J. M. Odom Elementary School

Local School Governance Team (LSGT)

Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2016

  1. Call to order

Mrs. Lauri Dalton, Committee Chair

  1. The following persons were present:
    Mrs. Lirio, Mr. Madison, Nayan Patel, Mrs. Almond, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs. Duke, Lance Beamon, and Alan Stone.
  2. Present proposed agenda for Board approval
  3. Approval of Minutes- Minutes from November 10, 2015 were approved.
  4. Items for action by Local School Governance Team

a)  Reviewed and discussed Odom’s School Parental Involvement Policy/Plan
Suggestions offered by team to increase parent involvement: Academic Nights with fun activities, time for more individual parent conferences, Reading Workshop Night, raffle/tickets to encourage parent participation, ask businesses for donations of prizes and highlight businesses on banner, ask a church to adopt/support Odom, survey parents and get feedback for ideas to encourage more involvement/ participation, a school chart that highlights students and the number of times their parents attend with an end-of-year prize for student with most parent attendance.

  1. Information items from the Principal:

a)  Personnel – Mr. Madison’s last day is 2/23/16, Ms. Terry resigned, and Mrs. Lirio cannot hire for that position, and Jalissa Black is resigning in April, 2016.

b)  Financial/Resource Allocation- Mrs. Lirio presented and discussed the Year-To-Date Budget report, Allocation of monies are somewhat frozen at this time, and all requests for purchases must be approved by Dr. Gregory.

c)  Curriculum / Instruction –

d)  Achievement of School Improvement Goals- Dr. Baldy / Mr. Madison are meeting with teachers every 6 weeks focusing on bottom percentile of students at-risk, monitoring of students’ progress is on-going with interventions and accommodations in place, and focus continues to be on teaching standards and setting goals to ensure students are successful.

e)  School Operations/update on building– Construction will be in phases starting with the gym as soon as the school year ends this year (May), most of the ideas presented to architects were approved and possible, Admin offices will expand by taking out walls, old lounge may become a ‘teacher-workroom’, currently there is a problem w/ Nurse’s office because of ‘transformer’/electric issues, No updates are scheduled for electricity/electric infrastructure on main hall, there are still issues concerning the proposed parking area and electric infrastructure of whole school.

  1. Items from the Local School Governance Team
  2. Executive Session
  3. Adjournment
    Next meeting: March 8, 2016 8:00 a.m.

Mrs. Dalton adjourned the meeting

Minutes submitted by: Mrs. Duke

Minutes approved by: