Ref No / AP/P/5045
Title / PEDLER Joseph, Roche, blacksmith
Date of probate* / 1 Jun 1844
Description / ‘In the Name of God Amen’
-  To daughter Grace one shilling.
-  To son Charles one shilling.
-  To son Henry one shilling.
-  To daughter Emma £2 ten shillings a year so long as the ‘life lives on the estate and she lives to enjoy it’.
-  To son James one shilling.
-  To daughter Joanna one shilling.
-  To daughter Thirza £2.
-  To son Reuben one shilling.
-  To daughter Mary or her children 10 shillings a year ‘so long as the life on my estate lives’.
-  To son Josiah one shilling.
Testator’s son Joseph Sidney and testator’s wife Dinah are named as executors. After Dinah’s death son Joseph Sidney shall be sole executor ‘of all my Leasehold goods and Chattles, furniture which shall be in my dwellinghouse at the time of my death, to hold use occupy and possess during their lives’.
The executors are to pay the above legacies one year after testator’s death. ‘I give and bequeath unto my said son Joseph Sidney Pedler and to my wife Dinah Pedler as already said’
Executors: Joseph Sidney Pedler, son of testator
Dinah Pedler wife of testator
Signature of testator: Joseph Pedler
Signatures of: Samuel Curtis
Josiah Yelland
Date of will: 14 Jan 1842
Date proved: 1 Jun 1844
Administration granted to Joseph Sidney Pedler as Dinah Pedler had died during the lifetime of Joseph Pedler.
Effects under £20
Died 10 Jan 1844
Stamp nil
No 104
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.

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