Technology Innovation Course

Course Description: This course is an online course in which participants explore someemerging Web 2.0 applications. Teachers will create a unitinvolving new Web 2.0technology. Participants will complete both activities and assignments as they interact withinnovative applications. They will also participate in sharing and discussions via a discussion board.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Construct learning activities using advanced technology applications and Web 2.0 tools.

Redesign common teaching practices to incorporate advanced technology applications and Web 2.0 tools.

Evaluate the effectiveness of technology integrated learning activities.

Topic Outline:

o  Investigating Web 2.0(November)

o  Cybersafety (December)

Social Bookmarking and RSS Feed Aggregators (January)

o  Wikis (February)

o  Blogs (March)

Podcasting and Video Streaming (April)

o  Assessment (May)


1.  Each TRT must recruit two teachers, who have completed Tech Integration, to participate.

2.  One Module will be opened every month beginning in November, however, November will have 2 modules. The module(s) must be completed by the end of the month.

3.  Participant requirements:

·  Visit Moodle,, set-up an account and register for the course.

·  Complete the activities (usually a reading, watching a video, etc.) for each module each month.

·  Post a discussion point in their appropriate discussion forum and respond to one other individual with a point that moves the discussion along. A post saying, “I like your example”, is not acceptable.

·  Complete the appropriate portion of their unit plan.

·  Each Module must be completed by the end of the month. The module will close and participants won’t be able to access it once the month is completed.

4.  TRT responsibilities:

·  Respond to the participant’s posts in a meaningful way.

·  Keep track of posts to ensure that everyone meets the requirements of the course.

·  Review plans twice before they are due to ensure that participants are not running into difficulty.

·  Encourage participants throughout

Discussion Forums:


Beaver Run


Fruitland Primary

West Salisbury




East Salisbury

Fruitland Intermediate

Glen Ave

North Salisbury

Westside Intermediate







Bennett Middle

Salisbury Middle




James M. Bennett


Wicomico High


Exempt for 2008-2009 due to Promethean implementation:

Westside Primary

Prince St


Wi Middle

*Pittsville and Mardela’s TRTs may need to check both forums depending on the teaching level of participants.