St George’s Hospital Major Incident Plan – September 2009 v1.2


St George’s Hospital Major Incident Plan – September 2009 v1.2

CDU ………………….... / 3645 / 2908
Majors …..…………….. / 3488 / 3478
Minors ……………….... / 3462
Paeds ……………….…. / 3518
Reception …………….. / 1278 / 1280
Resus ...……………..… / 5825
X-ray ………………….. / 1296
Cardiothoracic ITU .…. / 1504
CCU ………………….… / 3166 / 3168
General ITU/HDU ….… / 1307 / 3294 / 0492
Neuro ITU ………….…. / 4195 / 4196
PICU ………………….... / 1932
MI Receiving Wards
Richmond …………….. / 3299 / 3143
Vernon ………………… / 3197/3196
Other Sites
St. John’s (Out patient Dept.)….. / 020 8812 5385
St. John’s (Day Hospital.)….. / 020 8812 5370
St. John’s (X-ray Dept.)….. / 020 8812 5380
Wolfson ……………….. / 6502 / (B)7258
AGU / 1762
Allingham …………….. / 3160 / 3161
Amyand MAU …………. / 3158 / 3175
Belgrave ………………. / 1567 / 1568
Benjamin Weir ……….. / 1508 / 1509
Brodie …………………. / 4783/4496
Buckland ……………… / 1080 / 0062
Caesar Hawkins ……... / 2020 / 2021
Carmen Suite ……… / 2039/2041
Caroline ………………. / 1292 / 3467
Cavell ………………….. / 3223 / 3224
Champneys …………... / 2085 / 2057
Cheselden ……………. / 3940 / 3188
Courtyard Clinic (GUM) ……… / 3353 / 3354
Dalby ………………….. / 2056 / 2086
Day Surgery Unit / 0418 / 0420 / 0422
Delivery Suite / 0101/1921/2547
Duke Elder ……………. / 2064/ 2065
Florence Nightingale .. / 3290 / 3190
Frederick Hewitt …….. / 2081 / 3937
Gray …………………… / 1062 / 3194
Gunning / 3219/3236/5449
Gwilliam ………………. / 2012 / 2013
Heberden ……………... / 0388 / 0389
Holdsworth ……………. / 2173 / 3217
James Hope ………….. / 1170 / 1180
Jungle Ward …………. / 2034 / 2035
Keate ………………….. / 3226 / 3227
Kent ……………………. / 4671 / 4672
Marnham ……………… / 2003 / 2015
McEntee ………………. / 3147 / 3280
McKissock ……………. / 4644 / 4645
Nicholls ……………….. / 2098 / 2099
Ocean …………………. / 4636 / 4144
Pinckney ……………… / 2082 / 2083
Rodney Smith ……….. / 3164 / 3185
Ruth Myles Ward …………… / 2442 / 3281
Ruth Myles Day Unit ……… / 1680 / 3607
Thomas Addison Unit …….. / 0931 / 0932
Thomas Young ………. / 0523 / 0524
Trevor Howell ………... / 1082 / 1083
William Drummond …. / 1326 / 1327
Angiography (DSA suite – St. J.) / 4981/ 4982
CT (Lanes) / 1730 / 5125
CT (Neuro – AMW) / 4169 / 4189
MRI Unit (Lanes) / 2933 / 2935
MRI (Neuro – AMW) / 4616
Ultrasound (Lanes) / 1776
Ultrasound (Neuro – AMW) / 4694
X-ray (St. J.) / 1485 / 1486
X-ray (Neuro – AMW) / 4189

St George’s Hospital Major Incident Plan – September 2009 v1.2

PLEASE NOTE: In the event of any major incident, your first call should be to NHS London and ask for pager number NHS01 who will relay the information as required.

For communications, do call NHS London and ask for pager number LON01 but be aware that if the incident needs coordination and a wider response, NHS01 must be informed.

Anaesthetics Dept ...... / 3316
Bereavement Services / 3410 / Bleep 7484
Cardiac Investigations / 1385 / 1386
Catering ………………….…. / 1954 / 1949 / Bleep 6724
Chaplains and social workers ... / 3070 / Bleep 6210
Comms Manager ……..…... / 2717 / 5151 / Pager 07659 125409
Delivery Suite / 0101 / 2547
Fracture Clinic / 4950 / 3146
Friends of St George’s Hospital…. / 2125
Haemodialysis / 1979/ 1113
ISS Mediclean Ltd …….….. / (B) 6661
Johnsons Ltd (for AMW):
Estates ………………………
Domestic/Linen …………… / 4445
Media Room Lines …………….…. / 020 8725 1320 / 1322 / 1323
Medical Records ………….. / 1963 / 1965
(B) 6213 – evenings only
Monckton Theatre ………. / 1542
Mortuary ……………………. / 5240 / SG 240
Neuro Outpatient Dept:
Relatives’ Info Centre …....
Discharge Area ………….... / 4137
(Out of hours 12-8am)……. / 1764 (B) 6267
Aircall SG276
Police radio link …………... / 3013
Portering ………………..….. / 2134 / Bleep 6426
Procurement / 1814 / 1821
Urgent ……………………....
Non-urgent ...... / 3333
Sterile Supplies…………… / 3244 / 3127
Switchboard emergency … / 2222
Cardiac Theatres……………
Neuro Theatres…………..
Lanesborough Wing ……...
St James ………………….... / 1496 Recovery 0347
4523 Recovery 4695
1928 Recovery 1931
3113 Recovery 3118
Transport …………………... / 1777 / 2406 Aircall SG755
Blood Transfusion Centre (South West London)..
(Out of hours)…………….. / 020 8258 8300
020 8258 8355
British Red Cross ……….... / 0870 170 7000 / 0844 871 1111
British Transport Police HQ ...... / 0800 40 50 40
Department of Health – Major Incident Command Centre ………………. / 0845 000 5555
Environment Agency (flooding) ...... / 0800 80 70 60
Hammersmith Hospital / 020 8383 1000
HPA Chemical Hazards & Poisons Division……………………………. / 020 7759 2873 or (OOH) 0844 892 0555
HPA Centre for Emergency Preparedness & Response…………….. / 01980 612 100
HPA Centre for Infections………………. / 020 8200 4400
HPA National Poisons Information Service……………………………… / 0870 600 6266
HPA Radiation Protection Divisions….
Out of hours……………… / 01235 831600
01235 834590
Health Protection Unit …...
(Out of hours) .…………….. / 020 8812 7850
020 8390 4008
Institute of Naval Medicine (Diving incident) ………... / 02392 768020 / 07831 151523
Language Line (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm) ………...... / 0845 310 9900
LAS Commander – Waterloo … / 0207 921 5197
London Fire Brigade …….. / 020 8555 1200
020 8555 4700 (Mon – Fri 8.30am – 4.30pm) or 999
(National Arrangements for Incidents involving Radioactivity)……… / 0800 834 153
National Blood Service .…. / 020 8258 8300
NHS London:
On-call Manager ………….….
On call Comms Lead ….….
On call HEPA ………….…..
Emergency Bed Service .... / 08448 222 888 Pager number NHS01
08448 222 888 Pager number LON01
07623 541 132
0207 463 2641
Police Casualty Bureau ….
(for information about people who may have been involved in incident) / 0870 1566344 or 020 7158 0010 or as published
Royal Marsden Hospital (London)…
(Surrey)…. / 020 7352 8171
020 8642 6011
St John’s Ambulance ...... / 08700 10 49 50 / 020 7324 4000
Type Talk (national telephone relay service for deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, deafblind and speech-impaired people) …………………... / 0808 808 0123 (freephone)
0845 685 8000 London regional office
Trident Medical Services (Occupational Health Services) …………… / 0118 982 6868
UK Reserve Stock Hotline………… / 01245 442211
Walk-in Centre, Tooting (7am – 10pm) …. / 020 8700 0505
Wandsworth PCT …….…… / 020 8812 7600
Water UK ………...... ………. / 020 7344 1844
Out of hours: 07833 450544