Regulation 5.530
July 1, 2011
Training and Professional Growth
Tuition Assistance
The following administrators will administer the payment of funds to personnel for tuition assistance:
· Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
o Instructional personnel
o School secretaries
o Central office secretaries
o Technology personnel
o Accountants
o Maintenance workers
o School Nutrition Program Workers
o Transportation mechanics
Reimbursement claim forms are to be submitted with all supporting documentation no later than 30 days following the posting of grades by the institution offering the course. Failure to comply with this timeline will result in reimbursement forfeiture. Reimbursement amount will be based on availability of funds and will not exceed the cost of the class. There will be no reimbursement for books, materials, and supplies.
Full-time certificated employees may receive some reimbursement for courses completed per fiscal year unless that employee is directed in writing to take a certain course by the Superintendent. In that case, the employee will receive reimbursement for full tuition.
Augusta County Public Schools will provide financial assistance for the following professional development program activities as long as categorical funds are available in the budget:
· College Credit Classes for teacher recertification, Masters Degree, Doctorate or National Board Certification. A Request for reimbursement shall be sent to Assistant Superintendent for Personnel prior to taking class.
· Support staff increasing skills pertinent to their job responsibilities. Must have prior approval from direct supervisor.
The Augusta County Public Schools may provide tuition reimbursement of up to $ 150.00 per credit hour to professional employees who satisfactorily complete any of the following college credit classes with a grade of a “C” or better. Reimbursement will be on a first come first serve basis and will be capped at $450 per fiscal year.
1. Content area courses for elementary teachers in Math, Science, History/Social Studies, English, Reading, Writing
2. Subject area courses taught by middle and high school teachers
3. Any special education course
4. Any educational technology course
5. Any course recommended by teacher’s immediate supervisor
6. Courses required for Masters/Doctorate Degree in School Administration or Masters/Doctorate Degree in content area
7. Courses for English as a Second Language
8. Classroom Management/Methods Courses
9. Courses for at-risk students
10. Others courses as approved by Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
11. National Board Certification
The Augusta County Public Schools may provide tuition reimbursement of up to $ 75.00 per class, not to exceed cost of class, to support employees who satisfactorily complete with a grade of a “C” or better the following:
1. Courses directly related to area of responsibility
2. Courses approved by immediate supervisor
Regulation 5.530
July 1, 2011
Page 2
(This form must be submitted to Assistant Superintendent for Personnel prior to taking class)
Name of ApplicantSchool
Teaching Assignments / 1.
Home Address
College /University
Course Number
Course Title
Reason For Taking Course (Check One) / Certification / License Renewal
Master’s Degree / Doctorate Degree
Cost for Class (Tuition Only) / $
Anticipated Class Completion Date
Signature of Applicant
Central Office
Request Approved / Request Denied / Amount / $Reason Denied
Signature / Date
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel / Date
Regulation 5.530
July 1, 2011
Page 3
(This form must be used in submitting for reimbursement after class is completed)
Name of ApplicantSchool
Home Address
College /University
Course Number
Course Title
Final Grade / (Attach a copy of final grade sheet)
Tuition Paid Excluding Text Material / $
(Attach a copy of receipt or canceled check)
Class Completion Date
Signature of Applicant
(Reimbursement will be made within 30 days after all documentation is received. Any reimbursement claim forms/documentation received after June 1 will be void and reimbursement forfeited.)
A reminder to attach the following documentation when submitting for reimbursement:
1. A copy of receipt or canceled check.
2. A copy of the educational institution’s, unofficial transcript or written documentation from the institution stating the student’s grade.
Central Office
Approved for Payment by School Division Coordinator / Amount / $Signature / Date
Assistant Superintendent for Personnel
Policy 5.540
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Training and Professional Growth
Courses for Credit
The Superintendent or his designee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating courses for college credit which provide professional enrichment and growth for employees. A close working relationship shall be maintained with institutions of higher education in planning for college credit courses to be offered.
Policy adopted: November 3, 1983 Augusta County School Board