7 September 2015
Sicily fieldtrip - June 2016
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following the overwhelming success of our previous Year 9 trips to Sicily I am planning another fieldtrip to Sicily for Year 9 Geographers. This trip would provide an invaluable opportunity for students to experience Geography first hand. The fieldtrip links to several of the themes which are studied at GCSE and would enable students to link knowledge learnt in the classroom with real-life examples. The whole trip would be organised through NST, a company that specialises in educational trips.
Government legislation on charging for school activities, under the terms of the Education Act 1996, means that this visit, which is not predominantly in school time, has a charge incurred. At the moment I cannot give an exact cost for the trip as the flights are not yet on sale; although it is likely to be in the region of £675. The dates of the trip are, at the moment, planned to be Sunday 19th June – Wednesday 22nd June 2016. Please note these dates maybe subject to change dependant on available flights.
This cost includes:
· Return scheduled flights from London to Catania (Sicily)
· All coach transfers in UK and Sicily
· Three nights’ half board accommodation at three-star hotel in Sicily, all rooms have private facilities
· Specialist educational visits (Taormina, Mount Etna, Lipari & Vulcano Islands, Alcantara Gorge)
· Tour guide
· Insurance
We are aware that this is an expensive trip. For a pupil finding cost a barrier to participate, the school may be able to offer financial assistance. Parents may write to the Visit Leader in confidence, requesting financial support from the Educational Visits Fund. This fund is limited, but a request for assistance will receive due consideration by the Assistant Principal on the joint recommendation of the Visit Leader and the Head of Year. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the trip leader, Mrs Moyes on 01480 375700 ext. 5795, or
I need a list of students who would like to take part in the trip so that I can confirm the booking. Once I have done this I will forward full details to you including the payment plan. If your child is interested in reserving a place on this trip, please pay a non-refundable* deposit of £100.00 online through +Pay on ParentMail2 and return the below form to the finance cashier based in the OMD (Old Middle School Dining Room) at break times or before school, by Wednesday 23rd September. If you need a password reminder or need help to register for ParentMail2, or to enter the +Pay Activation Code please contact: 01480 375700 or email . If you have any problems whilst making your payment online please contact the finance department on 01480 420502.
Please include a photocopy of your child’s passport detail’s page with the permission slip, as this will allow us to proceed with the organisation of the trip.
If you would like any further information then please do not hesitate to contact me on 01480 375700 ext 5795 or .
Yours faithfully,
Mrs K Moyes
Second in Geography
* If there is insufficient interest, I will have to cancel the trip. All deposits would be returned if the trip does not run.
To Mrs Moyes, c/o Finance Cashier, OMD Dining Room, Middle School.
Sicily fieldtrip - Sunday 19th June – Wednesday 22nd June 2016
I would like to reserve a place on the planned 2016 Sicily trip for my son/daughter.
Student Name: ______Form: ______
I have paid a non-refundable deposit payment of £100 by:
Photocopy of passport included
Parent name: ______Parent signature ______
Students should note that the school's Code of Conduct applies to all educational visits. Parents should note that the staff supervising are acting in loco parentis and they will administer the standard of care given by a reasonably prudent parent/carer. The school will not be responsible for any personal loss or injury unless proved to be negligent. A risk assessment, which has been checked by the Educational Visits Co-ordinator, has been created for the visit and students must obey all instructions given by staff.