LNMVReligious Education Program

Classes held at LNMV Catholic Education Center, home of Holy Cross School

6100 37th Street West, Webster, MN 55088 952-652-6100 ext. 501

Church of Saint Nicholas

51 Church St
New Market,MN 55054

Phone: (952) 461-2403

Fax: (952) 461-2423

Church of the Immaculate Conception

PO Box 169

116 Alabama St SE
Lonsdale,MN 55046-0169
Phone: (507) 744-2829

Most Holy Trinity

4939 Washington St. N

Veseli, MN 55046

Phone: (507) 744-2823

August 12, 2017

Dear Catechists and classroom aides,

Praise God for your yes and volunteer service in responding to the call to pass on the faith asa catechist, co-catechist or classroom aide. It is essential that all our catechists attend the workshop for your grade levels, each year we all need to be renewed in our faith and commitment. This year there will be new teacher manuals and you will have an opportunity to help form the communication process for the year.

1)Catechists teaching grades 1 – 8: Your workshop will be held on Wed., September 6th,from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Catholic Education Center (Holy Cross School). For those that would like we will have a little social time beginning at 6:00pm with a light supper. This evening will provide you with information on the school year, spiritual enrichment, classroom tips and communication. Our plan is to have your class roster and your classroom locationprinted for you.Please RSVP by calling or emailing me before Sept. 1st. If we have not heard from you by that date, we will need to call to verify.

2)Confirmation Catechists: We have a separate in-service for Confirmation catechists since sacramental preparation involves a small group approach in combination with the CHOSEN program. We feel it wouldbe fruitful to have time to talk specifically about the Confirmation process for the students and the dynamics of small group. Our workshop will be held on Thursday, Sept. 7th in the Art Room at the Education Center from 6:30-8:15pm.Join us at 6:00 for a light supper and some social time.

3)As far as the Safe environments requirements, I believe most of you that are returning are in compliance through this year, a few may need updated credentialing. If there is something to be completed, your parish safe environment coordinator will be in touch with you. Thank you for doing all you can to protect our children.

For grades 1-8 catechists: If you do not have the teacher’s manual for the class you are teaching, it will be available at the in-service or if you would like to pick it up sooner, please contact me to make arrangements.Each class will have a plastic bin for their books and supplies that we keep in the classrooms. You will have an opportunity to fill it with the supplies you need or request supplies needed. Pencils and student books will be in your room the first night of class. Class times will remain the same, 6:30pm –7:45pm. I also encourage you to visit our website at for information and updates and upcoming events. Please review the Parent-student handbook as well as the Catechist handbook, both are the website. It is important that you know the expectation and policies for students for learning, discipline, dress code, attendance, etc.

Lastly, I would like to invite all of you to pray for your students and fellow catechists and the parents of your children. It is through prayer that we can empty ourselves and let God fill us with his Holy Spirit, granting us wisdom and understanding to carry out the task of teaching His children. We pray for our students to be open to what God wants them to learn and hear during this school year. We invite God to work through us to be his hands and feet.

Thank you again for sharing your time and talents with the families of our parishes. I look forward to seeing each of you at the workshop on

September 6that Holy Cross Catholic School for grades 1-8 and September 7th for our Confirmation catechists. If you have any questions or if there is something specific you would like to talk to me about, please feel free to call me. I am generally at the school every day.

With a grateful heart,

Kathy Chlan

Kathy Chlan

Director of Religious Education, LNMV Religious Education

Phone: 952-652-6100 ext. 501, Email:

LNMV Religious Education Class Schedule 2017-2018 Grade 1-10

Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm – 7:45 pm

Classes held at LNMV Catholic Education Center, home of Holy Cross School

6100 37th Street West, Webster, MN 55088 952-652-6100 ext. 501

September 6Catechist/aides/Volunteer Orientation Workshop (Grades 1- 6) 6:30-8:00pm

7Confirmation Catechist/aides Orientation Workshop (Grades 7 - 10) 6:30-8:00pm

13 First Communion Parent Meeting @ 6:00pm in gym at Holy Cross

13Confirmation Parent Student Meeting @ 7:30pm in gym at Holy Cross



October 4Class


18NO Class – MEA Break


November 1NO CLASS – All Saint’s Day – Attend Mass in your parish for Holy day of Obligation

8Class - Safety training for Grades 8-9-10

15Class - Safety training for Grades 4-7

22NO CLASS – Thanksgiving Break

29 Class - Safety training for Grades 1-3

December 6CLASS


20NO CLASS (Christmas Break)

27NO CLASS (Christmas Break)

January 3Class



24Class – First Reconciliation Interviews

31 Class

February 7Class

14NO CLASS– ASH Wednesday- Attend Mass in parishes Prayer Knowledge Testing

21Class Prayer Knowledge Testing


March 7Class



28NO CLASS – Holy Week

April 4Class – Confirmation Interviews begin



25Class - First Communion Interviews

May 2Class – Last night


ABSENCES CAN BE emailed to or

Web site has button to click to report absences @


Wed. Sept. 13th, 2017 - 2ndGr. Parent meeting @ 6:00pm – 7:00pm @ Holy Cross Gym

Wed. Sept 13th, 2017, Confirmation student-parent meeting @ 7:30pm @ Holy Cross Gym

Sat. October 28th, 2017 Archdiocesan Youth Day – Bus leaving TBA (between 11am and noon)

Fri. & Sat. Nov. 1718, 2017 – Confirmation Retreat for Year II Confirmation Students

Date to be Determined – Sponsor/Confirmation Student Meeting

Sat. Jan. 13th, 2018– 2nd gr. Parent/Student Meeting – 5pm mass/tour/talk @ Parish

Sat. Jan. 27th, 2018– First Reconciliation @ parishes

Sat. April 7th, 2018 – First Communion Parent/Student Workshop 9:30-11:00am.

Sun. April 29th, 2018 – First Communion – Most Holy Trinity, Veseli @ 9:00am Mass (Practice on Sat. April 28th @ 9:30am)

Sat. May 5th, 2018– FirstCommunion – St. Nicholas, New Market @ 5:00pm Mass (Practice on Fri. May 4th @ 6:00pm)

Sun. May 6th, 2018 – First Communion – St. Nicholas, New Market @ 8:00am Mass (Practice on Fri. May 4th @ 7:00pm)

Sun. May 6th, 2018 – First Communion – Immaculate Conception @ 10:00am Mass (Practice on Sat. May 5th @ 9:30pm)

Thurs. May 10th, 2018 - Confirmation at Cathedral in St. Paul @ 7:00pm Mass