Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTCL)

Office of the Divisional Engineer Telecom,

BTCL, Narayanganj.

Dhaka Telecommunications Region (South), Ramna, Dhaka-1000.

Invitation for Tender

1 / Ministry/Division / Ministry of Post and Telecommunication
2 / Agency / Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Ltd. (BTCL)
3 / Procuring Entity Name / General Manager
Dhaka Telecommunications Region (South), BTCL, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
4 / Procuring Entity District / Narayanganj.
5 / Invitation Ref No & Date / AD (T/M)/E-40/2012-2013/15, Date-04-04-2013
6 / Procurement Method / Open Tender Method (OTM)
7 / Budget and Source of Funds / BTCL Own Fund
8 / Tender Package No. / DTR(South)/Asset Procurement/2012-2013/
9 / Tender Publication date / Vorer Kagoj dated on 18.04.2013, Bangladesh Protidin dated on 19.04.2013.
10 / Tender Selling Date / 22.04.2013
11 / Tender Closing Date and Time / 06.05.2013 / 12.00 hrs
12 / Tender Opening Date and Time / 07.05.2013 / 12.00 hrs
13 / Name & Address of the office(s)
Selling Tender Document (Principal)
Selling Tender Document (Others) ’ / Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj.
Dhaka Telecommunications Region (South), BTCL, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
Receiving Tender Document / Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj.
Dhaka Telecommunications Region (South), BTCL, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
- Opening Tender Document / Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj.
14 / Pre-bid Meeting (Optional) / No pre bid meeting.
15 / Eligibility of Tenderer / All Tenderers regardless of whether enlisted or not enlisted with the employer man submit Tenders providing they otherwise quality the following qualification criteria.
a)  The required average annual turnover shall be greater than Tk. 15 Lac over the last 05 (five) years.
b)  The required number of similar underground copper cable installation. Testing and Commissioning completed (contract amount not below than 10 Lacs) shall be 01 (one) over a period of 05(five) years.
c)  The minimum amount of liquid assets and / or credit facilities net of other contractual commitments of the Tenderer shall be 15 Lac.
16 / Brief Description of works / Supply, Installation, Trenching, Laying, Jointing, Testing The Cables, DP Post & Other Related Works For 30 Lines OSP Extension From Araihazar Thana Cabinet To Kalibari Bazar, Duptara Bazar, Duptara Govt. Primary School Area (7.5 K.M.) Under Araihazar RSU On Underground Basis.
17 / Price of Tender Document (Tk.) / Tk. 1,500.00
18 / Lot No. / Identification of Lot / Location / Tender security
Amount (Tk.) / Completion in
01 / Supply, Installation, Trenching, Laying, Jointing, Testing The Cables, DP Post & Other Related Works For 30 Lines OSP Extension From Araihazar Thana Cabinet To Kalibari Bazar, Duptara Bazar, Duptara Govt. Primary School Area (7.5 K.M.) Under Araihazar RSU On Underground Basis. / Araihazar,
Dhaka. / 25% Percent of Submitted Rates in the form of Pay-Order or Bank Draft in favour of Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj. / 20 Days
19 / Name of Official Inviting Tender / MD. ABDUL AWAL KHAN
20 / Designation of Official Inviting Tender / Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj.
21 / Address of Official Inviting Tender / Divisional Engineer Telecom, BTCL, Narayanganj-1400.
22 / Contact details of Official Inviting Tender / Telephone No- 027643000 / Fax No-027632900
23 / a.  The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tenders without showing any reason.
b.  If the tender submission is not possible on the last date fixed in the tender notice due to unavoidable circumstances or for Government holiday the tender submission will automatically be shifted to the next working day at same time.
c.  The quoted price should be included all taxes, VAT and others (if any).
d.  The provisions laid down on the “The public procurement Regulations-2008” and procurement procedures shall be in strict compliance.

(Md. Abdul Awal Khan)

Divisional Engineer Telecom

BTCL, Narayanganj.

Phone : 027643000

Fax : 027632900