To: Melissa McIsaac

From: Brandon Harvey

Date: August 25, 2013

Subject: Planning Options for Tropical Paradise Retirement


People have a hard time planning for retirement. They either start to late or they are overwhelmed by all the available investment options out there. This project will help provide understanding of the options geared towards a particular goal.

What Is my Topic?

The purpose of this project is to compare different investment options to be able to retire in a tropical paradise by the time you turn 60.

What Is the Problem Being Investigated?

When it comes to planning for retirement, people can have a hard time starting early for one or two reasons. First is because they do not know what they want to do in retirement. Next is being overwhelmed with the number of different investment options on the market.

Why Do You Need to Investigate this Problem?

Retirement planning is a huge problem in the United States. Most Americans do not fully think about planning for retirement at an early age. This is due to a few different reasons, which include: thinking they don’t have the resources to start sooner and some think that Social Security is all they will need. This leads to many people struggling to live day-to-day due to improper planning and people living longer.

What Are your Preliminary Ideas for Improvement?

My ideas for improving some of the problems listed above is to compare the primary retirement investment options currently available on the market to accomplish the goal of retiring in a tropical environment.

Who Is the Audience for your Project Documents?

The primary audience for this project would be any individual or couple who are looking to retire in a tropical environment. Other possible interested stakeholders would be businesses who conduct retirement planning.

What Do I Know about this Topic?

I currently have a very limited understanding of different investment options for retirement. This includes a broad understanding of some different options like pensions, 401k, IRA (Traditional and Roth), savings (basic, CD, mutual fund), and Social Security.


After completing this project, people will have a better understanding of different investment options geared towards a particular goal of retiring in a tropical paradise.