Longmont Concert Band Meeting Minutes
Board Member Meeting
Altona Middle School
Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2015
Board Members in Attendance: Zach Garcia, Gary Lloyd, Peter Alexander, J Mixer, Dave Lohman, Ida Newcomer, Lynn Scribner
Call to Order - 6:34 PM – Peter Alexander
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes – J Mixer moved
Ida Newcomer seconded
Approved by the board
Treasurer’s Report
Ida Newcomer - Dr. Sherrod made a $500 donation to the band. Mr. and Mrs. Hinman made a $125 donation.
Ida Newcomer - What is the best way that we can make the donation to Altona for the use of their percussion equipment?
Gary Lloyd - I would email Dana Clanin about the donation at and see how you can get that to her.
Flapjack Fundraiser
Lynn Scribner - Applebee’s hold their fundraisers on Saturdays and Sundays. We should plan to have our fundraiser with them sometime after our May concert. We have to sell 100 tickets for around $7 or $8 each and we would need between 10-15 volunteers to work the fundraiser. They would email a template for the tickets to us. I would be happy to organize this for everyone.
Gary Lloyd - If we are smart about our advertising in the Times-Call, we could get information out about this fundraiser.
Peter Alexander - The possible dates that would work for the fundraiser would be May 9th, 10th, 16th, and 17th.
Dave Lohman - We would get more band members if we held the event on a Saturday.
Peter Alexander - Motion to ask of the band’s approval to begin the Applebees fundraising process and to get the members of the band to commit to participate as a volunteer.
Motion passes
Band Email
Dave Lohman - We do have a new band email address:
Peter Alexander - Dave will be in charge of updating the facebook page and website or he will have to take over the fundraiser.
Dave Lohman - Has anyone engaged Rich about accessing our previous email address to see if there is email we are missing?
J Mixer - Someone needs to send Dave a phone number to reach Rich.
Peter Alexander - Here is Rich’s phone number: 303-747-2917
Longmont “Entertainment Application Form” (Rhythm on the River?)
Gary Lloyd - Is Rhythm on the River an event that this group is interested in doing? There is an application we would need to fill out for this event. It’s around the second week of July.
J Mixer - I remember playing this gig once and not enjoying it personally. We were not in a good location and it was not suitable for our type of music group..
Gary Lloyd - Is the band looking for more opportunities to play over the summer?
Ida Newcomer - Can we gage the interest level of the band members in rehearsal?
Gary Lloyd - There is a February deadline for this event, so we do have some time to think about it.
Flyers for Upcoming Concerts
Gary Lloyd - Tony is not here, but he said he is willing to do the advertising with the Times-Call and come up with a flyer advertisement for us.
Update on Cooperation with FRCC
Gary Lloyd - It is slowly evolving. The FRCC will be promoting our group around the campus. They told me it is difficult time to get the word out to students. I wouldn’t anticipate anyone joining until the May concert most likely.
Lynn Scribner - Invite oboe players and their friends!
New Business
No new business
Adjournment – 7:01 PM
J Mixer moved to adjourn
Ida Newcomer seconded
The next board meeting will be held 30 minutes prior to the Wednesday, February 11th band rehearsal.