Workday Manager Guide
Workday is the group-wide system for Human Resources (HR) processes and data
Logging inWorkday uses OKTA for Single Sign On (SSO) – if you are asked for a username/password this is what you use for your PC/laptop :
If you cannot access OKTA, use the following link:
If you do not have a password, use the “Forgot Password” link and enter your email address in both the ‘User Name’ and ‘Email’ boxes – you will be emailed login details. /
The Workday information site contains links, guides videos and other supporting materials:
Home page
Team Time Off / View your own time off and book time off or leave
My Direct Reports / Workday recognizes you have people reporting to you and lists them here
My Team / As a Manager you can view your team and begin transactions such as Job and Compensation Change, which will then route for approval
Personal Information / Check or amend any of your own details (see Employee Guide)
Time off / Book holidays or other types of time off and leave (see Employee Guide)
Manager Reports / Useful reports, such as Headcount and Open Positions
Birthdays / Upcoming birthdays and anniversaries in your team
Favourites / You can save commonly used tasks and reports here(see Employee Guide)
Directory / Access all locations globally and find employees (see Employee Guide)
You can use the search bar to search for a person, report or task.
Tip: You need to type the words accurately; however you do not need to type the whole word. /
As a manager, you may want to search for a person in your team, or elsewhere in the business:
- Type in part of the name and the system will start to present options
- Click on the person’s name to access their profile
As a manager you may also want to carry out tasks, such as raising a vacancy, which is called “Create Position” in Workday
- Type in the name of the task, options will start to appear
- Click the task when you see it appear
You may find that a search returns multiple items in the results. If so, click the appropriate item or search again to reduce the results.
You can also change the search “categories” by selecting one from the left hand menu
- The default search is “Common” (which is the fastest setting) however you can change this in you preferences
- Selecting “People” will only show colleagues in the results
- Selecting “All of Workday” ensures everything in the system is being searched
Inbox and Notifications
As a Manager, your Workday Inbox is an important tool to ensure processes are moving forward and completing – here you can review and approve changes happening in your organization.
If you have Inbox items you will see a number against your phot at the top right of the screen /
To access the Inbox, click your name or photo and select Inbox. For important items you will receive an email reminder delivered as a “daily digest”.
- You may also see Notifications which are designed to keep you aware of key events.
- Via your user preferences (see below), you can opt into more information to be included in your daily digest email
There are various options when reviewing and approving items which appear in your Inbox
You can move the process forward using:
You can also if necessary
Selecting will mean the item stays in your Inbox, as do ‘Close’ and ‘Cancel’ /
It is good practice to add a comment, as these will be seen by others involved in the process.
Processed Inbox items will be move the “Archive” tab, where they can be accessed for reference if necessary /
If necessary, you can delegate your Inbox. To do this, type “My Delegations” into the Search or access directly from your Inbox:
- Enter start and end dates
- Who is being delegated to
- For which processes
- Click Submit
- Click your name or photo at the top right.
- Select “My Account” and “Change Preferences”
- Here you can amend settings such as:
- Locale (for date and number formats)
- Language
- Currency
- Click OK to save any changes.
Workday will send you a daily digest of items for your review and approval, however you can control these via your Notifications Delivery Preferences, which can be found towards the bottom of the Preferences page /
Viewing information about your team
Click on My Team
You will see a number of Actions and Views
My Org Chart is a good place to start to get an overview, you can navigate to any level of the chart /
Clicking on a team member who reports to you will bring up their profile page with a menu of pages containing information about the individual.
Tip: “Contingent Workers” have [C] after their name – this anyone not on payroll, e.g. a contractor /
Changing information for your team
If you hover over a worker’s name you will see an orange “brick” button with three dots (ellipsis)
This will open up related Actions /
The Actions listed are organised by a menu with sub-menus.
Initiating an action may trigger an approval workflow, depending on the type of update. For example compensation changes undergo the usual authorisation process, with Finance and Divisional signoff built in to the system.
Tip: For Starters, Leavers and Changes there is a detailed process guide /
Workday uses “Business Processes” to manage the workflow – if you are initiating a process or involved in the approval, you can see the steps by clicking the “Process tab” – this shows the steps so far and also the remaining steps /
Running reports
Click on Manager Reports /
To run a report, simply click the name of the report, either from the menu or having found using Search /
Some reports may require parameters
Enter the appropriate information and click
Many reports contain links and drill downs to help interrogate the information /
Most reports also include options at the top right:
Export to Excel
Apply a filter
Show as graph /
Remember that contains videos and other resources to help you with Workday.
If you have questions please contact your local HR contact or /