DOLAN AP 16-17
AP English Language and Composition
English 3AP
Jennifer M. Dolan
PHONE: 937-2051, ext. 2225
E-mail address: (website is linked to website/RHS Home Page)
Texts: The Compact Reader, Prentice Hall/The American Experience, various articles, novels,
plays, short stories and media texts.
Videos/DVDs: Adaptations of American Literature; exemplars in each of the literary periods; and documentaries utilizing rhetorical strategies.
Field Trips: NA/TBD
Materials required: Dedicated binder and journal notebooks exclusively for English course. Need access to a variety of reading materials. **Expect some internet access to be necessary throughout the semester. Use of tablet encouraged in classroom activities and note-taking exercises.
This course has a two-fold purpose. 1) Prepare students for the AP Language and Composition Examination and SBAC/Common Core assessments and college entrance exams. Passing exams may earn college credits, and will demonstrate readiness to take on college-level critical reading and writing tasks that will be required for any major area of study. 2) Introduce students to the Timeline of American Literature, including all of the major periods, authors, historical influences, and characteristics of those periods. Provide cultural literacy necessary for literate student engagement in all areas of curriculum and education. A comprehensive list of California State Standards in English Language Arts (by grade-level) can be found at the California Department of Education website (linked to my RHS website, as well).
Students will be required to participate in class discussions, cooperative group presentations, a silent- sustained reading program, vocabulary development, articulating opinions about literature/art/film/politics and taking on-demand assessments in reading, writing, speaking and listening. The level of participation and skill for this course will reflect that of an entry-level college course.
Extra Help:
Classroom teacher will be available most days at lunch hour to give extra help or guidance, answer questions, and discuss or provide make up work to students. Please be sure to let me know ahead of time if/when you plan to come in. There may also be appointments made if you need to see me outside of class, during period 6-7 or (rarely) after school is out. Tutoring will continue to be available in the library after school and questions or concerns may also be addressed in e-mail. All students are capable of doing well in this course. If you are struggling with something, please contact me as soon as possible.
***If you are committed to passing the AP Exams – Spend set aside time to study and read DAILY! AP Terms and SAT vocabulary lists are provided. Spend 15-30 minutes per day practicing flashcards of unknown terms. NOTHING takes the place of regular reading – the more you read and engage with high level text – the better you will become in reading, writing, speaking and vocabulary. The AP Novel list on my website has some great suggestions to read on your own!
**Grades are based on points (weighted by category). Each assignment is assigned a point value. Dividing the points possible by the points earned will reveal a percentage score.
90-100%=A 80-89%=B 70-79%=C 60-69%=D Below 59%=F
Approximate Breakdown/Weighting System:
Preparation/participation/completed work / 30%Major papers/Presentation/Projects/Assessments *Includes in-class writing / 65%
Comprehensive Final Exam / 5%
*Late work is not accepted, except in the case of excused absence. Make up work needs to be completed at the earliest possible time. Work being turned in from an excused absence may not be accepted if the work is turned in more than 2 days after the due date. All arrangements should be made in writing (by e-mail) for documentation purposes to prevent errors or miscommunications.
**There will be some extra credit opportunities throughout the semester; however, extra credit is not accepted late, even in the case of an excused absence. Extra credit is not “required” and is, therefore accepted at the teacher’s discretion.
***Grades are accessible through the Parent and Student Portal at all times; however, be aware that large projects, tests, or writing assignments may take significant time to grade as the teacher may need to read and/or respond to student writing with feedback to each individual.
Please refer to the RHS Student/Parent Handbook at regarding the rules of Academic Honesty at Righetti High School and the major discipline policy regarding cheating. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Don’t put yourself (or me) in that position. may be utilized to submit and scan for plagiarism in formal writing assignments.
**Students (individually) have ultimate responsibility for their own achievement (or lack thereof) in this course. Your attendance, active participation, preparation, and study determine your success or failure (not only with regards to your grade) but with regards to your own personal growth and achievement. Don’t expect to miss class, work on homework for other classes, or otherwise disengage, and still pass the AP exam, even if you get a good grade in the class. Much of your work will be self-assessed AND go through a peer review process. You may earn credit for turning in an assignment or group project, but if you did not truly work on the skill to be practiced and mastered during that process, you won’t learn or retain that particular skill.
**Most Classroom and HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE UPDATED ON A WEEKLY BASIS ON WEBSITE (listed above). Check regularly to check on changes or updates to course information or to access links or assignments reviewed in class. Sign up for Remind app.
*Respect me, yourself, other people and school property. You all know what this looks like.
School Rules are listed in the Student/Parent Handbook at
Revised 08/2016