SmithStone HOA Board Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2007
Board members present were Dan Grimm, Jim Bailey, James Fisher, Tom Freeman, and Brian Rabalais. Community member Christy Graffeo also attended.
Dan called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. He reviewed the order of the meeting.
Community Items
- Christy asked about the sign to be put on the LakeAccess. She expressed concern about people using that area and the whole dock for fishing. Dan told her that the sign copy would be addressed during the meeting.
- James told the Board about two yards that are not being kept up. Dan said that the owners of both had already received letters telling them that they must maintain their property appropriately.
Minutes Approval
Dan moved and James seconded that the minutes of the February 2007 meeting be approved. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business
- Jim moved and Dan seconded that the LakeAccess sign include the following items:
- Residents Only
- Boat Docking 15 min. max.
- No swimming or Diving
- No glass containers
After discussion the motion carried unanimously.
- Jim told the Board that the CountyCommissioners want a contact person in SmithStone to be the liaison between the community and the Commission for zoning issues. Christy Garffeo volunteered to be SmithStone’s representative.
Old Business
- Dan distributed a bid for landscaping of the rear lawn of the pool.
- He distributed another for the pool/clubhouse parking lot. The quote did not include paving.
These issues will be considered when the Board addresses capital improvements.
Committee Reports
- Architectural – One request was approved.
- Social – The pool will open May 1. A cook out may be planned for the first week in May. Clubhouse rentals continue at a rate of one to two a month.
- Landscape – The search for a company to bushhog the steep slopes continues.
- Communication – The web site is continually updated.
- Finance – The HOA has $28,500 on hand. The financial report is attached.
- Maintenance – Dan will ask the company that works on the lift station to put stickers on the machinery that explain what to do in and emergency.
Round Table Discussion
- Dan presented a bid of $1900 to put stone, sand, and a silt fence on the power line right-of-way near Smith Pond. Jim moved to accept the bid; Brian seconded. After discussion the motion carried unanimously.
- Dan presented a tree pruning and clearing quote to
- clear trees off Green Point area
- prune oaks at Smith Cove entry
- clear scrub on both the east and west sides of Smith Pond
Dan moved and Jim seconded that the Board accept the bid. After discussion the
motion carried 4 to 1.
- Jim reported that Mariner's Pointe is up to date in its master association dues.
Brian moved and James seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adorned at 7:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Julia Williams