New Norfolk Football Club Rooms, New Norfolk,

Saturday 22nd November 2014, 1.00pm


Attendees as per Eventbrite

Ambulance Tasmania representatives Dominic Morgan, David Godfrey-Smith, Les Bain, Steven Moore, Ian Hart


Jack van Tatenhove, Vern Richardson,


Nubeena on Sunday 23rd November 2013

Moved Wayne Doran : That these minutes are a true and accurate record of the meeting. Seconded: Deb van Velzen Carried


Presidents Report - AGM New Norfolk Gathering23rd November 2014

Good morning, and welcome everyone

We have had another busy and productive year, summarised below:

*Met quarterly with Dominic, Kevin & significant others, and

Regular meetings & numerous email/phone consultations with David, CVS

* AT Consultation Documents Reviewed including:

1, VAO Authority to Practice

2, VAO Return to Operational Duties

3, VAO Information for Applicants

4, Implementing the Ambulance Service Act 2013

5, AT Policy Development & Consultation Process (ongoing)

6, Efficiency Dividends Consultation (ongoing)

* Developed Reports/Guidelines for:

VAOAT Strategic Planning (ongoing) &

$Value of Ambulance Volunteers Report (ongoing)

*Novelist Rosemary King – Board had several meetings with Rosemary, who is writing a fictional novel based "loosely" on Tasmania's VAO's.

*Our assistance was requested to give background to VAO practice and provide input into credibility of procedures and scenarios in the novel.

*Facilitated access to Dominic/AT, CVS and selected units and VAO's;in order for her to gain a broad idea of what it means to work as a VAO

* New Norfolk Gathering 2014 – Involved 12 months of planning, numerous meetings and visits by the G14 sub-committee, and regular input from the Board to get to this fantastic event

*Published First Response eMagazine 4 times per year thanks to the dedication and editorship of Margaret Dennis

*Board members have attended and represented Volunteers at all Official Ceremonies, Awards & Events during the year

As this is my final report, I sincerely thank the Board and Membership for the support I have received during my term of 5 years, and wish the newly elected President, Pat Taylor the very best for his term.

Pam Fanning, 23/11/14

Retiring President


Financial statements for year ended 30th September 2014.

Financial records went to the auditor on 20 September, but a problem with corrupted data was not identified until recently. Then a technical problem with the Treasurer’s computer meant there was a delay in retrieving the documents for the auditor.

A readable set of records is now in the hands of

The Tax Counter P/L, Suite 1, Level 1 398 Main Rd. Glenorchy, TAS, 7010.

He has indicated that he has found no problem with the accounts, but has been unable to produce an official report in time for the meeting.

Summary: $69,273.90 held in three bank accounts.

This is a decline from $94,039.34 on last financial year

- Some donations still to be clarified.

- Board to conduct strategic planning next year, and other sources of funding will be explored

Moved: Lesley Green: That theVAOAT Board receive the Auditors Report and audited accounts for the financial year to 30 September 2014and provides full accounts to any parties who indicate their interest. Further, any difficulties or anomalies which the auditor requests be alerted to the membership be publicised by way of the VAOAT website and an article in the February 2015 issue of First Response. SecondedJack Spinks Carried


All positions were declared vacant. Chairperson Pam Fanning stood down and handed the chair to retiring Board member George Hudson

George informed the meeting that nominations were called for in writing/direct email to members and posted on our website. At the date of the close of nominations 12th November, the following nominations were received:


President: One nomination received that of Patrick Taylor. Therefore Pat was duly elected President, as per Sec 9.(3), of Constitution and Rules of Association.

Vice President: One nomination received that of Wayne Doran. Therefore Wayne was duly elected Vice President, as per Sec 9.(3), of Constitution and Rules of Association.

Secretary: One nomination received that of Dianne Coon. Therefore Dianne was duly elected Secretary, as per Sec 9.(3), of Constitution and Rules of Association.

Treasurer: One nomination received that of Lesley Green. Therefore Lesley was duly elected Treasurer, as per Sec 9.(3), of Constitution and Rules of Association.

Committee Members – 8 positions.

Nine nominations were received, so Chairperson George Hudson sought approval of the meeting to accept all nominations as Board members as per Sec 9.(3), of Constitution and Rules of Association. So:

Damien Almond

Ethan Hoare

Susan George

Leith McHarry

Keitha Munro

Steven Thompson

Jack van Tatenhove

Cheryl Wilson

were declared duly elected as full members


Margaret Dennis

Was elected ex officio.

Pat Taylor took the Chair.

Pat sought the meeting’s approval to re-appoint the following roles

Public Officer: Dianne Coon

Publicity/Media officer: Dianne Coon


The Treasurer nominated

The Tax Counter P/L, Suite 1, Level 1 398 Main Rd. Glenorchy. TAS 7010

Seconded: Beth Hart



Section 5(3)(b) of the Constitution and Rules of Association allows for the nomination and approval of an Honorary Life Member Of the Association in appreciation of the services of that person to the Association.

Dianne Coon nominated Wayne Doran as a Life member, which was approved by acclamation, and Wayne was presented with a certificate.

Pat Taylor nominated George Hudson as a Life member, which was approved by acclamation, and George was presented with a certificate.

There were no issues raised, so a General Meeting was not required.

Meeting closed 1.40pm