Bainbridge Island FC
Mission Statement Promote the love of the game of soccer by providing quality training and appropriate competition for all ages and abilities in a safe and supportive environment, while developing the highest standards of player growth and fair play.
BIFC Board Meeting Agenda
June 12, 2017 @ 7:15 PM - The Marge Williams Center
I. Board Members: (* denotes present at meeting)
*Bill Lesko, President Brenda Berry, Dir of Fundraising
*Ron Piland, VP Competition *Pam Conyers, Dir of Volunteers
*Craig Heisinger, VP Select Soccer Ian McCallum, Dir of Coaching
*John Thornton, VP Recreational Soccer Ballan Campeau, Dir of Goalkeeping
*JP Werlin, Treasurer Phil Avison, Technical Director
*Liming McMillan, Registrar Johannes Happonen, Dir Communication
*Cathy Weiss, Secretary
II. Administrative - Roll call and quorum established at 7:21
III. Minutes Review and Approval: May 2017 minutes approved, unanimous
IV. Special Topic/New Business:
V. Officer’s Reports:
• President (Bill)
- Preparing a letter from the Board emphasizing positive culture as a result of G07 coach quitting due to negative comments from other coach; Ian talked with the coach and briefed Bill, unrelated to this incident this coach has decided to move to Guam; DoC to get in front of PR to parents about mentoring program; (action: Bill); coaching can be intimidating to younger coaches; Board would like to have our players turn into coaches; same for referees; as a community we need to support our younger folks interested in being staff; JP laid out action protocol for these type of incidents: first tier: meeting with documentation, meeting with sel/rec Board member and with VP/Pres of Board; second tier: letter for the file, third tier: terminate
- Craig to meet with Ian/Phil first and then bring John in to discuss (action: Craig)
- Mentorship program needs to be enhanced, to be discussed further
- Secretary position open: two people interested: Heather and Brett. Heather has been Sec for two other Boards, works on island; Brett will be looked at for other opportunities
- Cathy said quick farewell, honor to work with the Board, if only for a short time
- Other positions that need attention: field /equipment maintenance (Ian in charge, with Ethan to help); scheduler is a position but has always been part of VP comp position; the field/equipment maintenance program must be worked proactively – Ethan is paid position for field manager; he should establish a schedule to verify equipment needs, especially soccer goals in, Ethan should put out to-do list regarding equipment, sandbags (action: Ian); all items, offer to Ethan to come report to Board with status;
- Board Retreat status: Bill will try again to get a time together
- Sands field storage upgrade: Greg Millard offered to fix-up shed
- July 1 is Reign game; July 8 is Sounders night;
• DoC (Ian) – not present
Board discussion:
- Ron: Island Eyecare wants to be sponsor of soccer balls, trying to get them $5k for sponsorship; hope to here this week
- MacKenzie resigned as a potential coach
- Ian has resigned from Varsity HS coach position due to conflict with his BIFC duties; Board did not get initial email with the information; The reason for conflict is that WIAA rules that you can’t coach the same kids twice. Discussion followed regarding comments by some parents of perceived conflict of interest between HS select and HS team.
• VP Recreation (John)
- Complete matrix for DoC and TD goals/contract expectations – not mentioned.
- 4 of 5 college scholarship applications were from BIFC kids; BIFC received one
- Viking Cup has been canx
- Kitsap Alliance had to canx footsall tourney
- Rest of region is reporting lower numbers than usual for Rec; Liming doesn’t expect a problem; parents are usually late to register; registration closes 31 July.
• VP Competition (Craig)
there was some movement in HS select teams; now back to three teams; Ben Pecora built team but took three weeks
• Dir of Comms (Johannes) – not present
- soccer ball status
- update Island Cup website
• Treasurer (JP)
- surplus account at Wells Fargo: still in works, sent financials out: this is a revenue collection period for Select; expenses roughly on budget, nothing alarming;
- Liming is pulling together financial aide, six families applies, we are expecting a few more; possibly will run over budget, but will dip into savings; Ian presented BIFC scholarships at HS banquet (ironically, possibly contributing to the perceived conflict of interest).
• VP Competition (Ron)
- review BIFC's dangerous weather policy: Ian sent email after rough weather on BI; BPP kids go under shelter, HS go to pool, WMS go in school; (Ron action) tailor our process
- Show of force at city council meeting: Sakai property feasibility study came out; 23 acres with wetlands, down to 9 acres, then down to 6.1 acres; 2.1 acres of impervious space (after storm runoff) = turf field, parking lot, etc. once turf field is 1.3 acres; it may be possible to do offsite mitigation (use the trees on the unbuildable Sakai land as a trade in order to cut down trees when building somewhere else);
- Proposals for feasibility study for Sakai
- Storm water management is limiting factor; looking at options;
- Why don’t we look harder at grass fields behind BHS, BISD capital improvements might be interested; if BIFC goes to city council we have to know what we are asking for;
- We are asking for shared, lighted field space; irrefutable right of use;
- As a sports community: how can we help our school district and ourselves;
- Liming suggested PR on website: refer to money we have in coffers for field purchase;
- Community center #1 push by BI parks with indoor fields; two more public meetings, BI Parks Board of commissioners to decide; feasibility of all fields being done, Ron will get report with cost (turf and lights); July is deadline on Parks website
- JP asked about youth sports interest work group? No rep from BIFC, selection of final 10 options, geared to swimming and indoor soccer;
- JP: we have the resources right now to hire someone to run capital campaign and do feasibility study; is our number one priority as a club? Then we should spend the money
- D.A. Hogan is a company that puts together athletic fields; company will send us something at no cost, wants the business, could help us with feasibility study at no cost.
- There are now lights at Strawberry field park; but field is too small.
- JP – maybe pursue lights at BPP again… lighting has advanced, neighbors have changed; why not go to COBI and try again and ask for a variance; “conditional use variance” for lighting tied to specific purpose at specific location; Ron’s opinion is that Terry Landy at Parks will not support neither will the Board of Commissioners.
• Dir of Volunteers (Pam)
- got volunteers for sandbags, Island Cup: first half of roster filled; request coaches to talk it up at practices (action Ian); all other items can talk about at Island Cup meeting.
- Feeding your Athlete, BARN to put together something at BARN’s commercial kitchen, negotiable fee as a service to club; no timing yet; would be a nice added-value to club
• Registrar (Liming)
- Ian and Liming to meet with, one more year with current uniforms, which manufacture can offer same or better than Nike; Puma maybe? Nike still has best deal, Wed conference call to see options; Nike has no wide leg shorts, important to the female players.
• TD (Phil) -
- spent some time with new staff, seeing need to grow as expected; 12 teams going to Skaggit.
VIII. Adjourn: 9:05pm John/Ron