Independence – Freedom – Happiness
Ha Noi, October 29th, 2015


Guiding articles of Decree No. 187/2013/ND-CPdated November 20th, 2013 of the Governmenton the export and import of used information technology products

Pursuant to the Law on Information Technology dated June 29th, 2006;

Pursuant to the Law on Investment dated November 26th, 2014;

Pursuant to Decree No.187/2013/ND-CPdated November 20th, 2013 by the Government detailing the implementation of the Law on Commerce regarding international goods sale and purchase and goods sale, purchase, processing and transit agency activities with foreign countries;

Pursuant to Decree No.71/2007/ND-CPdated May 03rd, 2007 by the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Information Technology regarding information technology industry;

Pursuant to Decree No.132/2013/ND-CPdated October 16th, 2013 by the Government defining functions, tasks, entitlements and organizational structure of the Ministry of Information and Communications;

In consideration of the proposal of General Director of Department of Information Technology,

The Minister of Information and Communicationshereby promulgates the Circular guiding a number of articles of Decree No.187/2013/ND-CPdated November 20th, 2013 by the Government regarding the import and export of used information technology products.

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subject of application

1.Scope ofregulation

a) Promulgating the List of used information technology products banned from import in Appendix 01 enclosed herewith (hereinafter referred to as the List of banned import);

b) Regulating import of goods under the List of banned import for scientific research;

c) Regulating recycling and repair of used information technology products under the List of banned import to foreign traders according to Article 36 of Decree No.187/2013/ND-CPdatedNovember 20th, 2013.

2.Subject of application

This Circular is applicable to organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as importers) carrying out the import related to information technology products and the State management agencies related to this activity.

Article 2. Interpretation of terms

In this Circular, these terms can be construed as follows:

1. Recycling and repair of used information technology products are activities including production processes: component replacement, assembly, repair, restoration and upgrade of functions; and renewal of used information technology products in order to have features similar to new products.

2. Renovatedinformation technologyproducts are used products that have undergone repair, component replacement and other processes to have similar function, appearance and warranty policy like new products. Renovated products must carry a label in Vietnamese specified that the product has been renovated or in English with similar meaning.

Chapter II


Article 3.Principle of establishment and regulation of application to the List of banned import

  1. Principle of establishment to the List of banned import

a)The List of banned import is made on the basis of Goods List and HS Code in Preferred Export, Import Tariff;

b)The List of banned import is established, supplemented, revised in line with the development of information technology of other laws in every period.

  1. Regulations of application to the List of banned import

a)The List only bans the import of goods with 8-number HS code. 4- and 6-number HS codes in the List of banned import only specify the information on types of goods banned by 8-number HS code.

b)Component, spare parts, component unit, used accessories from products under the List of banned import are also banned;

c)For multi-color digital copying machine, printer, follow the law on printing upon import. For monochromatic digital copying machine (black and white) in combination with printing feature or other features used, follow the regulations of this Circular upon import.

Article 4.Importing products under the List of banned import for scientific research

  1. The Ministry of Information and Communications considers, approves the import of products under the List of banned import for scientific research (including activities: scientific research; sampling for design activity, research – development of products and test in production activity).
  2. Documents, procedures of proposing the import of products under the List of banned import for scientific research as follows:

a)Importers with import demand send 01 (one) set of documents via the post or direct submission at the head-office of the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Information Technology), address: No.18 Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi. Documents consist of:

-Papers proving juridical personality (enterprise registration certificate, or Establishment decision/license, or investment certificate/investment license), passport/ID card: notarized copies, in case of non-notarized copies, present originals for comparison upon submission;

-A request of import from importers, in which lists name of goods, HS code, quantity, use purpose of every item, confirmation, commitment of verification to these contents according to Form 01 of Appendix 02 of this Circular: 01 (one) original;

-A document of product description: 01 (one) copy;

-Other relevant documents (if any).

b)Within 07 (seven) working days, as from the receipt of full and valid documents, the Ministry of Information and Communications sends a writing response for approval of import. In case of non-approval, the Ministry of Information and Communications sends a writing response and specifies reasons.

Chapter III


Article 5. Condition of implementing recycling processing, repair used information technology products under the List of banned import to foreign traders

The implementation of recycling processing, repair used information technology products under the List of banned import to foreign traders (hereinafter referred to as processing activity) must meet full regulations defined at Clause 1, Article 36, Decree No. 187/2013/NĐ-CP on November 20th, 2013 by the Government, in details:

  1. Be an organization established and operated in accordance with the law of Viet Nam.
  2. Have projects, methods of waste treatment in the processing without environmental pollution approved by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment at the locality where the activity is implemented.
  3. Re-export all products, goods to foreign countries after processing, not allow a consumption in Viet Nam.
  4. Implement processing activity allowed by the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Article 6.Documents, procedures ofimplementingprocessing activity

  1. Documentsof proposing the implementation of processing activity consist of:

a)A request of implementing processing activity of organization in which specifies contents related to organizational and processing information according to Form 02 of Appendix 02 in this Circular: 01 (one) original;

b)Papers proving juridical personality (enterprise registration certificate, or Establishment decision/license, or investment certificate/investment license): 01 (one) notarized copy;

c)Organization’s record of capacity includes: line system, equipment, effective, implementation of feasible processing activity to every type of product; labor-force in line with production scope and full financial capacity: 01 (one) original;

d)Documents of Department of Natural Resources and Environment confirm projects, methods of waste treatment in the processing to every type of productwithout environmental pollution, meet requirements defined in Clause 2, Article 5 of this Circular: 01 (one) notarized copy;

  1. Processes, procedures of proposing the implementation of processing activity:

a)A document of proposal is sent via the post or direct submission at the head-office of the Ministry of Information and Communications (Department of Information Technology), address: No.18 Nguyen Du, Hai Ba Trung District, Ha Noi.

b)Within 15 (fifteen) working days, as from the receipt of full and valid documents, the Ministry of Information and Communications sends a writing response for approval of processing activity. In case of non-approval, the Ministry of Information and Communications sends a writing notice and specifies reasons.

Article 7. Regulation on custom procedure and reporting regulations

  1. Custom procedure in case ofthe implementation of processing activity is applied in accordance with the law for processing goods to foreign traders..
  2. In periodically annual time, make a report on the implementation of processing activity based on the document of approvalon quantity of exports, imports and inventory according to a form in Appendix 03 of this Circular via the Internet and send a copy of export, import declaration to the Ministry of Information and Communications.
  3. The Ministry of Information and Communications in cooperation with relevant agencies conduct periodical or sudden audits in the performance of activities by the organization based onthe document of approval.

Chapter IV


Article 8. Effectiveness of implementation

  1. This Circular comes into effect as from December 15th, 2015.
  2. This Circular supersedes Circular No.11/2012/TT-BTTTT on July 17th, 2012 of the Minister of Information and Communications defining the List of banned import to used information technology products.

Article 9. Implementing organization

  1. The Head from agencies, units under the Ministry of Information and Communications, agencies, organizations, individuals indicated in Article 1 bear responsibility for executing this Circular.
  2. In the performance, if having further inquiries, agencies, organizations, individuals related are asked to reflect to the Ministry of Information and Communications for timely settlement./..

-Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers (to report);
-Ministries and Ministerial-level agencies, Government agencies;
-Supreme People’s Procuracy;
- Supreme People’s Court;
-State Audit of Vietnam;
-People’s committees of provinces , cities under central authority;
-General Department of Customs;
-Bureau of Legal Normative Documents Post-Review(Ministry of Justice);
-Departments of information and communications of provinces, cities under central authority;
-Associations of IT;
-Gazette, Government Portal;
-Ministry of information and communications: Minister and Deputy Ministers;
-Agencies, units under Ministry, Ministry Portal;
-Archives: Filing, IT. / MINISTER
Nguyen Bac Son




(Enclosed to Circular No.31 /2015/TT-BTTTT on October 29th, 2015 of the Minister of Information and Communications)

Code / Description
8443 / Printers use printing parts such as print format (typesetting), roller and printing parts of group 84.42; other printers, copying machines, and fax machines, with or without combination; parts and their accessories (except from monochromatic copying machines(black and white) combined with printing feature or other features, printing/copying function with A0 paper size or printing/copying speed from 35 copies/minute for A4 paper size and more; except from laser ink cartridge).
- Other printers, copying machines and fax machines with or without combination:
8443.31 / - - Machines combined with two or many functions: printing, copying, or fax, able to connect with network or auto data processing machines:
8443.31.10 / --Printing-copyingmachines, printing by ink jet printing technology
8443.31.20 / --Printing-copyingmachines, printing by laser printing technology
8443.31.30 / --Combined printing-copying-faxmachines
8443.32 / - - Other types, able to connect with network or auto data processing machines:
8443.32.10 / --Dot matrix printers
8443.32.20 / --Ink jet printers
8443.32.30 / --Laser printers
8443.32.40 / --Fax machines
8443.32.90 / — Others
8443.39 / -- Others:
8443.39.40 / —Ink jet printers
-Parts and accessories:
8443.99 / -- Others:
8443.99.20 / — Ink cartridgewith ink (except from laser ink cartridge)
8469 / Typewriter except from printers of group 84.43; data processing machines.
8469.00.10 / - Text processing machines
8469.00.90 / - Others
8470 / Pocket data display and transcription,recordingmachines and calculators with calculation function; accounting machines; post free stampers, ticket selling machines and equivalents affixed to calculation part; coin counting machine.
8470.10.00 / -Electronic computer likely operated without external power, Pocket data display and transcription, recording machines with calculation function
-Other electronic computers:
8470.21.00 / - - Affixed printing part
8470.30.00 / - Other computers
84.71 / Auto data processing machinesand their function units; magnetic reading head oroptical head, data transmitters to coded data transmission means and these data processing machines not yet detailed or specified anywhere.
8471.30 / - Portable auto data processing machineswith weight not over 10 kg, including at least a center data processing unit, a keyboard and a screen:
8471.30.10 / - - Portablesmall calculators including mini calculators and electromagnetic logging combined with calculator (PDAs)
8471.30.20 / -- Laptop, including notebook, subnotebook, tablet PC
8471.30.90 / -- Others:
- Other Auto data processing machines:
8471.41 / - - Contain in the same cover, with at least a center data processing unit, an input unit and an output unit with or without combination:
8471.41.10 / ---PC except from laptop of group 8471.30
8471.41.90 / ---Others:
8471.49 / - - Others, in system form:
8471.49.10 / ---PC except from pocket calculators of subgroup 8471.30
8471.49.90 / ---Others:
8471.50 / - Processing unit except from type of subgroup 8471.41 or 8471.49, contain or not contain one or two following devices in the same cover: storage device, input unit, output unit:
8471.50.10 / -- Processing unit for PC (including laptop)
8471.50.90 / -- Others:
8471.60 / - Input unit, output unit, contain or not contain storage device in the same cover:
8471.60.30 / - - Keyboard
8471.60.40 / - - X-Y coordinate input device, including mouse, light-pen, control rod, trackball and touch screen
8471.70 / - Storage device:
8471.70.10 / - - Soft drive
8471.70.20 / - - Hard drive
8471.70.30 / - -Tape drive
8471.70.40 / - - Optical drive, including writable CD-ROM, DVD and CD (CD-R)
8471.80 / - Other parts of auto data processing machine:
8471.80.10 / - - Control unit and và adaptor
8471.80.70 / - - Sound Card or image card
8471.90 / - Others:
8471.90.20 / - - Optical character reader, document orimage scanner
84.73 / Parts and accessories (except form cover, carrying case and equivalents) only use or maily use together with machines under groups from 84.69 to 84.72.
8473.10 / - Parts and accessoriesof machines under group 84.69:
8473.10.10 / - -Built-inprinted circuit board used for text processing machines
8473.10.90 / - - Others
- Parts and accessoriesof machines under group 84.70:
8473.21.00 / - - Of electronic computer under subgroup 8470.10.00, 8470.21.00 or 8470.29.00
8473.29.00 / - - Others
8473.30 / - Parts and accessoriesof machines under group 84.71:
8473.30.10 / - - Built-inprinted circuit board
8473.30.90 / - - Others
8473.40 / - Parts and accessoriesof machines under group 84.72:
- - Used for electric machines:
8473.40.11 / - Parts, including built-inprinted circuit boardused for pay machines
8473.40.19 / ---Others
8473.40.20 / - - Used for non-electric machines
8473.50 / -Parts and accessoriesfit for machines under two or many groups of groupsfrom 84.69 to 84.72:
-- Used for electric machines:
8473.50.11 / ---Fir for machines under group 84.71
8473.50.19 / ---Others
8473.50.20 / - - Used for non-electric machines
85.17 / Telephone unit, including mobile phones (telephones for cellular networks) or other telephones for wireless networks; other equipment for other data, image or sound trasmission and receipt including wireless or landline telecommunication equipment (such as types used in intranet orWide Area Network (WAN)), except from transmitter and receiver under groups 84.43, 85.25, 85.27 or 85.28.
- Telephone unit, including mobile telephones(telephones for cellular networks) or other telephones for wireless networks:
8517.11.00 / - - Landline telephone unitwith wirelessHandy Phone
8517.12.00 / -- Mobile telephones (telephones for cellular networks) or other telephones for wireless networks
-Other equipment for other data, image or sound trasmission and receipt including wireless or landline telecommunication equipment (such as types used in intranet orWide Area Network (WAN)):
8517.61.00 / - - Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
8517.62 / - - Sound, image or other data form regeneration, transmission, conversion and receiving machines, including changeover device and routing equipment:
- - - Parts of auto data processing machines, except from type of group 84.71:
8517.62.21 / ----Control unit and adaptor, including gateway, link and router
8517.62.30 / ---Telephone or telegraph changeover device
---Equipment used for carrier landline system or digital landline system:
8517.62.41 / ----Modem, including type using connection cable and card form
8517.62.42 / ----Concentrator or multiplexer
---Other transmission equipmentscombined with receiver:
8517.62.51 / ----Wireless intranet equipment
8517.62.53 / ----Transmitters used for transmission Telephone or telegraph in other wave form
---Other transmission equipments:
8517.62.61 / ----Used for Telephone or telegraph
8517.69.00 / - - Others:
85.18 / Micro and micro holder; speaker mounted or not mounted into cover; earphone with or without head cap frame, connect or not connect with a micro and parts consist of a micro and one or many speakers; sound electric amplifiers; electric repeater.
8518.10 / -Micro and micro holder:
-- Micro:
8518.10.11 / ---Micro has frequency range of300 Hz - 3.400 Hz, with diameter not over 10 mm and height not over 3mm, used in telecommunication
8518.10.19 / ---Other types of micro, mounted or not mounted micro holder
8518.10.90 / - - Others
- Speaker, mounted or not mounted into speaker box:
8518.21 / - - Single speaker, mounted into speaker box
8518.21.10 / ---Cabinet loudspeaker
8518.21.90 / ---Others
8518.22 / - - Speaker unit, mounted into the same cabinet loudspeaker
8518.22.10 / ---Cabinet loudspeaker
8518.22.90 / ---Others
8518.29 / - - Others:
8518.29.20 / ---Speaker, without box, with frequency range of 300 Hz - 3.400 Hz, with diameter not over 50 mm, used in telecommunication
8518.29.90 / ---Others
8518.30 / - Earphone with and without head cap frame, connect or not connect with a micro and parts consist of a micro and one or many speakers:
8518.30.10 / - - Earphone with head cap frame
8518.30.20 / - - Earphone without head cap frame
- - Combined micro/speaker unit:
8518.30.40 / - - Combiner (listen-talk) of handy landline telephones
8518.30.90 / - - Others
8518.40 / - Sound electric amplifier:
8518.40.10 / - - Others, with 6 signal lines and more, combine or not combine with elements used for power amplifier
8518.40.20 / - - Use like repeater in landline telephones
8518.40.30 / - - Use like repeater in telephones except from landline telephones
8518.40.90 / - - Others
8518.50 / - Electric repeater
8518.50.10 / - - Power range of 240W and more
8518.50.20 / - - Others, with loudspeaker, fit for emission of waves, with voltage range of 50 V or morebut not over 100V
8518.50.90 / - - Others
8518.90 / - Parts:
8518.90.10 / - - Of goods under subgroups 8518.10.11, 8518.29.20, 8518.30.40 or 8518.40.20, including built-in printed circuit board
8518.90.20 / - - Of goods under subgroup 8518.40.40
8518.90.90 / - - Others
8525 / Transmitters used for television or radio broadcast, affixed to or not affixed to sound receiver or recorder or generator; television camera, digital camera and background image record camera
8525.50.00 / - Transmitters
8525.60.00 / - Transmittersaffixed to sound receiver
8525.80 / - Television camera, digital camera and record camera:
8525.80.10 / - - Webcam
- - Record camera:
8525.80.31 / ---Of type used for broadcasting field
8525.80.39 / ---Others
8525.80.40 / - - Television camera
8525.80.50 / - - Other digital cameras
85.26 / Radar, Radio wave navigation equipment and remote radio control requipment.
8526.10 / - Radar:
8526.10.10 / - - Radar, used on ground or on civil aircraft or only used for sea ships and boats
8526.10.90 / - - Others
- Others:
8526.91 / - - Radio navigation equipment:
8526.91.10 / --- Radio navigation equipment, type used on civil aircraftor special purposes for sea ships and boats
8526.91.90 / ---Others
8526.92.00 / - - Remote radio control requipment
85.27 / Receivers used for radio wave broadcast, combined or not combined with sound generator or recorder or with a meter in the same block.
- Radio wavereceiver likely operated without external power supply:
8527.12.00 / - - Pocket cassette radio
8527.13 / - - Other machines combined with sound generator or recorder:
8527.13.10 / ---Portable
8527.13.90 / ---Others
8527.19 / - - Others:
---Receivers with functions of chart set-up, electromagnetic spectrum monitor and management:
8527.19.11 / ---- Portable
8527.19.19 / ---- Others
8527.19.91 / ---- Portable
8527.19.99 / ---- Others
- Radio wavereceiver only operated with external power supply, used for motor vehicle:
8527.21.00 / - - Combined with sound generator or recorder
8527.29.00 / - - Others
- Others:
8527.91 / - - Combined with sound generator or recorder:
8527.91.10 / ---Portable
8527.91.90 / ---Others
8527.92 / - - Not combined with sound generator or recorderbut affixed to a meter:
8527.92.10 / ---Portable
8527.92.90 / ---Others
8527.99 / - - Others:
8527.99.10 / ---Portable
8528 / Display and projector, not affixed to television receiver; television receiver, affixed or not affixed to radio wave receiver or sound generator or recorder.
- Display uses cathode picture tube:
8528.41 / - - Type only used or mainly used for data processing system under group 84.71:
8528.41.10 / --- Color type
8528.41.20 / ---Monochromatic type
8528.49 / - - Others:
8528.49.10 / --- Color type
8528.49.20 / --- Monochromatic type
- Other display:
8528.51 / - - Type only used or mainly used for data processing system under group 84.71:
8528.51.10 / ---Projection type flatpanel display
8528.51.20 / ---Other type, color
8528.51.30 / --- Other type, monochromatic
8528.59 / - - Others:
8528.59.10 / ---Color type
8528.59.20 / ---Monochromatic type
- Projector:
8528.61 / - - Type only used or mainly used for data processing system under group 84.71:
8528.61.10 / --- Flatpanel display type
8528.61.90 / ---Others
8528.69 / - - Others:
8528.69.10 / ---Screen reflecting power from 300 inch and more
- Television receiver, affixed or not affixed to radio wave receiver or image or sound generator or recorder:
8528.71 / - - Not designed to affixed to screen or video display equipment:
--- Signal Conversion Devices (set top boxes which have a
communication function):
8528.71.11 / ----Electric operation
8528.71.19 / ----Others
8528.71.91 / ----AC operation
8528.71.99 / ---- Others
8528.72 / - - Other type, color:
8528.72.10 / ---Battery operation
--- Others:
8528.72.91 / ----Type using cathode picture tube
8528.72.92 / ----LCD, LED and other flat panel display types
8528.72.99 / ---- Others
8528.73.00 / -- Other type, monochromatic
85.34 / Print circuit
8534.00.10 / - Single side
8534.00.20 / - Double side
8534.00.30 / - Multi-layer
8534.00.90 / - Others
85.40 / Electron lamp and electron tube use thermoelectron, cold cathode or photocathode (for example, electron lamp andair or gas intake or void tube and or mercuric arc rectifying electron lamp and tube, negative ray electron tube, television camera electron tube).
- Negative rayradio picture tube, including picture tube of negative rayvideo display:
8540.11.00 / - - Color type
8540.12.00 / - - Monochromatic type
8540.20.00 / - Television cameratube; image transducer and image repeater; other electro-optical negative tube
8540.40 / - Tube displays data/graphics, type of color, phosphor dot with step under 0.4 mm:
8540.40.10 / - - Tube displays data/graphics, type of color, of type using for goods under group 85.25
8540.40.90 / - - Others
8540.60.00 / -Other negative tube
-Extra-short wavelength tube or microwave tube(e.g, magnetrons, klytrons, progressive wave tube, carcinotron), except from net control tube:
8540.71.00 / - - Magnetrons
8540.79.00 / -- Others
-Other electron lamp and electron tube:
8540.81.00 / - - Electron lamp and electron tubeof receiver or amplifier
8540.89.00 / -- Others
8540.91.00 / - - Of negative ray tube
8540.99 / - - Others:
8540.99.10 / ---Of extra-short wavelength tube
8540.99.90 / ---Others
85.42 / Integrated electronic circuit
- Integrated electronic circuit:
8542.31.00 / - - Processing unit and control unit, combined or not combined with storage unit, converter, logic circuit, amplifier, meter and timer circuit or other circuits
8542.32.00 / - - Memory card
8542.33.00 / - - Amplifier
8542.39.00 / - - Others
8542.90.00 / - Parts
85.44 / Electric wiring, cable (including coax) insulated ( including insulation enameled type or isulation coated type) and other insulated wiring, affixed or not affixed to connector; optical fibre cable made by single cables with separate cover for every fibre, affixed or not affixed to electric wiring or to connector.
- Other electric wiring, used for voltage not over 1,000 V:
8544.42 / - - Mounted to electric connector:
--- Used for telecommunication, voltage not over 80V:
8544.42.11 / ----Telephone cable, telegraph cable and undersea radio transition cable
8544.42.19 / ---Others:
8544.42.21 / ----Telephone cable, telegraph cable and undersea radio transition cable
8544.42.22 / ----Telephone cable, telegraph cable and radio transition cable, others
8544.49 / - - Others:
--- Used for telecommunication, voltage not over 80 V:
8544.49.11. / ----Telephone cable, telegraph cable and undersea radio transition cable
8544.49.19 / ----Others:
---Used for telecommunication, voltage over 80 V but not over 1,000 V:
8544.49.31 / ----Telephone cable, telegraph cable and undersea radiowave transition station
8544.49.39 / ----Others:
8544.70 / - Optical fibre cable:
8544.70.10 / -- Telephone cable, telegraph cable and undersea radio transition cable