Tutorial: Wednesday’s 3:30 – 4:30pm CALL (912) 395-3950 FOR CONFERENCE

1. Locations 73-77

2. Words of the day:

subcontinent – a large landmass that is part of a continent, but is geographically separated

Northern Plains – lies between the Himalayas and southern India; includes the

Ganges and Indus River valleys.

Sediment – minerals and debris that settle at the bottom of a river

Karma – the result of a person’s lifetime actions that were thought in Hinduism to determine

that person’s fate in the next life.

Deccan Plateau - a large plateau in India, making up the majority of the southern part of the

country, ranging in elevation from 100 meters in the north to more then 1000 meters in the south

Students in All classes will continue power point presentation on Government.

HOMEWORK: Study for tests: Vocabulary and Map Locations; Government


2.  Words of the day: Monsoon – a seasonal winds that blows over the northern part of the Indian Ocean

Mohenjo – Daro – was a large city with well built homes and public buildings. Canals brought water from wells to farms outside the city wells.

Aryan - A race that originated in Central Asia and later migrated to Europe and India

3. Students will continue Governments PowerPoint and packet

4. HOMEWORK: Study for tests: Vocabulary and Map Locations; Government

1. Journal Entry: “Use the following terms in a brief essay: federal, capitalist, republic, democracy, presidential, parliamentary, direct, and representative. “Underline the terms as you use them.

1.  Words of the day: Sanskrit - Sanskrit is a written and spoken language that became predominant in India some time

after the Buddha's nirvana; an official language of India now used only for religious purposes.

Hinduism - a body of religious and philosophical beliefs and cultural practices native to

India and based on a caste system; it is characterized by a belief in reincarnation

Vedas - the most ancient sacred writings of Hinduism written in early Sanskrit; Book of Knowledge;

contains writings on prayers, hymns, religious rituals, and philosophy.

Caste – an inherited social class among Hindus; a social class separated from others by

distinctions of hereditary rank or profession or wealth

Ashoka - was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian

subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. ...

3.  Blocks: 2 & 5 will take Map Locations Test Today (62-72)

4.  Blocks 1, 3 & 4 - will analyze documents from and discuss primary documents versus secondary document in preparation for DBQ essay.

5.  Blocks 2 & 5 will continue to read and discuss comparing Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran’s governments. Teacher directed.


1.  Journal Entry: “Write a brief essay using the following terms: parliamentary, unitary, prime minister, House of Commons, House of Lords, citizens, executive and legislative.

2.  Words of the day: Buddhism - the teaching of Buddha that life is filled with suffering caused by desire, that suffering

ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment is obtained through good conduct and wisdom;

meditation releases one from desire and suffering bringing about rebirth

Siddhartha Guatama - A spiritual teacher from ancient India and the founder of Buddhism

Four Noble Truths - the important teachings of the BUDDHA: life is suffering, the cause of that

suffering is selfish desire, selfish desire can be removed, and it can be removed by following the 8 fold path

Eightfold Path – Guidelines of behavior for followers of Buddhism: right understanding, right purpose,

right speech, right conduct, right means of livelihood, right effort, right awareness, and right meditation.

Students in first, second and third period classes will participate in discussion on the U.S. presence in the Middle East and the varying opinions about it. Third period class will finish PowerPoint on Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran; fifth period class will continue with Governments activities.

4. HOMEWORK: Study for tests.

Journal Entry: NONE.

Words of the Day: Khmer - a native or inhabitant of Cambodia

Mohandas Gandhi – Indian leader whose policy of civil disobedience ultimately led to Britain’s giving India its independence.

Angkor Wat - A complex of religious buildings in Cambodia (in southeastern Asia) that is considered one of the world's greatest archaeological and architectural treasures.

Students in first, third and fourth period classes will begin writing DBQ essays on the U.S. Presence in the Middle East;

Test Today: Vocabulary and Map Locations

HOMEWORK: Have a safe weekend.