Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman.
1 / Minutes of CLUB COUNCIL 29 September 2014. / Action /2 / Attendance. Keith Elliott(KE), David Shannon(DS), Denis Power-Neads(DPN), Bob Crowe (BC), Rita Crowe (RC), Ivor Walker (IW).
Apologies: Bryan Richardson, Allen Burlton, Alan Haines, Tony Roberts, David Pattinson.
3 / Minutes of the Last Club Council.
No amendments, agreed and a copy signed. / Andy Foreman for website
4 / Matters arising.
· DS has spoken to Clare Fraser about Smartie tubes. He would take Collectve Worship one day after half term.
· Alan Haines not available October 6th
5 / Correspondence. Kevin Thompson and Tony Lane. Referred to committees. The Chairman’s charity for Newark was referred to Tony Roberts, to whom murder and mystery are second nature.
6 / Treasurer.
DP had sent a report, for which CC expressed thanks
7 / Fund Raising
The Hog Roast raised £920. The President suggested £100 to be sent to IW Club of Newark, for their President’s Charity.
Ian Harrison is holding a stall for us with 240v power for “Switching” Sunday. President would Email Peter Heard and invite him to check availability of Chocolate machine, otherwise he would ask MW to procure Gluhwein (but not a vintage garage stored version).
Flintham Show went well, thanks to IW and AF.
This evening’s Mike Storr event will raise £75 for Asthma UK. / DP cheque
DP cheque
8 / Community Service Committee.
Nothing to report to CC
9 / Membership and Service
An invitation to join had elapsed without a reply from Andy Voce so DS would write and withdraw the invitation.
Paula Hurst had impressed at interview and would be inducted by DS on Monday October 6th at Club Meeting.
We could re-structure fees for new members to £120, payable in four quarterly instalments of £30. New members would pay on 1/8, 1/11, Feb 1, 1/5 dates. Agreed:
To offer this facility to all members from 1st July 2015. Money for a donation to Rotary Foundation would hence come from Club Activities and be paid out from the Charity Fund.
Agreed we need to pin down a date for a presentation at Newark Business Club. / DPN
S Shaw
10 / International
Bryan was absent / BR
11 / Youth Service. Tony was absent.
DPN had set in motion the arrangements for Children of Courage 2015. Would confirm the date and venue at next CC meeting. / TR
12 / Satellite
Attendance still biggest challenge, since members were balancing work commitments. Kathryn had attended again and would be a most welcome member. Bev Eames had attended once and would come on Wed Oct 8th. DS had asked Clive for a list of school contacts for AF to follow up with a visit. / AF
13 / Programme
Thanks to KE for September 29th at the Deincourt Hotel. Conference October 2ndto 5th, in Llandudno. Dinner set for 7.15 each evening for those in St George’s Hotel. KE would chase up Charles Foster for October 20th, Club meeting.
Xmas lunch etc booked at Deincourt. Board shortly since main dining area could only hold 56!
14a / Other Standard items
Risk assessments for all events should now go to Keith Elliott.
Helen van Ristell was able to advise on Health and Safety issues.
DPN would help DB with his RA for the “Know blood pressure day!”
District Council had been well supported on September 16th and we had been praised for the Satellite Club.
14b / AOB.
We have changed two of the future Club Council dates to October 30th (to suit DS) and Council in Waiting to June 22 2015 to suit KE and DPN, who had district commitments on previous date!
DS to ask Malcolm Humphries to examine tentage and suggest any work DS will take to Mumford.
We have had no reply to invite to Roland Cope for hon. Membership
IW asked to be added to bag packing rota.
DS notified Club Councilof change of dates for Waitrose Santa collections to Wed/Thurs/Friday December 17-19th. Waitrose had offered Saturday to Bereavement Centre, but had forgotten! / DS
15 / Date of Next Meetings.
The President thanked all for attending, and suggested the dates of the next meetings
30 October, 20 November 2014, 15 January, 19 February, 19 March, 16 April, 21 May (social to wrap up the Year) 2015. Keith’s Council-in-Waiting 22 June 2015 / N/A