Course Enrollment Form
INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill out this form and send to: Academic Programs and Services, 101 HSCI, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-6116, email to , or Fax to (405) 744-7113.
Before completing this form, please read and understand the following agreement. (1) I understand submission of this form does not constitute admission to the university; (2) I must formally be admitted to OSU to be enrolled and to receive credit for the courses; (3) Submission of this form does not guarantee enrollment in the courses listed below; (4) I expect to receive a grade in the courses in which I am enrolled; (5) Should I officially drop, cancel, or withdraw, any reduction in tuition and fees will be determined by the date I file my request; (6) Failure to participate in a course does not constitute an official drop/withdrawal. I am responsible for adhering to drop/withdrawal policies; and (7) Students are responsible for ensuring correct selected courses show on OSU SIS account at the beginning of the semester.
Student OSU ID (CWID: / Gender: / M / F / Email address:Last name / First name / MI / Former name(s)
Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
Permanent Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
Current Telephone Number (Area Code) / Work Telephone Number (Area Code)
Date of Birth (Month, Day, Year)
GPIDEA Home Institution: / Oklahoma State University
Dates: / Determined by Teaching Institution
Method of Delivery: / Web-Based
COURSE INFORMATION for M.S. in Design Housing and Merchandising (emphasis in Retail Merchandising Leadership)
Check here / Course Prefix / Course # / CRN / Course Title / Credit HoursDHM / 5643 / 66736 / Promotional Strategies in Merchandising / 3
DHM / 5113 / 70017 / Theories of Creative Process in Design & Merchandising / 3
DHM / 5663 / 66742 / International Merchandising Management / 3
DHM / 5683 / 66738 / Strategic Planning for the Merchandising Executive / 3
DHM / 5240 / 69629 / Creative Component / 3
REMS / 5953 / 68056 / Statistical Methods in Education / 3
Total hours enrolled
BY SIGNING BELOW I, (1) understand that withholding information requested or giving false information may make me ineligible for admission to, or continuation in, Oklahoma State University; (2) promise to fulfill all financial obligations to the institution which I may incur; (3) will comply with all Board of Regents and institutional policies or standards.
Printed Name (Last, First, MI) / Signature / Date