2015 Science Fair Rubric - Zuehlke Student(s) ______

Science Fair projects are due Wed., Jan. 7 before schoolin your designated classroom.

Abstract is typed on the correct form and category is marked.
Abstract states the purpose, procedures, data, and conclusions using <250 words.
Abstract is taped to the back, top left corner of your backboard. / /20
Report - Title Page
Lists project title, your name(s), date / /5
Report -Table of Contents
Contents are listed on the left and corresponding page numbers are given to the right. / /5
Report - Introduction
The introduction explains the significance of your project and provides background information needed to understand the project. It is based on library research (from the research plan.) The introduction also contains your purpose, hypothesis, and variables. / /20
Report - Materials and Methods
Procedures describe what you actually did (procedures use past tense).
All appropriate controls are included.
Sample sizes are large enough to give meaningful results.
Changes have been made in response to pilot study results and feedback.
Procedures test the hypothesis. / /15
Report -Results
Data is organized.
Experiments were modified and repeated to clarify pilot study data.
Graphs, tables, and photos are meaningful, accurate, labeled, and described in a caption.
Measurements use the metric system. / /20
Report -Analysis and Conclusion
Conclusions are derived from the data.
Results are compared to the original hypothesis.
Discrepancies in data are noted and possible explanations are suggested.
Analysis suggests improvements to procedures and explains why the changes will strengthen the investigation. / /20
Report -References
Credit for information from outside sources is given appropriately.
Citations are complete and use standard formatting such as APA or MLA. / /5
Report – Acknowledgements and Appendix (Appendices are optional) / /5
Display Board
Display board is a concise summary of your research project.
The board includes only the most relevant information from your project.
The board is neat, organized, and professional in appearance.
Your project title and name(s) are on the front of your board.
Your teacher’s name and class period(s) are on the back below the abstract. / /30
Log Book
The book contains complete descriptive records of your project.
Your log book is in chronological order and reflects how your thinking may have changed over the duration of the project. Each team member submitted a log book. / /20
Topic is original and appropriate for an advanced/magnet high school chemistry class. / /5
Overall Mechanics
Neatness, organization, grammar, spelling, documentation, overall appearance. / /10
Total / /180
Take a picture of your finished project (Display board, log books, & research Report) for your cover sheet. The cover sheet and a copy of your research paper and abstract is due on Jan. 8.

Science Fair Research Report Cover Sheet

Title of Project: ______

Group member name / Science Teacher / Science Class Period