00113, Tire Retreading Services
Effective Date: May 1, 2013
Contract Number / 00113 (replaced 02806) / Commodity Code / 863-42, 863-65, 863-95, 863-03, 863-20, 863-25, 863-07, 863-10, 863-30, 863-15, 863-05
Contract Title / Tire Retreading Services
Purpose: / Contract Extension: Period of performance has been extended to 04/12/2018
Original Award Date: / April 12, 2013
Current Term: / 04/12/2013 / through / 04/12/2018
Services Provided: / Tire Retreading for over-the-road class 3 thru class 8 vehicles, Agricultural, and Non-Highway Service (NHS) tires as well as Rim refurbishing
Off Contract Purchases: / Although this contract is intended to meet the needs of all contract customers, it may not always do so effectively. Purchases from non-contract suppliers may be appropriate when:
Travel distance to the Vendors closest location is greater than 30 miles one way AND vendor is unable to deliver/pick-up from customer’s locations. The customer’s purchase file should be appropriately documented.
Vendors / Manufacturer / Awarded Vendor
Goodyear / The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. (Formally Wingfoot)
Michelin / Purcell Tire & Rubber Co (Formally Phelps Tire)
Bandag / Alpine Commercial Tire and Retreaders
For use by: / Mandatory:
ü  All State Agencies
Others Eligible:
ü  Current Members of Washington State Purchasing Cooperative which includes:
v  Political Subdivisions of Washington and Oregon State
v  Tribal Nations
v  Qualified Non-profit Corporations
v  Participating Institutions of Higher Education (College and Universities, Community and Technical Colleges).
Contracts Specialist: / Steve Hatfield / Alternate Contact: / Customer Service
Phone Number: / (360) 407-9276 / Phone Number: / (360) 407-2210
Fax Number: / (360) 586-2426 / Fax Number: / (360) 586-2426
Email: / / Email: /

Back To Top The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

Formally Wingfoot

Contract, Pricing

Primary Contact Phone Number:
Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Vendor Contract
Greg Chiamulon
/ Signed Contract Discount off List

Warranty: Shop Locations:

For Pricing Visit:
For issue with the pricing website contact vendor contract manager.

Back To Top Purcell Tire Co.

(Formally Phelps Tire CoContract, Pricing

Primary Contact Phone Number:
(206) 447-0169
Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Vendor Contract
Charlie Allfrey
/ Signed Contract Discount off List Price
Warranty: Shop Locations:

For Pricing Visit:
This website is under construction and will change.
For issue with the pricing website contact vendor contract manager.

Primary Contact Phone Number:
(425) 482-6596
Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (PST)
Vendor Contract Manager:
Ken Epperly
/ Signed Contract Discount off List

Warranty: Shop Locations:

For Pricing Visit: http://www.alpinecommercialtire.com/AlpineCommecialTire/WA_State_Contract.html
For issue with the pricing website contact vendor contract manager.

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Contract, Pricing

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00113 Tire Retreading Services

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