Advising Center – How do I…?


Look up student data for a student who is not directly assigned to me as an advisee?

Run a Degree Progress Report?

View a student’s unofficial transcript?

Run a What-If Report?

Find a student’s campus?

Find a student’s college?

Find a student’s grades?

Run an unofficial transcript.

Review the student’s Course History changing the display to sort by term.

Use the Grades drop down from Other Academics.

Use the Academics tab.

Look up student data for a student who is not directly assigned to me as an advisee?

In the new version of Louie, Drop-in Advisee has been changed to “View Other Student.” From My Advisees,

  1. Select .
  2. You will be presented with a search dialog box.

  1. Enter the student’s ID, NAU ID, National ID (social security number) or a portion of the student’s Last and First Name.
  2. After selecting the correct student, you will be taken to the student’s Student Center page.

Run a Degree Progress Report?

In the new version of Louie, Degree Progress Reports are called “Academic Requirements.” From the Student Center, under the Academics section,

  1. Use the “other academics” drop down.
  2. Select “Academic Requirement”.
  3. Press .

Changes of note:

Only one copy is stored in the data base. If you need to reference old copies of the AAR, either print the PDF report or save the PDF report to a file.

The Printer Friendly Page displays a PDF version of the report.

Completed requirements are collapsed.

The report is easy to read.

Icons easily identify courses taken NAU from transfer work from those currently in progress.

There is no transcript section at the beginning of the report. Use the Course History, Transfer Credit Report and/or Unofficial Transcript links at the top of the page to find this information.

Academic Requirements are now interactive. Course hyperlinks drill into the Course Catalog.

View a student’s unofficial transcript?

From the Student Center, under the Academics section,

  1. Use the “other academics” drop down.
  2. Select “Transcript: View Unofficial”.
  3. Press .
  1. After pressing Go, the Advisee Unofficial Transcript page will be presented. Press .

Changes of note:

The unofficial transcript has an “UNOFFICIAL” watermark.

The orientation is landscape.

The format and text is clean and easy to read.

Run a What-If Report?

A What-if Report allows you to model the student’s Academic Requirements by adding or changing a major, minor, concentration, emphasis, certificate, etc.

From the Student Center, under the Academics section,

  1. Use the “other academics” drop down.
  2. Select “What-if Report”.
  3. Press .
  1. Select .
  1. Make the appropriate changes to model the What-if scenario.
  1. Press .

Find a student’s campus?

After selecting the student either from your list of advisees or search from View Other Student,

  1. Click on the Academics tab.

Find a student’s college?

After selecting the student either from your list of advisees or search from View Other Student,

  1. Click on the Academics tab.

Find a student’s grades?

There are a number a ways to find a student’s grades for a specific term.

Run an unofficial transcript.

Review the student’s Course History changing the display to sort by term.

From the Student Center, under the Academics section,

  1. Use the “other academics” drop down.
  2. Select “Course History”.
  3. Press .
  1. You can change the sort by using “Sort results by” or clicking on the column header.

Use the Grades drop down from Other Academics.

From the Student Center, under the Academics section,

  1. Use the “other academics” drop down.
  2. Select “Grades”.
  3. Press .
  1. Use to select the appropriate term.

Use the Academics tab.

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