Group ONE – Answer each of the following in complete thoughts and complete sentences.
A. Describe the three BRANCHES of Government.
B. Describe the three LEVELS of Government.
C. Describe the three types of POLITICAL PARTY systems. (remember to look at your hand.)
D. Explain the two main jobs the Democrats and Republicans take care of at their NATIONAL CONVENTIONS.
E. What is the difference between an open and closed primary?
F. Describe the job of a lobbyist.
Group TWO- Answer each of the following in complete thoughts and complete sentences.
G. Explain how a presidential candidate can win the popular vote, but lose the election.
H. What are three qualifications a person needs to meet to vote in North Carolina?
I. Why is it important for a voter’s choice at the election polls to be secret?
J. Explain why the Federal government has partially shutdown.
K. Who recently announced they were suing the state of North Carolina and why?
L. Do you agree more with the democratic or Republican platform? Explain.
Group THREE- What Propaganda techniques are being used in these pictures? Describe as many as you can identify.
Endorsement / Just Plain Folks / Transfer / Symbolism / The Bandwagon / Name-Calling / Stacked Cards / Glittering GeneralityA.
Group FOUR - Answer each of the following in complete thoughts and complete sentences.
A. If you had been running for President in 1792, in which three states would you have campaigned hardest? Explain your answer.
B. Explain the relationship shown in the diagram.
C. Which of these two men do you think would be more likely to support the direct election of leaders? Explain.
Alexander HamiltonThe voice of the people has been said to be the voice of God; and however generally this maxim [statement] has been quoted and believed, it is not true in fact. The people are turbulent and changing; they seldom judge or determine right. (1787)
Thomas Jefferson
Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government. (1789)
I have great confidence in the common sense of mankind in general. (1800)
Group FIVE - EXPLAIN which type of political party system it represents. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each system.
Group SIX Political Cartoons
Select Use the following format: Description: In 2-3 complete sentences describe what you see in the cartoon. Significance: In 1-2 complete sentences explain the cartoonist’s message or importance of the topic.
Group SEVEN Comparing National and State governments
Select Use the following format: Context: In 2-3 complete sentences describe how the image connects to the different levels of government. Significance: In 1-2 complete sentences explain the importance of the relationship.