Gateshead Medicines Management Committee Decision Summary

Gateshead Medicines Management Committee

Summary of decisions made regarding new product requests considered at a meeting of the Committee on Wednesday 9th July 2014.

Classification of Products:

Red = Hospital use only

Amber = Drugs with shared care agreement

Green + = Initiated by Primary or Secondary Care Specialist but can be safely maintained in primary care without ongoing specialist monitoring.

Green = GP & Hospital use. Drugs not classified as Red, Amber or Green + are classified as Green by default

Product / Decision / Comments/notes
Approved / Refused / Deferred
1)  Requests deferred from previous meetings
2)  New Requests
Torasemide / ü Green + / Decision: To be initiated by heart failure team only in those not responding to frusemide.
Jaydess / ü Green + / Decision: To be used by Sexual Health Team only.
3)  New formulations & extensions to use
None received
4)  Products considered by NTAG
Rivaroxaban for acute cornonary syndrome / ü / Not approved by NTAG
High dose vitamins and minerals for prevention of AMD / ü / Not approved by NTAG and not a commissioned treatment at GHFNT.
Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation / ü / Not approved by NTAG.
5)  Products considered by NECDAG
None received
6)  Products considered by NICE
Canagliflozin in combination therapy for treating type2 diabetes (TA315) / üGreen + / Approved in line with NICE TAG.
Psoriatic arthritis (active) - ustekinumab (TA313) / ü / Not approved by NICE.
Multiple sclerosis (relapsing-remitting) - alemtuzumab (TA312) / ü Red / Approved in line with NICE TAG.
Noted not applicable to GHFNT as patients treated for this condition at Newcastle/Sunderland.
7)  Appeals against earlier decisions by GMMC
None received
8)  Miscellaneous decisions by GMMC
Metolazone / üGreen + / Decision: To be initiated by heart failure team only. Noted unlicensed.
9)  NHS England Commissioning Circulars
SSC1425 - Macitentan / ü Red / Noted not applicable to GHFNT as pulmonary hypertension services not provided by GHFNT.
SSC1426 – Disease modifying therapies for patients with MS / ü Red / Noted not applicable to GHFNT as MS services not provided by GHFNT.
SSC1428 - Duodopa / ü / Not approved by NHS England.
SSC1430 – Oncotype DX / ü / Not approved by NHS England.

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GMMC Decision Summary 9.7.14