area will be set at 50 degrees for the winter months. As in previous years, in cases of extremely frigid weather a Board member will temporarily increase the heat and notify the rest of the Board.
VI. New Business
a. Carpet Cleaning: Board will explore professional cleaner next year. Many thanks to Dakota for keeping carpets clean with vacuuming.
b. Carpet Squares: Floor tiles have arrived. Jim will install in next few addition to Jim adjusting back porch sliders, and Jim weather stripping front door...Jim's THE MAN!
c. Annual sprinkler system inspection is scheduled on December 22nd by Seacoast Security.
d. Peg suggested that a future project could be the addition of security camera in garage so residents are alerted if garage door remains open.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Carroll, Secretary