French 2 Syllabus Credit: 1

Teacher: Miss Nearhood

Room 209

E-mail: (If contacted by email, I will respond within 24 hours)

Phone: 378-7616

Course Content : This year we are going to continue your study of French and improve your French reading, speaking, listening and writing skills. In French 2 we will focus more on speaking, phonics and listening than we did last year, and learn more verb tenses.

Vocab: Food and Restaurant, Emotions, Clothing and shopping, Chores and Household, Getting Around Town, Travel

Grammar:Tenses: reviewnear future, recentpast, learn passé compose, futur, imparfait. Reviewregularverbconjugation, pillarverbs, addirregularverbs boire, vouloir, prendre, mettre, sortir, partir, dormer, devoir, learndemonstrative and interrogative adjs, the partitive

Culture Activities: region ofBretagne, Francophone Senegal, Les Miserable unit (with movie), Count of Monte Cristo Unit (with movie), French movie clips, Café Days (French only)

Like last year, we will be doing a mix of communication, comprehension, grammar and cultural activities, including bookwork, worksheets, group activities, projects, videos and video clips, songs, etc.

Materials :YOU MUST GET A 3-RING BINDER FOR THIS CLASS, AND BRING IT EVERY DAY. You won’t be using a book normally, so the binder is very important. Once we’ve learned material I expect you to be able to use it during the rest of the year. You will need a notebook, which will be used to keep your grammar and vocab notes in, and it can be hole-punched and put in your binder. (Note-taking is graded.) You’ll get a French/English dictionary section for your binder, and during the year you’ll get other vocab and reference handouts. You will also need a pencil or pen every day. During the year you’ll also be creating a portfolio of selected work to show your progress.

Grading: Points system: each assignment is worth a certain number of points, and your level of work earns so many out of the total. Final grade is determined by the total number of points you have earned, divided by the points possible. Your grade is based on classwork, homework, participation, tests, quizzes, and projects. To earn all participation points you need to get to class on time, with your materials, follow class rules, and complete assignments. In class assignments include answering questions, doing the warm-up, working in groups or with partners.

Basic Rules for the Class:

  • Show respect for others’ property, space, and right to be heard
  • Use time wisely: sit at the bell, check the board, start promptly
  • Comply with directions, immediately, without arguing
  • Come prepared with materials, homework, positive attitude
  • Expect to work
  • Support others
  • Speak politely, without profanity or put-downs

Consequences for not following the rules include behavior reflection writing*, call to parents, detention, write ups, being sent to the office, ISS or suspension, according to the guidelines in the student handbook. Also, keep in mind school-wide policies about tobacco and bullying. You will be in the office if you are caught with tobacco, or if you physically threaten or assault someone or are verbally abusive.

Basic Routines for the Class

Electronics: Need to be away if you want to keep them.

Food and Drink: Stays in the cafeteria unless it’s a food or café day, there shouldn’t be a mess or wrappers on the floor.

Stamp reward system: You earn stamps for participation, winning games, homework drawings, volunteering, etc. At the end of the year the person with the most stamps does not have to take the final, they have an automatic 100%. The person with the 2nd most stamps can choose not to take the final and receive a 90%, or take the final with a guaranteed minimum grade of 90%. During the year stamps can be traded in for café days, bonus on tests, selected homework assignments, borrowing supplies, and other privileges.

Handwriting: If I can’t read it, I’m not grading it.

Warm-ups: Expect one nearly every day, either on the board, on the projector, or a handout I give you. You will get points for them, you need to start in a timely manner (before the bell), when the bell rings you need to be in your seat and working. Once I shut the classroom door it means I am ready to get started with class.

Hall pass: Unless there’s some kind of dire emergency, you will need a hall pass to leave the room. I will sign you out to the bathroom only once a period, and I will only send one person to a restroom at a time. Once you are out of spaces on your pass, I can’t send you anymore. If you need to use the restroom, hold up your hall pass while you raise your hand, that way you don’t need to interrupt class. If you need to go to the office or another teacher’s room, you need to use the back of your pass. I will only send 3 people out of the room during a period.

Interruptions: If there is a PA announcement, visitor or phone call, you need to be quiet while it’s going on. If I am trying to talk to an adult on the phone or in person, you need to be quiet. We’ll get back to class as soon as possible.

Absences/Make-up Work: It is your responsibility to come to get your work, and you are responsible for getting any notes you may have missed from a classmate or online. You have 3 days to complete make-up work for full credit, I’ll give partial credit until the 5th day (If there are special circumstances, talk to me to make arrangements). You can also look at the dry erase calendar to see what we are doing on a particular day, and when items are due.

Latework: I will accept latework up to 5 days after it was due, for reduced points, after that I’m not taking it. Every day it’s late loses you 15% of your score. Even though you will lose points, you should still turn in the assignment, it’s better than getting no points.

Homework: On average, expect homework 3 nights a week. I don’t believe in busywork, so if I’m assigning it I think it is necessary for your language skill development. If you don’t do homework, you will not score well on tests, or on in-class activities. You also need to fill out a card about why your homework is missing. Usually you get points for completion, but certain assignments will be graded. Homework will usually be 10 to 20 % of your grade for the marking period. I don’t give points for plagiarism. If I see you copying homework, I’m taking your work, and the person’s you are copying.

Testing: During testing you need to be quiet and respectful till everyone is done. There’s a three strike system: lose 5%, lose 10% and take a zero unless you make it up after school. If I catch you cheating, you take a zero. Tests are so I can find out what YOU can do, not anyone else in the room. If you’re worried, see me before the test for help.

On-task behavior: For minor off-task behavior, and disruptions, I will give you an index card, you need to write down what you were doing wrong, and see me after class to discuss what you’ll do in the future. The second time it happens I’ll call home and we’ll be discussing your behavior afterschool in detention, the third time will be a write-up.

So, to wrap up…

I’m looking forward to this class. Your effort and your attitude will determine how the class goes, so I’m expecting a genuine effort from all of you. I want you to be able to succeed this year, so if you have any questions or need help, you can come see me after class, in the morning or afternoon. If your family has any concerns, they can reach me through school email, , or by calling the school. I will respond within 24 hours. You need to sign below, that you have read the syllabus and understand the class expectations, and your parent(s) or guardians also need to sign. Then, you’ll detach that section and return it to me. Thanks!

Syllabus for French 2

“I understand the expectations for the class, and what my/ my student’s responsibilities are. If there are any questions or concerns, I know how to get in touch with the teacher.”

Student Signature:Date:

Parent/Guardian Signature:Date:

Optional: Parents, you don’t have to do this part, but I think it would be helpful if you did!

“My Student is…Describe your child, in a million words or less!” As a parent or a guardian, you are the expert on your child, and I appreciate hearing whatever you would like to tell me about them, so that this is a successful year. This is your chance to brag about them! What do they like or dislike? What are they good at? What do they need a hand with? What’s their personality like? What makes you proud of them? What do you hope they’ll accomplish, or hope they’ll learn before they graduate? What advice would you give them, or what do you wish they knew? You can let me know anything you think would be helpful for me to know. (Feel free to use a separate piece of paper, or type if you want. You can also email it to me, if that is easier).