Jordan University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Computer & Information Technology
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
Year: 2009/2010 / Semester: 2
Course Information
Course Title / System Analysis and Design
Course Number / Se 320
Prerequisites / CIS 328 (Data Base)
Course Website /
Instructor / Yousef Khasawneh
Office Location / Ph3 Level 0
Office Phone / 7201000 Ext. 23757
Office Hours / TBA in the class & by appointment (refer to the website)
E-mail /
Teaching Assistant
Text Book
Title / Modern System Analysis and Design
Author(s) / Jeffrey Hoffer, Joey George, and Joseph Valacich
Publisher / Prentice hall International
Year / 2008
Edition / 5th
Book Website
References / ·  Any System Analysis literature
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / Expected Due Date / Weight
First Exam / TBA / 20%
Second Exam / TBA / 20%
Final Exam / TBA / 40%
Project / Phase 1- from week one until week 13, progress reports. (10%)
Phase 2- Last day of week 14- presentation of the whole project (10%) / 20%
Course Objectives
1-The main objective of this course is to provide students with a broad perspective on system analysis
and design.
2- Explain the system development life cycle (SDLC) methodology that allows for a logical progression
of topics, and some other methodologies like Agile methodology. (5%)
3- Explain the process of managing an information system project, and how the commercial packages
can be used to assist in representing and managing the project schedules, skill may be needed to
accomplish the process. (25%)
4- Explain the skills and concepts that are applied throughout the development, including system
concepts and project management. (10%)
5- Introduce the student in detail to each phase of the SDLC, from identification and selection to the
maintenance of the project. (25%)
6- Explain to the student the activities of each phase and introduce techniques used to accomplish the
activities. (35%)
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, students should
Related Objective /

The expected achieved outcome

1.1 / Should be able to know basic terms associated with system and system analysis, such terms are SDLC System Development Life Cycle and System Thinking / Chapter 1
1.2 / Should be able to understand the phases of the life cycle of a system, and what activities performed in each phase. / Chapter 3
3.1 / Understand the process of managing information system project. / Chapter 3
3.2, and 4 / Should be able to learn the skilled needed by a System Analyst to be affective, professional and a successful individual / Chapter 2
5.1 / Should be able to know the important of each phase on the cycle and how these phases affect each others. / Chapter 4-16
5.2 / Understand and create a process model such DFD (Data Flow
Diagrams). / Chapter 7
5.3 / Understand and create a Logic Model such decision trees and structure English , and decision table. / Chapter 8
5.4 / Understand and create a conceptual data model ERD (Entity Relational Diagram). / Chapters 9
6.6 / Understand the design of DB and forms and reports / Chapter 10-11
6.6 / Understand the important of environment on the project implementation. / Chapter 15
6.7 / Understand the important of the maintenance phase on the project. / Chapter 16
ü  Teaching & Learning Methods
ü  Class lectures, lecture notes and slides, and project are designed to achieve the course objectives.
ü  You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in class and do whatever it takes for you to grasp this material. Ask questions, participation has 5% of the grade. .
ü  You are responsible for all material covered in the class.
ü  Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class, by phone or by Email.
ü  Lecture notes will be available before each class. It resides on the mentioned above internet sites.
Course Content
Week / Topics / Chapter in Text
1 / ·  Course Introduction
·  Introduction to System Analysis
·  The system development environment / 1
2-3 / ·  The origin of software
·  Managing an Information system Project / 2,3
4-5 / . Succeeding as system Analyst
·  Identification. And selecting project for development
·  Initiation and planning system development project / Appendix 1, chapter 4,5
6-9 / ·  Determine system requirements.
·  Structuring system requirements -process modeling
·  Structuring system requirements – logic modeling / 6,7,8
10-11 / ·  Structuring system requirements. – conceptual data modeling / 9
12-14 / ·  Designing database
·  Design Forms and repots
·  System Implementation
·  Maintenance Information system / 10,11,15,16
15-16 / ·  Project presentation
Additional Notes
Project / Presentation will be marked on the subject matter, professionalism, and
creativity, 10% on the progress reports, and other 10% on the presentation.
The project will be group of 2-3 (or more) students and all must participate in
both presentations, it is your responsibility to select your group and coordinate
the effort and presentations of the project.
Both phases must submitted on or before the due date and presented by the
Exams / ·  Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse.
·  Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be made prior to the scheduled exam time.
Cheating / ·  Cheating or copying from neighbor on exam, quiz, or homework is an illegal and unethical activity, it will lead you to fail the course, JUST standards and regulations will be applied.
Additional Notes (Continue)
Attendance / ·  Excellent attendance is expected, and it worth 5% of the grade.
·  JUST policy requires the faculty member to assign ZERO grade (35) if a student misses 10% of the classes that are not excused.
·  Sign-in sheets will be circulated.
·  If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out about any announcements or assignments you may have missed.
Workload / ·  Average work-load student should expect to spend is 8 hours/week
Graded Exams / ·  Instructor should return exam papers graded to students within one week after the exam date.
Participation / ·  Participation in, and contribution to class discussions will affect your final grade positively. Raise your hand if you have any question, it worth 5% of the grade.
·  Making any kind of disruption and (side talks) in the class will affect you negatively, Cell phone (Mobile) must be shut off before you get in to the class.
Finally / ·  Make backups of all of your work.
·  This includes any assignment and project materials you and your group produce.
·  Copy files onto 2 or 3 floppy disks and photocopy diagrams and other materials to share with your group